the "unity government" doesn't govern anything. the members of the unity government are very united and the larger society of sunnis, kurds, and shiites is anything but united.
Your statements are becoming more and more convoluted. The Unity Government most certainly does govern Iraq, as they were elected to do! The members are regular Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds, who were elected by regular Iraqi citizens in a fair national democratic election. More than 70% of the country participated in this process, so we can assume that at least 70% are supportive of having a Unity Government, and are, in fact, "united."
they may have been elected for the purpose of governing Iraq, but only koolaid soaked bushlickers like you would suggest that they are, in fact, "governing" anything. Again...the fact that 70% of Iraqis voted in the election does not preclude civil war. How many Americans from states north and south of the masonj-dixon line voted in the 1860 election?