Kerry reverts to his roots

Nobody could seriously believe most of what he posts. I say troll also.

And Big Money, my guess is a teacher or social psych student writing a thesis on how Americans cling to their political beliefs no matter what.

Why doesn't this little creep from the burbs with a mother who's ass gets swung around the mall at least three times a week ever say anything about the atrocities being committed by the communists?

Answer: Because the communists were the liberators and they couldn't possibly be committing any war crimes, they were trying to liberate the South Vietnamese from the American war imperialists who were.
I disagree, good Brother.

Anytime someone is left talking about a woman's 'box' .. they've stepped into the filthy and disgusting zone.

.. and notice .. he's proud of it.

"Well stick around professor, you haven't read anything yet."

Are you sure you want to be part of that?
Why doesn't this little creep from the burbs with a mother who's ass gets swung around the mall at least three times a week ever say anything about the atrocities being committed by the communists?

Answer: Because the communists were the liberators and they couldn't possibly be committing any war crimes, they were trying to liberate the South Vietnamese from the American war imperialists who were.

What fucking communists .. and what fucking era are you in?

How many times do you hear the word 'communists' on this board or in the media from anybody?

Why in the fuck doesn't your creepy ass produce the evidence of how communists :0) are taking over the world.

It does not go without notice that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. surely you weren't there .. and if you doubt that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. debate me about it and I will trash your stupid ass .. that is of course unless you'd much rather pick on a woman you don't know shit about either .. in which case I'm still going to come after your stupid ass.
He's filthy and disgusting. Slime.

Well that's true but why don't you and her tell me about all the atrocities the communists were committing over there all the time.

I saw them quite often in fact.

Unless you're too busy lesbian upping to somebody right now, tell me why Kerry and you never talk about those atrocities?

I already explained why.
Why doesn't this little creep from the burbs with a mother who's ass gets swung around the mall at least three times a week ever say anything about the atrocities being committed by the communists?

Answer: Because the communists were the liberators and they couldn't possibly be committing any war crimes, they were trying to liberate the South Vietnamese from the American war imperialists who were.

what scank ass you are
Well that's true but why don't you and her tell me about all the atrocities the communists were committing over there all the time.

I saw them quite often in fact.

Unless you're too busy lesbian upping to somebody right now, tell me why Kerry and you never talk about those atrocities?

I already explained why.



Why not debate me and talk about my 'box' and how I get flung around the mall .. or does that leave you with nothing else to talk about?
we can either admit that our country did bad things in Vietman like Naplam and my lai or we live in a made up world and are liars.

why do you people SEEK to be seen as idiots?

we either FACE that Bush dropped white phosphorous on Fallugia and torutred people in abu garib or we live in a fantasy land filled with lies.

we either face that Ronny rayguns sold the weapons to Sadam and laughed while he killed Iranians and Kurds with them or we live in la la land with our fingers shoved up our butts.

History will NOT be changed to suit the world of lies you decided to move into fool
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Why not debate me and talk about my 'box' and how I get flung around the mall .. or does that leave you with nothing else to talk about?

maybe he was projecting?
Anytime someone is left talking about a woman's 'box' .. they've stepped into the filthy and disgusting zone. .. and notice .. he's proud of it. "Well stick around professor, you haven't read anything yet." Are you sure you want to be part of that?

It seems to me that your outrage lacks consistency, my good Brother. Perhaps you haven't read any of Desh's messages of love.

Or maybe you didn't see the snarky references to PTSD that some people like to hurl at combat vets who dare to express themselves in manner that makes certain people uncomfortable.

All is fair.
PTSD is another REAL thing Bussh caused people by returning and returning people to the field of battle.

thanks for adding to the list.

and Yes I do think billy is suffering from it
PTSD is another REAL thing Bussh caused people by returning and returning people to the field of battle.
thanks for adding to the list. and Yes I do think billy is suffering from it

Demeaning the service of another combat vet, Desh?

