Lesbian criticizes Picasso.

Perhaps if you had some art classes you could discuss the techniques. Since you clearly don't it seems we are back to just talking taste. You like PIcasso, I think he's shit.

Do you like EVERY SINGLE ARTIST who ever lived?

I have been a practicing artist 40 years. I have an MFA from the top art school in the country. Tired of your fucking shit. Got it? Quit being a fucking jerkoff.
“It’s Pablo-matic: Picasso According to Hannah Gadsby”, an exhibition that opened on June 2nd at the Brooklyn Museum in New York.

It was arguably risky to hand the reins to an artist who has dismissed Picasso’s innovation of Cubism as “a kaleidoscope filter on [his] cock.”

All of this makes Gadsby’s rather blunt commentary seem churlish at times. Alongside Picasso’s slight plaster sculpture “Pleureuse (Crying Woman)”, Gadsby writes that the piece makes clear why “so many people point out that Picasso had no formal training in sculpture. It is hard to be impressed otherwise.”


Seriously, this is the state of our culture? A lesbian hating Picasso because he is a man?!

Yes, and you helped make this happen. I didn't...you did.
is Hannah Gadsby’s Picasso exhibition really that bad? yes

You’ve probably had the pleasure of being mansplained, but have you ever been Gadsplained? Their thoughts on Picasso’s The Sculptor: “I invite you to scan from her breasts up to her mid-cheek. Notice anything? That’s right … that there is a cock and balls.” Picasso’s 1937 painting The Crying Woman is accompanied by this tidbit: “The weeping woman appears in heaps and heaps of Picasso’s works in the 1930s, like, heaps and heaps and heaps. Heaps. I am not kidding, heaps. This is far from the best one.” (Note: it’s actually quite wonderful.)

I greatly dislike Picasso but a lot of abstract art I do like. Thankfully it’s all subjective.

Picasshole's art goes over most peoples heads anyway. The one thing I like about it, is if you have a room all painted a boring white, it certainly adds a splash of color!

His Girl-in-a-blender style of art may require one to take a hit of LSD and/or a couple of shots of Absinth to be fully appreciated! [Geeko Sportivo]
I think you like Picasso's art or you don't.

If you do, it doesn't mean that you condone his alleged misogyny.

The man is dead.
He certainly isn't mistreating any women now.

His work survives. Some like it and some don't.
If you do like it, bring money.