Lesbian criticizes Picasso.

Gadsby know nothing about art. Her comments are at the level of someone flicking boogers.

I understand that you may not like her own artform or how she does it, but it isn't farfetched for women to have a somewhat less than stellar view of Picasso.

Art is wholly subjective, though as well. Personally I despise most of Picasso cubist art. I find it boring. But that's just me. My taste in art is different. I can also like an artist despite his or her personality failures, but it makes it somewhat difficult to pare away the artist from their art since their art is a manifestation of who they are.
In the little of his work that I've seen, I didn't recognize the misogyny.
That doesn't mean that it didn't exist.
That just meant I wasn't a trained critic of art.
It certainly does sound as though he could have been a better man, even if he was an accomplished artist.

And the art itself may not necessarily map directly to misogyny or obviously in the work itself. I'm always mortified to find out some artist I really love is actually a raving prick. I don't worry much about Picasso since most of his stuff means nothing to me, doesn't have any impact other than "OH yeah, I recognize that stuff" and awareness that many DO love his stuff.

Art is subjective and it's always a battle for me to separate the art from the artist.
And the art itself may not necessarily map directly to misogyny or obviously in the work itself. I'm always mortified to find out some artist I really love is actually a raving prick. I don't worry much about Picasso since most of his stuff means nothing to me, doesn't have any impact other than "OH yeah, I recognize that stuff" and awareness that many DO love his stuff.

Art is subjective and it's always a battle for me to separate the art from the artist.

I see you cannot explain what "subjective" means.
Post something. Posting a link is nothing.

Tired of explaining this.

Just noting what women in his family said and what others have said. It's a support for the claim that women understandably have a problem with Picasso's legacy. You are free to ignore them as you wish. I totally understand it. Sometimes great artists have "feet of clay" as the old phrase goes. Some of my favorite artists have problematic personal lives as well.
Why would all the women in his life lie about him………including his own grand daughter

He was NOT a good person

I'm not calling anybody a liar.
His reputation isn't just recently revealed.
He's been thought to have been a lecher for as long as I've heard of him,
including when he was alive, well into my adulthood.

I merely acknowledge that I wasn't there, so I have to say, "...if the stories are true."
If I claimed to know for sure, I'd be the liar.
Just noting what women in his family said and what others have said. It's a support for the claim that women understandably have a problem with Picasso's legacy. You are free to ignore them as you wish. I totally understand it. Sometimes great artists have "feet of clay" as the old phrase goes. Some of my favorite artists have problematic personal lives as well.

I have read many Picasso biographies. You are repeating stuff you have no source for. Cite a source.