“Well rounded” to do what? Liberal Arts degrees & other trash sold by today’s leftist universities at prices only damned fools would pay are why so many college grads are living in Momma & Daddy’s basement working at MckieDee’s and trying to pay mommy government back. They could have gone to a trade school at peanut cost & got a degree in a trade paying well, well above “Bernie’s “living wage” & had NO bleeping government loan to pay back. College tuition carry outrageous cost for the simple reason that every time colleges raise their tuition mommy government raises the availability of lone loot, while the universities make millions of those “nasty” profits & their leadership gets extravagant 6 + figure salaries. It’s the great private/government education scam.
Not hardly! Robo doesn’t speak stupidity & neo-communismn.
“Left thinks” is a fucking oxymoron!