Hello Stone,
Quick question. Do you not believe that there exists such a thing as rich old black men? Hispanic, Asian, ect ect ect? If not, why not? This would seem to indicate some racist thinking on your part. Not good. Or..... if you do in fact believe such people exist why would you totally exonerate them from such behaviors while only scorning one race of rich and old? Again.....this would also seem to indicate racism on your part. Be better than that.
Your suggestion of racism is incorrect - off base - based on false assumptions. I am calling out the actions I see as bad for the nation. Of course there are wealthy people of all races. There's not a lot of diversity in the Republican party. Nothing like the Democratic party. Lots of diversity there. Just a glance at pics of the 116th House of Representatives will make my point. The Dems are widely varied in race, age, sex, wealth. The Republicans are mostly rich old white men. I don't exonerate any bad behaviors, no matter who. You saw me criticize a liberal in another thread for being very nasty to you. You did provoke it, but he was still wrong to take the bait and go off on you. And you were wrong to later join in the insult contest. I have to say it was not a very impressive political discussion. Anybody can unload a bunch of name-calling.
I think, for very powerful people, greed just gets to be a habit. They are so accustomed to getting their way it's like a game to them. It has to be. I mean, once an individual already has everything they need and a fabulous life, why do they need more? What is the point of having more wealth than one can possibly spend in a lifetime? You can't take it with you. You could leave it to descendants, but why? If they are raised properly and well educated and motivated, they are perfectly capable of making their own way in the world. Giving people extreme wealth removes the challenge to make it. They must always contend with the knowledge that they got a helping hand, deal with the guilt factor.
When somebody has a luxury home or 2 or five, and all the toys their hearts desire, wealth and holdings, could never spend it all, why do they press so hard for more? Is it just some sort of wealth competition? He who dies with the most wins? Wins what? I just don't understand the greed. And how do they deal with knowing that they often have to screw other people to get rich. Like DT, the way he stiffed contractors. Let 'em finish the whole job and then refuse to pay. Pick out some imperfection which was never part of the deal, then claim the whole job is worthless, refuse to pay. He put small businessmen out of business to build his casinos. That's rotten. A business destroyed. Workers lost jobs over that. That's dirty rotten greed. And it's typical of his whole life. Always working some angle to cheat somebody or the government. Nothing above board ever.
Says anything to get attention - rarely means it. Just wants free publicity (to get rich). I remember the boasting that he could pay off the entire federal debt in 8 years. It's him. The words cam out of his mouth. Then he gets elected and runs the debt up. And the Republicans who were SO WORRIED ABOUT THE DEBT going up to 19 trillion under Obama (like it was the end of the country) suddenly are silent about 22 trillion + under DT. It's a fake economy, the government is running on credit, it can't last, it's irresponsible to have a big tax give-away to the richest. Wrong time. The economy was already great before the tax cut. Big corporations did stock buy-backs, not expansions. Half the country has no wealth or close to it. This isn't prosperity, this is a class war and the rich already won. Now they're just working the public over for every dime they can squeeze and leaving the USA with a dangerous federal debt to GDP ratio.
If you can't reduce the debt during a good economy you will never be able to do it during a recession. Or are recessions suddenly a thing of the past? Can't happen again? Except maybe this virus is causing one as we speak...