Let's discuss racism

Racist in the Trayvon Martin tragedy....

Hmmmm...From my understanding the media started a firestorm of describing the ethnicity of Zimmerman and people followed suit in thinking this was a racial issue. I think people especially those like myself were more concerned about a little unarmed kid shot in the chest by a wannabe cop and woman beater. So as far as racism I didn't see none unless you can point specifically where or who made racist claims.

Why did Holder, Sharpton, Frederika Wilson, Obama, etc, get involved in the media hoopla? You remember Obama saying Trayvon looked like his son if he had a son. Explain why Obama said that.
Why did Holder, Sharpton, Frederika Wilson, Obama, etc, get involved in the media hoopla?

I cannot answer for none except Obama as I watched his speech. What Obama said is no different than what I would say. Obama's speech is about identifying profiling in America because let's face it, people often judge a person based on appearance. They do this when you look for work, or when you go out to a resturant, or when your on the street people judge you based on appearance. But the crux of tall this is about racial profiling. Racial profiling exists whether you want to agree or not. Hell, I get racial profiled even with my university attire on. Some people are hell bent on judging someone without knowing the content of the person's character nor do people choose to.

Zimmerman's attitude was rogue and he wanted to be gun-ho about catching someone "in his neighborhood" so he decided to observe Martin. So what I received from Obama was about understanding the circumstances about being profiled. Obama regardless of his bi-racial status I'm sure experienced racism and racial profiling like anyone of mixed heritage. Because society still sees color and society still thinks a young black man that is categorized in stereotypical fashion is dangerous. This is why Obama identified with Trayvon as saying "he could be my son." It was more about identifying racial profiling that exist in America. Unfortunately, it seems Obama is not allowed to identify with another person of color because no president especially the first black president is allowed to identify with other persons of color.

So instead of understanding it, some people want to transform what Obama said as a form of racism which, it isn't. If a president identifies with a struggle of a people because he identifies with that group it is not racism nor is it illogical to do so.
I cannot answer for none except Obama as I watched his speech. What Obama said is no different than what I would say. Obama's speech is about identifying profiling in America because let's face it, people often judge a person based on appearance. They do this when you look for work, or when you go out to a resturant, or when your on the street people judge you based on appearance. But the crux of tall this is about racial profiling. Racial profiling exists whether you want to agree or not. Hell, I get racial profiled even with my university attire on. Some people are hell bent on judging someone without knowing the content of the person's character nor do people choose to.

Zimmerman's attitude was rogue and he wanted to be gun-ho about catching someone "in his neighborhood" so he decided to observe Martin. So what I received from Obama was about understanding the circumstances about being profiled. Obama regardless of his bi-racial status I'm sure experienced racism and racial profiling like anyone of mixed heritage. Because society still sees color and society still thinks a young black man that is categorized in stereotypical fashion is dangerous. This is why Obama identified with Trayvon as saying "he could be my son." It was more about identifying racial profiling that exist in America. Unfortunately, it seems Obama is not allowed to identify with another person of color because no president especially the first black president is allowed to identify with other persons of color.

So instead of understanding it, some people want to transform what Obama said as a form of racism which, it isn't. If a president identifies with a struggle of a people because he identifies with that group it is not racism nor is it illogical to do so.

Since when does a President comment and identify with an ongoing investigation? There was no racial profiling here. You're giving me the same media crap.
The left doesn't like the law in Georgia, so they made it racial so they would have an excuse to change the stand your ground laws. Dumb ass.
I know. It's interesting because some military buddies of mine always say:

"Why do you refer to yourself as African-American? Why not refer to yourself as American?"

Unfortunately, they don't realize that since the settlers "found the New World" the system of racial consciousness was established. The Eurocentric model became a pervasive model and was always used as a litmus test to base other cultures. Politicians as you know, exploit race and people still wonder why society is still racially conscious.

People will criticize you for calling yourself "African-American" but see no inconsistency in referring to themselves as Irish-American, German-American, etc. Take St. Patrick's Day as an example, third-generation Americans celebrating it will be calling themselves Irish because great-grandpa came from county Cork.
Any chance of getting our terms straight ? There are many people who are biased based on race and they are bigots (are bigoted). There are some people who are racist which is to say find one race inherantly superior to another race or races. Lincoln was a true racist, most everyone who is refered to as racist are not, some are bigots, the rest hyperbole on the part of the speaker.
I call people like Obama, Sharpton, etc, "race hustlers". When Obama said Trayvon looked like his son he was politicizing a tragedy that had nothing to do with race. This is a game black leftists in big liberal cities have played for years. Some of you on the left ignore it because you're followers and loyal like good little drones.
Racist in the Trayvon Martin tragedy....

