could you please indicate to me which of those in the picture are shiites, which are sunnis and which are kurds?
According to the voting numbers, the majority are Shiites, then Kurds, and then Sunnis. They are certainly all reperesented in the Unity Government elected by 12 million Iraqi citizens. Can you show me which Iraqi's are fighting each other in the pictures?
Let's review the conversation....I said:
"You continue to attempt to suggest that there are all of these freedom loving Iraqis - shiites, sunnis, kurds - who have all had this giant group hug, sung three verses of kumbaya and are standing as one against these "foreign backed insurgents". "
to which you replied by posting a picture that shows folks with purple fingers and added this comment:
"I don't know about group hugs or kumbaya, but these Iraqi's seem to be 'standing as one' with their purple fingers. "
By "these Iraqis", I assumed you meant the Iraqis in the photograph. If your photo was meant as a response and riposte to my statement, I ask you again to show me which of those Iraqis are shiites, kurds and sunnis. For all I know, the photo shows a group of all one sect. No one is doubting that members of all three sects voted in elections. For you to suggest that that action precludes any sectarian civil war is as ridiculous as claiming that the voting in America in the 1860 election between Lincoln and Douglas made our civil war impossible to have happened.