Lesbian criticizes Picasso.

Picasshole's art goes over most peoples heads anyway. The one thing I like about it, is if you have a room all painted a boring white, it certainly adds a splash of color!

His Girl-in-a-blender style of art may require one to take a hit of LSD and/or a couple of shots of Absinth to be fully appreciated! [Geeko Sportivo]

Seated harlequin, Pablo Picasso, 1923, Kunstmuseum Basel

I think most American music goes back to Black Roots in one way or another.

We recently lost one of America's greatest Rock Stars ever, Tuna Turner. But, it was Her first husband, Ike, that is credited for being a part of the very first Rock & Roll song.

The 1951 classic Rocket “88” by Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats has often been cited as the first rock 'n' roll record. Waxed at Sam Phillips' Memphis Recording Service, it was also the first No. 1 rhythm & blues hit for Chicago-based Chess Records. It is also the first song that used some type of distortion in a song's recording. Ike, one of rock's great guitar players, played the rinky-dink piano on this one.

Read the whole story here, if this interests you!


Love the song, but I've always credited Little Walter with My Babe that came out in 1951 (the year I was Born) also!

Netflix has a good documentary called "Rumble" (from the Link Wray song) about the influence of American Indians on rock music. In it they play some old recordings of Indian chants which very much resemble blues.
I think you like Picasso's art or you don't.

If you do, it doesn't mean that you condone his alleged misogyny.

The man is dead.
He certainly isn't mistreating any women now.

His work survives. Some like it and some don't.
If you do like it, bring money.

It’s always a struggle to parse the art from the artist but your point is well made. It is possible to appreciate the art while thinking the artist was a jerk.

Sometimes it’s better to know nothing about the artist
Seated harlequin, Pablo Picasso, 1923, Kunstmuseum Basel


As you can tell, I am a lousy art critic, as I never formally studied art. And the first time I saw Picasso's realism artworks, I was able to recognize that the man was a highly skilled artist.

I do like modern art though, perhaps even some of Picasso's Cubism works, but, I really never understood why he is so often considered to be single-handedly responsible for the 20th century or why his paintings reach up into the 100's of millions of dollars.

I would come closer to believing that whoever invented toilet paper and refrigeration would be more responsible for the 20th century!

The truth is I like so many other modern-art styles and artists better.

The thing that is strange, and I do not mean you by any means, so please don't take any offense, but art critics and Picasso appreciationists will tell you right away- You have no right or authority to dislike Picasso- and will tell you- YOU JUST DON'T GET IT- when the truth is I just don't like it as much as others.
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As you can tell, I am a lousy art critic, as I never formally studied art. And the first time I saw Picasso's realism artworks, I was able to recognize that the man was a highly skilled artist.

I do like modern art though, perhaps even some of Picasso's Cubism works, but, I really never understood why he is so often considered to be single-handedly responsible for the 20th century or why his paintings reach up into the 100's of millions of dollars.

I would come closer to believing that whoever invented toilet paper and refrigeration would be more responsible for the 20th century!

The truth is I like so many other modern-art styles and artists better.

The thing that is strange, and I do not mean you by any means, so please don't take any offense, but art critics and Picasso appreciationists will tell you right away- You have no right or authority to dislike Picasso- and will tell you- YOU JUST DON'T GET IT- when the truth is I just don't like it as much as others.

Good comments, appreciate it. I don't like classical music and no matter what anyone says, I don't like listening to Beethoven. But I understand what makes him a good musician.
So, I don't tell people they have to like Picasso, but don't say he was not a great painter.
Good comments, appreciate it. I don't like classical music and no matter what anyone says, I don't like listening to Beethoven. But I understand what makes him a good musician.
So, I don't tell people they have to like Picasso, but don't say he was not a great painter.

Why am I required to think of his cubist stuff as “great”? I like some of his more standard work and he was technically skilled. But his cubist stuff looks like junk to me. Why must I agree it is great?

I’m honestly asking but I also realize you are unable to explain why short of just shouting me down. I am genuinely curious why his cubist stuff is “great”.
Years ago I was in Helsinki and saw that Kiasma was hosting some of their most loved AND MOST HATED modern art pieces. It was a brilliant display since it accepted that art can be subjective.
Beethoven, Richard Wagner, and Picasso were all abominable assholes who happened to create radically new and powerful art forms.

I don't see a lot of value added by picking Picasso out of the pantheon of asshole artists for a special beating.
Beethoven, Richard Wagner, and Picasso were all abominable assholes who happened to create radically new and powerful art forms.

I don't see a lot of value added by picking Picasso out of the pantheon of asshole artists for a special beating.

Picasso was not an asshole.
Beethoven, Richard Wagner, and Picasso were all abominable assholes who happened to create radically new and powerful art forms.

I don't see a lot of value added by picking Picasso out of the pantheon of asshole artists for a special beating.

With great renown comes special attention.

Many artists are assholes but few are as famous.
I'm just taking the word of posters on this thread that he was, I really don't know much about Picasso's private life and don't really care.
“Both Claude and Paloma were estranged from their father at the time of his death. When Gilot wrote a book about her turbulent relationship with the painter, Picasso disowned her and both their children. After he died Claude and Paloma applied to the French courts for recognition as his descendants and heirs.”

Dec 3, 2010


https://www.theguardian.com › dec

“His own granddaughter, Marina Picasso, documented his appalling sexual misconduct and tendencies to objectify women in her memoir: “He submitted them to his animal sexuality, tamed them, bewitched them, ingested them and crushed them onto his canvas.”Feb 27, 2019


https://dailytrojan.com › 2019/02/27

State of the Art: We shouldn't separate the art from the asshole artist