Hmmmm...From my understanding the media started a firestorm of describing the ethnicity of Zimmerman and people followed suit in thinking this was a racial issue. I think people especially those like myself were more concerned about a little unarmed kid shot in the chest by a wannabe cop and woman beater. So as far as racism I didn't see none unless you can point specifically where or who made racist claims.

Like I said, my 20 year old son is dating an Asian girl. I think he is amazingly non racist...but there are those moments when you do realize how centered in your own culture you are. Son's GF is first gen Thai. My father danced with African American girls at college dances back in the early 1960's. Things were very racist then.

My wife is Thai and let me tell you that many Thais can be very racist in their opinions.
I don't think it will ever go away completely and understand how pessimistic that sounds. I think racism is on a continuum and some people will always be racist, kinda like some people will always hate broccoli no matter how much you try to persuade them that it's good for them.

Distrust of strangers and strange cultures is an inbuilt characteristic in the human psyche.
I cannot answer for none except Obama as I watched his speech. What Obama said is no different than what I would say. Obama's speech is about identifying profiling in America because let's face it, people often judge a person based on appearance. They do this when you look for work, or when you go out to a resturant, or when your on the street people judge you based on appearance. But the crux of tall this is about racial profiling. Racial profiling exists whether you want to agree or not. Hell, I get racial profiled even with my university attire on. Some people are hell bent on judging someone without knowing the content of the person's character nor do people choose to.

Zimmerman's attitude was rogue and he wanted to be gun-ho about catching someone "in his neighborhood" so he decided to observe Martin. So what I received from Obama was about understanding the circumstances about being profiled. Obama regardless of his bi-racial status I'm sure experienced racism and racial profiling like anyone of mixed heritage. Because society still sees color and society still thinks a young black man that is categorized in stereotypical fashion is dangerous. This is why Obama identified with Trayvon as saying "he could be my son." It was more about identifying racial profiling that exist in America. Unfortunately, it seems Obama is not allowed to identify with another person of color because no president especially the first black president is allowed to identify with other persons of color.

So instead of understanding it, some people want to transform what Obama said as a form of racism which, it isn't. If a president identifies with a struggle of a people because he identifies with that group it is not racism nor is it illogical to do so.

what a complete crock of shit. Everyone profiles. Imagine this. You are walking down a dark street. Seven individuals approach you wearing white hoods and sheets, are you going to profile and get the fuck out of there or assume for the best? I assume you are black according to your statements which is why I asked this question.
There's an article in today's paper.

Feds: Harsher punishment doled out to black students

Nationally, African-American students make up 15 percent of the enrollment in schools, but they account for 35 percent of students who get suspended, 44 percent of those suspended twice and 36 percent of students expelled.

The U.S. Department of Education, along with the U.S. Department of Justice highlighted the issue Wednesday in a "Dear Colleague" letter to school officials, pointing out the disparity in the way discipline is doled out among racial groups and providing guidelines for correcting the situation.

The letter said the departments recognized that a number of factors affect discipline rates, but that research shows that disparity in the discipline rates cannot be attributed to "more frequent or more serious misbehavior by students of color" but appeared to be more directly caused by discrimination against students of color. Investigations by the departments found instances where African-American students were disciplined "more harshly and more frequently" than white students.
There's an article in today's paper.

Feds: Harsher punishment doled out to black students

Nationally, African-American students make up 15 percent of the enrollment in schools, but they account for 35 percent of students who get suspended, 44 percent of those suspended twice and 36 percent of students expelled.

The U.S. Department of Education, along with the U.S. Department of Justice highlighted the issue Wednesday in a "Dear Colleague" letter to school officials, pointing out the disparity in the way discipline is doled out among racial groups and providing guidelines for correcting the situation.

The letter said the departments recognized that a number of factors affect discipline rates, but that research shows that disparity in the discipline rates cannot be attributed to "more frequent or more serious misbehavior by students of color" but appeared to be more directly caused by discrimination against students of color. Investigations by the departments found instances where African-American students were disciplined "more harshly and more frequently" than white students.

More race hustling from Eric Holder. You pitiful creature. You're being manipulated and can't figure it out. This is totally fabricated. Eric Holder was also involved in the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Why don't one of you smart leftists tell us why.
More race hustling from Eric Holder. You pitiful creature. You're being manipulated and can't figure it out. This is totally fabricated. Eric Holder was also involved in the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Why don't one of you smart leftists tell us why.

Why don't you explain the manipulation, then.

Some tinfoil hat theory of collusion between Education and Justice, no doubt.
Why don't you explain the manipulation, then.

Some tinfoil hat theory of collusion between Education and Justice, no doubt.

Let's reason together. Why did media gin this up? Why this shooting out of numerous shootings involving young blacks. Why was this one important enough for Obama to comment on. Why?