Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

So according to you black brains are bad
He didn't say that...but if you lower expectations, standards, rules, guidelines, etc. in schools, that's exactly what you're insinuating...that minority students are somehow "incapable"...
So, being "woke" does indeed perpetuate racism....

You really don't get any of this on an intellectual level do you?

the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

Intersectionality as applied in CRT means, for example if you are White you are automatically racist. Doesn't matter if you personally never did a racist thing in your life. Doesn't matter if you are 2 years-old and White, you are still racist simply by virtue of your skin color.
Why? because of Intersectionality. Many Whites in the past were racist. Some are today. Therefore, under the idea of Intersectionality, you are complicit in that if you are White because you are part of that defined group. Think of it as Venn diagram.

If you combine Intersectionality with Marx, you get CRT. That occurs because of the above. You are who your group within society is. Your individuality is irrelevant to the discussion. Your personal life and behavior are irrelevant. All that matters is the group, the herd. In CRT the groups are defined by race first and foremost. If you are Black then you are everything Black is defined as by CRT. If you are White, same thing.

Thus, all Whites are privileged and oppressors. All Blacks are oppressed and disadvantaged. Under CRT it doesn't matter if an individual White doesn't have a dollar to their name and lives in section 8 housing on welfare versus a Black who's a multi-millionaire with a PhD and owns their own company with hundreds of employees. The White is privileged and an oppressor, the Black oppressed and disadvantaged solely on the basis of their race. That's CRT.

It's the absolute worst of stereotyping combined with the worst of racism all rolled up into a new version of Marxist revolutionary theory. That's what CRT is.
I’ve been trying to discuss the real CRT

You keep pretending

By the way

I attended public schools

I had children who attended public schools

Quit pretending your knowledge crushes anything I discuss about public school you elitist
When was the last time you had any experience in a public school?
Hello cawacko,

Unless we're all just robots, when having a discussion with someone it's rather hard not to have some personal level of engagement.

And you equate being woke with voting for Democrats. It's nothing but desire for political power. You're obviously free to declare yourself as woke and therefore not racist but words and actions aren't always the same thing.

I think it is possible to be woke and still be racially insensitive. Being aware of a mistake is no guarantee it won't be repeated. Nobody is perfect. It's something people need to work on.

Being woke is a beginning step towards an admirable yet difficult goal.
Hello cawacko,

To help me get a better understanding of how you define woke I'd love to get your thoughts on some hot button issues of the day:

1) Defund the Police - as the argument goes the police were originally created as slave patrols and as such are so seeped in systemic racism that reform is not possible, therefore our only option is to abolish them and recreate them in a different form

Can one still be woke and not go that far?

Yes. Defunding the police was an idea to take some of the funds for police and put them into social programs and perhaps a force that could deal with non-violent situations. The right took the idea and, as the right commonly does, redefined it to mean eliminating police, which is ridiculous. There has to be policing in some form.

Leave it to the right to purposely misunderstand the left and spread dumb ideas that the right makes up and attaches to the left. When someone on the right tells you what the left wants? You can be pretty sure that's not it. If you want to know what the left is saying, you have to listen to the left, not the right. If you listen to the right, you are getting what they right thinks the left is saying, which is completely different.

2) SAT tests - the UC system and now Harvard are eliminating the tests for admissions, as the argument goes they are culturally biased against black people

Can one be woke and still support the SAT's? (it's been argued that eliminating them is actually racist against black people because it claims they are incapable of 'competing' with all other races)

We could go on with many other examples but if we're discussing what being woke actually entails these are a couple of issues getting talked about now.

It makes sense to have some kind of testing for college admission, but if the tests are shown to favor one race, then new tests should be created. Ultimately the proof comes out in the pudding. If a student can't cut it in college they drop out and make room for someone else.
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I'd love to see Polytalker become a social worker that is sent to domestic disturbances to deal with those situations. I would bet after the first time the persons involved told him to butt the hell out of their business and tossed a few threats he'd be wanting the police there before doing anything.

That would defeat the purpose of defunding the police and putting that money into social programs, rather it would just increase the cost of policing by adding social programs to it.

On the SAT: How does a test that measures mathematical and English ability become racist?
In recent years, Critical Race Theory has vaulted out of the academy and into courtrooms, newsrooms, and onto the streets. And no wonder: as intersectionality theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw recently told Time magazine, "It's an approach to grappling with a history of white supremacy that rejects the belief that what's in the past is in the past, and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it." The panicked denunciations from the right notwithstanding, CRT has changed the way millions of people interpret our troubled world.

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Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement that began in the United States in the post–civil rights era, as 1960s landmark civil rights laws were being eroded and schools were being re-segregated.[1] With racial inequalities persisting even after civil rights legislation was enacted, CRT scholars in the 1970s and 1980s began reworking and expanding critical legal studies (CLS) theories on class, economic structure and the law[2] to examine the role of U.S. law in perpetuating racism.[3]

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In 2021, Khiara Bridges, a law professor and author of the textbook Critical Race Theory: A Primer,[10] defined critical race theory as an "intellectual movement", a "body of scholarship", and an "analytical toolset for interrogating the relationship between law and racial inequality."[3]

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