Leaving Iraq, Honorably

For the record, I thought Dixie was a chick for about 3-4 months when I first started posting. His posts are still pretty girlish...leaving FP in a huff not once, but twice...coming on here the day after the election, hands on his hips, testily claiming that all lives lost in Iraq from 11/8 on will be the fault of Democrats....he's definitely pretty in tune with his feminine side...

Thanks for insulting girls the world over.
Interesting..... one wonders how the Vietcong were able to carry on like they did for all those years and kill 55 thousand of us when we were so well equipped with all that high tech stuff and they were so ill equipped?

I don't wonder a bit, I know why... two words... Red China.

the sources of my information are unknown to you. As a matter of fact, I am in weekly email contact with several active duty personnel in Iraq.

My bullshit meter is pegging out here... you don't know jack shit! You've read some liberal left-wing propaganda, and bought it hook, line, and sinker. I doubt you know any active duty personnel in Iraq, and if you do, I doubt they know what a cheerleader you are for the enemy. Save your boasting lies for your girlfriend, Darla, they don't impress me.

Of course I hope the democracy in Iraq will succeed. I think that a multicultural Jeffersonian democracy blossoming in the fertile triangle would be the best thing for the US and for Iraq.

You sure as fuck don't act like it. This is about as two-faced a comment as you have ever made. And what's with all the embellishment? "Jeffersonian democracy blossoming in the fertile triangle"... I mean, what the fuck does that even mean? Can't you just honestly admit that Iraq is better off functioning as a democracy than a dictatorship? It's really an easy concept, it's not that hard to say without being melodramatic or sarcastic.
Dixie said:
Can't you just honestly admit that Iraq is better off functioning as a democracy than a dictatorship? It's really an easy concept, it's not that hard to say without being melodramatic or sarcastic.

No its not. Iraq was in much better state before we COMPLETELY DESTABILIZED THE REGION AND LURED AL QAEDA in. Sure, Saddam was an evil SOB that shouldn't have been in power, but the country had order, Iran was in check and Mosques weren't getting blown up every other day and roadside bombs weren't killing innocent people. Bush created all of that.

I'm sure if most sane people could go back in time and do it again, they'd have left Saddam right were he was. This entire debacle was a massive failure that you delude yourself into thinking is an excercise in spreading freedom.
No its not. Iraq was in much better state before we COMPLETELY DESTABILIZED THE REGION AND LURED AL QAEDA in. Sure, Saddam was an evil SOB that shouldn't have been in power, but the country had order, Iran was in check and Mosques weren't getting blown up every other day and roadside bombs weren't killing innocent people. Bush created all of that.

I'm sure if most sane people could go back in time and do it again, they'd have left Saddam right were he was. This entire debacle was a massive failure that you delude yourself into thinking is an excercise in spreading freedom.
You got that right.

The glandular contingent seem to believe that "democracy" is some kind of magical panacea. They appear to assume that a government whose legitimacy is allegedly founded in free elections is always "better" than any other government. This might be a nice fairy tale for third graders -- though it probably isn't -- but it's certainly not an attitude one might expect to find in an adult.

The world is littered with so-called democracies of dubious legitimacy, some of which are every bit as bad as openly authoritarian governments. And now we've gone and created another one, most likely. If it even survives long enough to be written into the history books as anything other than a footnote.
The glandular contingent seem to believe that "democracy" is some kind of magical panacea. They appear to assume that a government whose legitimacy is allegedly founded in free elections is always "better" than any other government. This might be a nice fairy tale for third graders -- though it probably isn't -- but it's certainly not an attitude one might expect to find in an adult.

And when did it become our jobs to export democracy to every country in the world? Or does it stop at "countries rich in oil reserves"?

I have no problems sending our troops in to stabilize regions that are being subjected to genocide (Sudan) and other such atrocities, but I ain't buying, "Iraqi Freedom".
I don't wonder a bit, I know why... two words... Red China.

so you are saying that the VC was as well equipped as the US military and that Communist China - a natural enemy of the Vietnamese people - provided them with all of that equiptment to put them on an equal footing with us? No kidding.

