Let's discuss racism

Let's reason together. Why did media gin this up? Why this shooting out of numerous shootings involving young blacks. Why was this one important enough for Obama to comment on. Why?

Where is Obama's comment?

I see numbers, not opinion. It seems you didn't actually read the article.
I know what Obama said about TM, however that wasn't part of the article I posted. Try to focus.

This thread is about racism. That's what I'm going to talk about. Go piss up a rope. Eric Holder is a race hustler. He hustled race in the Trayvon Martin tragedy and he is hustling race here. He is a liar and so is Obama. Neither of them have any credibility whatsoever.
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Interesting. Are you saying that the difficulties you face in your interracial relationship results from your own personal prejudices or is it because the person you're with does things differently based on their own culture?
No to the first question and a partial yes to the second. It's just that you find yourself in some situations where you feel uncomfortable and you realize that discomfort is based on your own preconceptions.
Like I said, my 20 year old son is dating an Asian girl. I think he is amazingly non racist...but there are those moments when you do realize how centered in your own culture you are. Son's GF is first gen Thai. My father danced with African American girls at college dances back in the early 1960's. Things were very racist then.
That's exactly what it's like and sometimes you'll do or say stupid shit without really intending to because you are so centered in your own culture.
I don't think it will ever go away completely and understand how pessimistic that sounds. I think racism is on a continuum and some people will always be racist, kinda like some people will always hate broccoli no matter how much you try to persuade them that it's good for them.
It's based on fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar.
Since when does a President comment and identify with an ongoing investigation? There was no racial profiling here. You're giving me the same media crap.

It's called having an opinion. Just because you're president doesn't mean you stop having one. I guess since Obama is historically the first president of color he is not allowed to identify with other persons of color?
I call people like Obama, Sharpton, etc, "race hustlers". When Obama said Trayvon looked like his son he was politicizing a tragedy that had nothing to do with race. This is a game black leftists in big liberal cities have played for years. Some of you on the left ignore it because you're followers and loyal like good little drones.

Um Obama is black and what this amounts to was identifying with a black family
Distrust of strangers and strange cultures is an inbuilt characteristic in the human psyche.

It's called tribalism and no it's not in-built just as people say "we are all racist." No. Because all these things are social constructs. Besides, humans are social creatures.
what a complete crock of shit. Everyone profiles. Imagine this. You are walking down a dark street. Seven individuals approach you wearing white hoods and sheets, are you going to profile and get the fuck out of there or assume for the best? I assume you are black according to your statements which is why I asked this question.

First off what your saying is a crock. Most white supremacist groups stay where whites are because they know if they come to L.A they would get molly whopped. Not just from gangs, but citizens, soldiers, and college students. That is why klans or cowards with bed sheets come to L.A. As for profiling I already acknowledge that dumb dumb....It's about our reaction to profiling
It's called having an opinion. Just because you're president doesn't mean you stop having one. I guess since Obama is historically the first president of color he is not allowed to identify with other persons of color?

Bullshit. Black kids are murdered by guns every day in big liberal cities. Why was Obama asked about this one, specifically. Why?