
yet I'm not the one trying desperately to justify my behavior by pretending that which is written is not written....

What a dumb dora. Do you really care what I think? Do we have a courtship? I don't have to prove anything to you. And I'm not buying what you're selling. Period.
Lots of stuff is written. Much of it, unread by me. The world still spins around. And night turns into day. You have a fanatical obsession with being right. My obsession is with "being heard". Move on, honey. Do your household chores. Get out and see the world. Take a bath. Douche. Do something.
Do you really care what I think?

nope....I only post about it when you make comments like "the Bible says....." when in fact the Bible doesn't say what you claim it says.....

if you would only stop making stupid posts about what the Bible says you wouldn't have to worry about it....
nope....I only post about it when you make comments like "the Bible says....." when in fact the Bible doesn't say what you claim it says.....

if you would only stop making stupid posts about what the Bible says you wouldn't have to worry about it....

Right. And when you stop interpreting scripture to mean what you want it to mean, then I'll stop complaining. You first.
Right. And when you stop interpreting scripture to mean what you want it to mean, then I'll stop complaining. You first.

/shrugs.....I've offered you the original text so you could look at it without my interpretation......you're afraid to look because you wouldn't be able to maintain your self-deception.....
i.e. the old testement has become so retarded no one can defend it anymore. Lets just disregard how long the churches (and how many churches still do) interpret it literally.

Talking snakes, noahs ark, burning bushes? ---- > "LOL OBVIOUSLY A METAPHOR GUYS!"

Jesus healing the sick, turning water into wine, walking on water, multiplying the loaves and fishes, being executed but coming back as ghost jesus and hanging around with his pals for 40 days before flying up into the clouds?" ---> "ALL TRUE, actually happened, I just don't believe in that 'ridiculous' old testement!"

Sorry friend, but the burning bush is/was not metaphor. Even Topdude has seen Jah when he smoked enough tree.
This is why religious people are delusional.

I truly believe that if you locked them in a room, and really confronted them about their beliefs, many would eventually admit it's probably not real, but they choose to believe it anyway.

The practice of being religious is the practice of being cognitively dissonent.

Again, nah. Think of it this way; if it is not real, what have you really lost by believing?
yet I'm not the one trying desperately to justify my behavior by pretending that which is written is not written....

Who gives a fuck?
Don't fuck your sister, your mother, or your daughter.
Don't eat the red berries.
Don't eat fish with no fins.
Be fruitful and multiply, till you overun the earth, yet even then, 5000 years from now, refer back to this tome, for truly nothing ever changes.
/shrugs.....I've offered you the original text so you could look at it without my interpretation......you're afraid to look because you wouldn't be able to maintain your self-deception.....

Let's talk about something interesting, I have always been fascinated by the Dead Sea Scrolls and their discovery. What say you?
Golly, it's just so convenient that there are "literal" texts, and "not-so-literal" texts. I also find it so nifty that, when asked if the Bible is the "word of God," people will frequently say, "Of course - it's written right in there!"

When are people going to realize that the Bible is a compilation of many fascinating historical texts, but not a literal dictate from God? If it is a literal dictate from God, I worry about him/her a great deal, because it is incredibly rife with contradiction....
Golly, it's just so convenient that there are "literal" texts, and "not-so-literal" texts. I also find it so nifty that, when asked if the Bible is the "word of God," people will frequently say, "Of course - it's written right in there!"

When are people going to realize that the Bible is a compilation of many fascinating historical texts, but not a literal dictate from God? If it is a literal dictate from God, I worry about him/her a great deal, because it is incredibly rife with contradiction....

What good would divinity and omnipotence be if you cannot be contradictory?
The easter bunny did not create the universe. Ask any scientist.

What's the harm in believing? If you want to use a rational for your religion, it should be because of it's personal impact to you, not because it doesn't hurt to believe.