Lefties and the Prius

Plus, the idiot Prius driver has no clue where the electricity to power his Prius comes from... Plus, he is still making use of gasoline all the same.

The priuses you see on the road are almost all ICEs. The electric is new. My daughter in law had one and she never spent a dime on repairs in 7 years. Just maintenance. She also got over 50 miles per gallon.
I have a Volt. With as much driving as we do, we all nearly 100 percent electric.
The priuses you see on the road are almost all ICEs.

The electric is new.
I'm not aware of an all electric Prius.

My daughter in law had one and she never spent a dime on repairs in 7 years. Just maintenance. She also got over 50 miles per gallon.
Good for her.

I have a Volt.
Good for you.

With as much driving as we do,
Which can't be very much, since those things have a quite limited range in comparison to gasoline powered vehicles...

we all nearly 100 percent electric.
Even if I grant you that, you do know where electricity comes from, right? You do know that the primary sources aren't "green", right?
The priuses you see on the road are almost all ICEs. The electric is new. My daughter in law had one and she never spent a dime on repairs in 7 years. Just maintenance. She also got over 50 miles per gallon.
I have a Volt. With as much driving as we do, we all nearly 100 percent electric.

I think they go into the forests with machine guns to kill all the wildlife before they bulldoze the areas where they mine lithium for prius batteries. Sometimes they burn the forests.

I'm not aware of an all electric Prius.

Good for her.

Good for you.

Which can't be very much, since those things have a quite limited range in comparison to gasoline powered vehicles...

Even if I grant you that, you do know where electricity comes from, right? You do know that the primary sources aren't "green", right?

They use power sources at 10 percent of ICEs. They do not pollute the air.
What power sources?

Are you talking about the power companies who electrify a charge cord, or are you talking about hybrid engines?

I think he is referring to the hybrid engines... In my comment that he was responding to, I was instead referring to the power companies who electrify a charge cord...
They use power sources at 10 percent of ICEs. They do not pollute the air.

LOL Hardly. You need to factor in the efficiency of the power generation, transmission, charging, storing, and conversion.

In order to deliver 30 kWh to your house to fully charge the Leaf’s 24 kWh battery bank, for example—incorporating the charge efficiency this time, the source of electricity becomes a highly relevant factor. Two-thirds of our electricity comes from fossil fuel plants, typically converting 35% of the fossil fuel thermal energy into electricity. Only 90% of this makes it through the transmission system, on average. If your electricity comes from a fossil fuel plant, the 30 kWh delivered to your house took about 95 kWh of fossil fuel energy. The 73 miles the Leaf travels on a full charge now puts it at an energy efficiency of 130 kWh/100-mi. The MPG equivalent number is 28 MPG. From a carbon-dioxide standpoint, you’d be better off burning the fossil fuel directly in your car.


As I said before, Lefties typically suck at maths.
^ Does not address the facts that I presented. At all.

As I said before, Lefties don't like facts, those pesky facts.


Lefties don't know how to handle logic without a guide.
Conservatives operate logic client side
Liberals operate logic via the cloud
^ Does not address the facts that I presented. At all.

As I said before, Lefties don't like facts, those pesky facts.


Those were not facts. Just fossil fuel company talking points. They are old and long-debunked. You have to want to believe really badly that. You do.
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The reason why the prius wastes so much energy is that it lands in the hands of lefty owners, where it is then used to create a steady wake of fuel wasting traffic congestion. The smooth flow of traffic gets interrupted, ad all the other cars end up using more fuel when a lefty prius driver is on the road.
The reason why the prius wastes so much energy is that it lands in the hands of lefty owners, where it is then used to create a steady wake of fuel wasting traffic congestion. The smooth flow of traffic gets interrupted, ad all the other cars end up using more fuel when a lefty prius driver is on the road.

Electric cars are much quicker than ICEs. My Volt can get off the line into traffic quickly without burping out pollution that causes health problems. My sons Bolt is very quick. But we don't drive them that way. We are law-abiding drivers.
You rightys are buying bigger and bigger vehicles with ridiculously large engines to define your manhoods. Society gets the health problems and the pollution. You should be proud.
Electric cars are much quicker than ICEs. My Volt can get off the line into traffic quickly
Not anywhere near as quick as my 2011 RAV4 or my 2007 Town Car... They would leave your Volt sitting in the dust...

without burping out pollution that causes health problems.
Neither CO2 nor H2O are "pollution"...

My sons Bolt is very quick.
Compared to what?

But we don't drive them that way.

We are law-abiding drivers.
Good for y'all.

You rightys are buying bigger and bigger vehicles with ridiculously large engines to define your manhoods.
Bigotry. Why are you so obsessed with genitalia? Sometimes large engines are necessary, you know... Have you ever spent any quality time in rural America??

Society gets the health problems and the pollution.
CO2 and H2O are not "pollution".

You should be proud.
...of your bigotry and genitalia obsession?
LOL Hardly. You need to factor in the efficiency of the power generation, transmission, charging, storing, and conversion.


As I said before, Lefties typically suck at maths.
So you are dishonest. Here is a Forbes article shredding your right wing talking points. After it is all done, they still do not factor the health benefits derived from limiting ICEs.
I just did some googling on this, and it appears that all the major speed records are held by ice powered vehicles.

To be serious, the electric motor will rev much faster than the internal combustion engine can. It's a fact.
Now, whether Gonzo's Prius can out-launch a GT 500 or a Hellcat, well, that remains to be seen (LOL!!).

That said, you can keep your electric cars. Ain't nothing like driving a 1650 lb. loud and obnoxious 515 HP big block racecar with turn signals on back country roads. Gonzo just hasn't lived...
Not anywhere near as quick as my 2011 RAV4 or my 2007 Town Car... They would leave your Volt sitting in the dust...

Neither CO2 nor H2O are "pollution"...

Compared to what?


Good for y'all.

Bigotry. Why are you so obsessed with genitalia? Sometimes large engines are necessary, you know... Have you ever spent any quality time in rural America??

CO2 and H2O are not "pollution".

...of your bigotry and genitalia obsession?

Manhood is not just the size of your penis. It is how you act and define yourself. Rightys try to overcome theit inadequacies with big cars and insulting behavior. The obsession is yours. I was referring to your big noisy car problems and the tenor of your posts. That includes most rightys. You can get a reasonable discussion on this board until the psychologically immature rightys jump in. Then the name calling and insults destroy the progress.