Liberal Woman says Most Masculine men are Conservatives

you probably ignore the news these days. I understand. It doesn't suit your fantasies. It's also why you need to label me with 'toxic masculinity'. it's because you're not masculine at all.

Ohhhh, I'm so scared to go get the mail.... I'd better grab my gun.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Loser.
Doktor Melon-picker pitched HCQ to adults and kids sick with COVID for profit.

He was nice enough to post the treatment plan he put his sister-in-law on. Which was interesting given that he claims he's retired, meaning he was practicing medicine without a license, treating relatives is unethical, and you can't share PHI online.

But then, he isn't a real doctor, he just plays one on the internet.
APL And Dutch are Incels and they are both libratards.

You're free to lie, Doktor Melon-picker. You lied that HCQ cured COVID. You lied that Ivermectin cured COVID. You lied that the 2020 election was rigged and that Pedo Don is the real President. You lied about being a doctor so why should it be a surprise to anyone that you lie about other members of JPP?
He was nice enough to post the treatment plan he put his sister-in-law on. Which was interesting given that he claims he's retired, meaning he was practicing medicine without a license, treating relatives is unethical, and you can't share PHI online.

But then, he isn't a real doctor, he just plays one on the internet.
No doubt it was the same treatment plan he gave his brother-in-law who died of COVID. Would it be a surprise to learn that his own relatives avoid him?

Agreed it's unlikely he has any form of medical license. If he did at one time, then it's probable that he lost it for cause.
Who's hating on people, certainly not me.

Bullshit. First, it's in your username. Second, it's in your posts every day. Care to wager I can't provide 5 posts of yours spreading hate against Americans?

Like ptif, you claim to be a Christian, but you never act like one. You're a liar, a hater and you divide Americans with your lies and hatred. I doubt you go to church and, even if you did, I doubt you'd stand up in front of the congregation to spout your lies and anti-American hatred.

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No doubt it was the same treatment plan he gave his brother-in-law who died of COVID. Would it be a surprise to learn that his own relatives avoid him?

Agreed it's unlikely he has any form of medical license. If he did at one time, then it's probable that he lost it for cause.

Thanks, just a little digression. There was a guy on another site, a real nut job. Made all kinds of claims about his extensive CV, claimed he had been a victim in not one, not two, but THREE different terrorist attacks in Israel. He also claimed to be psychiatrist to the stars, named all kinds of people he claimed he knew. He even posted his real name. Then he started claiming that he had inside information that I was about to be indicted for treason. Rather bizarre claim but....

In any case, I finally looked him up, and it turns out he had lost his license for malpractice. It was beautiful. Fake Doc is, I suspect, a very similar character.
Thanks, just a little digression. There was a guy on another site, a real nut job. Made all kinds of claims about his extensive CV, claimed he had been a victim in not one, not two, but THREE different terrorist attacks in Israel. He also claimed to be psychiatrist to the stars, named all kinds of people he claimed he knew. He even posted his real name. Then he started claiming that he had inside information that I was about to be indicted for treason. Rather bizarre claim but....

In any case, I finally looked him up, and it turns out he had lost his license for malpractice. It was beautiful. Fake Doc is, I suspect, a very similar character.

Clearly there is something off with a person who claims to be a doctor, or a Christian, then dispenses dangerous advice, spreads hatred and lies, and has limited knowledge to back up their claims.

Anyone can claim to be a doctor and then Google facts about saline or an X-ray machine. What they can't Google is common sense, compassion and the wisdom garnered from over 20 years in the medical field.