Let's discuss racism

Bullshit. Black kids are murdered by guns every day in big liberal cities. Why was Obama asked about this one, specifically. Why?

What does racism have to do with black kids being murdered in "liberal cities?" The political affiliation does not matter to gangs...That is what I was addressing. Gangs don't identify themselves as liberal conservative. Democrat or Republican. They identify themselves by their gang. Why was Obama asked? I don't know. Maybe because the Trayvon Martin case was a big story in the whole United States?
What does racism have to do with black kids being murdered in "liberal cities?" The political affiliation does not matter to gangs...That is what I was addressing. Gangs don't identify themselves as liberal conservative. Democrat or Republican. They identify themselves by their gang. Why was Obama asked? I don't know. Maybe because the Trayvon Martin case was a big story in the whole United States?

Okay...you don't know why Obama was asked about the Trayvon tragedy. Here's why.....

The reporter who asked the question was from MSNBC. It was set up. Obama was prepared for this question, which was planned to make Trayvon a sympathetic victim of racism. That's when the racism started. This case was targeted because of self defense law that black race hustlers like Obama and Holder and Sharpton don't like. When Obama said...".Trayvon looked like my son if I had a son", that's when race was interjected. It was rehearsed and planned. It involved Holder and others who painted a picture of Zimmerman as a racist hunting down a poor little innocent black kid.
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Okay...you don't know why Obama was asked about the Trayvon tragedy. Here's why.....

The reporter who asked the question was from MSNBC. It was set up. Obama was prepared for this question, which was planned to make Trayvon a sympathetic victim of racism. That's when the racism started. This case was targeted because of self defense law that black race hustlers like Obama and Holder and Sharpton don't like. When Obama said...".Trayvon looked like my son if I had a son", that's when race was interjected. It was rehearsed and planned. It involved Holder and others who painted a picture of Zimmerman as a racist hunting down a poor little innocent black kid.

Looks like the paragraph of a hack conservative blog
You have the opportunity to challenge it. Go.

Prove it was a setup...Prove Obama is a so-called race hustler....

To challenge the race hustler part, one of the biggest issues the black community has against Obama is that he is not doing anything for the black community
Prove it was a setup...Prove Obama is a so-called race hustler....

To challenge the race hustler part, one of the biggest issues the black community has against Obama is that he is not doing anything for the black community

Think. Let's walk through it.MSNBC is owned by the democrat party. Right?
Think. Let's walk through it.MSNBC is owned by the democrat party. Right?

Who cares what political affiliation the news media is. It only proves the point that journalism is not unbiased. I tend to think Stormfront is a cowardly website supported by conservatives and republicans but that doesn't mean I'll generalize the entire party.
Looks like the paragraph of a hack conservative blog

The problem is, when you only go to one source of news, you warp your thinking because you squire their bias and no longer think clearly. Its why Rove and Romney both thought Romney was winning... Right up until he had his ass handed to him.
Who cares what political affiliation the news media is. It only proves the point that journalism is not unbiased. I tend to think Stormfront is a cowardly website supported by conservatives and republicans but that doesn't mean I'll generalize the entire party.

We have largely lost the art of good journalism in this country.
Who cares what political affiliation the news media is. It only proves the point that journalism is not unbiased. I tend to think Stormfront is a cowardly website supported by conservatives and republicans but that doesn't mean I'll generalize the entire party.

Many people care about media bias, and MSNBC asked that question because the Obama administration wanted to make this case a racial incident to gin up attention. If you don't know that then you're very naive because that's what happened. Obama is a racist.

I agree with you that Obama hasn't helped black people. He uses them.
The problem is, when you only go to one source of news, you warp your thinking because you squire their bias and no longer think clearly. Its why Rove and Romney both thought Romney was winning... Right up until he had his ass handed to him.

Still laughing at Mr. "I didn't have a concession speech prepared" Rmoney. The arrogance. The hubris.
If only... :D

More deflection. The real boogie men are the race hustlers like the race hustling posters here like 1966stang and christiefan who continue the propaganda.