What was his crime? He dared to utter an opinion that clashed with yours?

Why not go the whole hog and call him "slime" and "baby killer".
It seems to me that your outrage lacks consistency, my good Brother. Perhaps you haven't read any of Desh's messages of love.

Or maybe you didn't see the snarky references to PTSD that some people like to hurl at combat vets who dare to express themselves in manner that makes certain people uncomfortable.

All is fair.

Everybody has a different set of morals, manners, and principles.

Not only do I not attack women, regardless of any disagreement, I also don't like seeing other men attacking women regardless of circumstances .. and I will intervene when I think it necessary.

I don't need to quibble about what is 'fair' .. If it goes too far and gets nasty, I'm going to intervene.

That's just me .. and I don't really care if some men don't agree with that.
Everybody has a different set of morals, manners, and principles.

Not only do I not attack women, regardless of any disagreement, I also don't like seeing other men attacking women regardless of circumstances .. and I will intervene when I think it necessary.

I don't need to quibble about what is 'fair' .. If it goes too far and gets nasty, I'm going to intervene.

That's just me .. and I don't really care if some men don't agree with that.

I admire that about you BAC. And I'm a feminist, so some might call me a hypocrite, but I don't care. I like a man who feels this way! :)
Everybody has a different set of morals, manners, and principles. Not only do I not attack women, regardless of any disagreement, I also don't like seeing other men attacking women regardless of circumstances .. and I will intervene when I think it necessary. I don't need to quibble about what is 'fair' .. If it goes too far and gets nasty, I'm going to intervene. That's just me .. and I don't really care if some men don't agree with that.

So you think women aren't equal to the task of defending themselves and need a big, strong man to mansplain?

Very noble of you, my good Brother.
So you think women aren't equal to the task of defending themselves and need a big, strong man to mansplain?

Very noble of you, my good Brother.

Equal has nothing to do with it brother. Preference has everything to do with it.

I PREFER to defend women against men .. and I step back if that woman doesn't want me to.

Is that 'noble'? Frankly, yes, it is. I have always felt it noble and honorable. I am guided by the vision of noble and honorable men .. you can blame my father for that.

Surely you have that capacity of being noble and honorable. I wouldn't respect you if I think you didn't.

He won't talk to me, but he might talk to you. All of us have mothers, many of us have sisters and daughters. You should remind him of that .. and free the power of nobility and honor within you brother .. and teach it every chance you get.

I say this respectfully.
What fucking communists .. and what fucking era are you in?

How many times do you hear the word 'communists' on this board or in the media from anybody?

Why in the fuck doesn't your creepy ass produce the evidence of how communists :0) are taking over the world.

It does not go without notice that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. surely you weren't there .. and if you doubt that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. debate me about it and I will trash your stupid ass .. that is of course unless you'd much rather pick on a woman you don't know shit about either .. in which case I'm still going to come after your stupid ass.

How does anyone debate with clueless buffoons who utter vulgar diahrea like this?

Isn't it telling that the most vulgar posters on this forum are Liberals with skulls filled with mush and a comprehension of historic facts that could fill a thimble.
If you're a woman you can't come and go as you please in a car, so you're not free. If you're a woman and can't go to your doctor for treatment without a male escort, you're not free. Apparently for you, human rights abuses mean nothing compared to the ability of men to come and go as they like.

If you don't like HRW by all means source something that shows what I posted was false. I'm patient.

It's the Middle East you brain dead leftist buffoon; all the Governments there practice the same religious beliefs. If you think this is unique to Saudi Arabia, you don't get out much. But then that is evidenced by your capacity for clueless rants. Whacko.
If you think people who live and work in Saudi Arabia are free, then I have to come to the conclusion you are trolling. It is a ridiculous statement not based on any facts.

Another clueless leftist buffoon; yeah Rana, why just the other day a slave ship filled with immigrant workers pulled into port to offload slaves to the Saudi regime.

Run along ass clown; you have a penchant for the absurd and the brain if a field mouse.