My bullshit meter is pegging out here... you don't know jack shit! You've read some liberal left-wing propaganda, and bought it hook, line, and sinker. I doubt you know any active duty personnel in Iraq, and if you do, I doubt they know what a cheerleader you are for the enemy. Save your boasting lies for your girlfriend, Darla, they don't impress me.

no boasting. In case you forgot, I did serve for quite a long time in the military. You would not know this, of course, but I can tell you that you make an enormous number of contacts - especially at joint commands - during a 25 year career in the military. I did and I remain in close contact with a great number of them.

Your doubts are of no matter to me.

I use my sources to gain perspective on the situation on the ground, not to pick up girls. Unlike you, I have a lovely and loving wife at home who thinks the world of me and I of her.

You sure as fuck don't act like it. This is about as two-faced a comment as you have ever made. And what's with all the embellishment? "Jeffersonian democracy blossoming in the fertile triangle"... I mean, what the fuck does that even mean? Can't you just honestly admit that Iraq is better off functioning as a democracy than a dictatorship? It's really an easy concept, it's not that hard to say without being melodramatic or sarcastic.

Are you asking what the word "Jeffersonian" means? or perhaps "blossoming"? Look them up. I am not your vocabulary coach. Perhaps you are unaware that the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers - smack dab in the middle of Iraq - has been known as the "fertile triangle" for millenia? Google it.

Iraq WOULD BE better off - from America's perspective - as a "functioning" democracy than as a dictatorship. No doubt about it. However... Iraq IS NOT better off - from America's perspective - as a dysfunctional democracy in name only that is, in fact, a killing field for rampant sectarian violence, that provides a haven for islamic extremists, and acts as a catalyst for enflaming sectarian violence throughout the region - as one head of state in the region clearly predicts happening as a result of our actions. In that case - from America's perspective - Iraq WOULD BE much better off as a stable dictatorship where none of that sectarian violence occured, where none of that opportunity for Islamic extremists existed, and where Iran was effectively controlled by a strong regional foil. Can YOU just honestly admit that THAT is correct?
In that case - from America's perspective - Iraq WOULD BE much better off as a stable dictatorship where none of that sectarian violence occured, where none of that opportunity for Islamic extremists existed, and where Iran was effectively controlled by a strong regional foil. Can YOU just honestly admit that THAT is correct?

And most of the world. The only people happy with the way things are going is Iran (because we are doing their dirty work and have empowered them) and AQ (we've become a great recruitment tool)

And my guess is "no". He won't admit its correct.
well bush said no pull out until the mission is complete... so if you want out youll have to impeech
During that same speech he made it clear we were not leaving without stability there. So it appears the current mission is to help stabilize before pulling out.

Well, I know I'm in the minority here, but I say we cut our losses and get the he|| out now.
and what exactly IS the mssion these days?

i guess that depends who you ask...

if you ask me, it should be stabelize iraq enough so that a goverment can actuly function amongst other things...

or from what i get from some people... who it seems like they want nothing more for this too be failure all the way around for political reasons
During that same speech he made it clear we were not leaving without stability there. So it appears the current mission is to help stabilize before pulling out.

There won't be stability for years. Historically, virtually all insurgencies last for up to a decade or more.
yes how would it inflate our losses if we pulled out say over the next 6 months.
We sure have to take our equipment, we can't leave it there for the Iraqi to use on us in the future.
yes how would it inflate our losses if we pulled out say over the next 6 months.
We sure have to take our equipment, we can't leave it there for the Iraqi to use on us in the future.

well iam not just talking military... but wouldnt expect for us to just leave our equipment...

speaking of left overs, that how most of these bombs are made... from left over bombs and munitions from past wars there... it amazing how much unused explosives were left in the desert.

anyway, how would just getting out of there asap inflate our losses... ok well first they arnt going to stop killing just because we left, if we leave iraq they will move to another place of their choosing and attack anything that the US has intrest in, lots of iraqis would have a confirmed feeling or thought ( cant think of the right word to use) that they were betrayed, hance giving them even more reason to become an enamy of the US. it will cost twice as much for our armed forces because we will just end up going back somewhare down the road too try to finish the job .. again