Liberal Woman says Most Masculine men are Conservatives

Clearly there is something off with a person who claims to be a doctor, or a Christian, then dispenses dangerous advice, spreads hatred and lies, and has limited knowledge to back up their claims.

Anyone can claim to be a doctor and then Google facts about saline or an X-ray machine. What they can't Google is common sense, compassion and the wisdom garnered from over 20 years in the medical field.

The ones who are surreptitiously consulting google before racing back here to compose a post are pretty obvious.
The ones who are surreptitiously consulting google before racing back here to compose a post are pretty obvious.

They often make subtle mistakes. For example, Expresslane referred to HIPPA rather than HIIPA. It's a mistake common among laymen, but one a doctor or anyone in the health care industry would never, ever make.
Bullshit. First, it's in your username. Second, it's in your posts every day. Care to wager I can't provide 5 posts of yours spreading hate against Americans?

Like ptif, you claim to be a Christian, but you never act like one. You're a liar, a hater and you divide Americans with your lies and hatred. I doubt you go to church and, even if you did, I doubt you'd stand up in front of the congregation to spout your lies and anti-American hatred.


I've repeated my extreme hate for the leftist anti American ideology. My hatred is for your politics and not for any single person, so get that straight. I don't even have an ounce of hate for our current communist president in biden. And the people dividing Americans is and always has been leftists with anti American victimhood agenda who often use violence (like during the summer of 2020), and their attempts to murder a republican supreme court judge etc. Its not the Conservatives who use the FBI to go after Christian churches and school children's parents and arrest Conservative/Republican politicians (like Trump) so as to keep their power and keep their political/authoritarian rule over the American people.
I've repeated my extreme hate for the leftist anti American ideology. My hatred is for your politics and not for any single person, so get that straight. I don't even have an ounce of hate for our current communist president in biden. And the people dividing Americans is and always has been leftists with anti American victimhood agenda who often use violence (like during the summer of 2020), and their attempts to murder a republican supreme court judge etc. Its not the Conservatives who use the FBI to go after Christian churches and school children's parents and arrest Conservative/Republican politicians (like Trump) so as to keep their power and keep their political/authoritarian rule over the American people.
Liberal don't understand hate the sin love the sinner.
The ones who are surreptitiously consulting google before racing back here to compose a post are pretty obvious.

Agreed. The pre-internet term was "book smart", a positive way of saying a person lacked both the maturity and common sense expected for someone their age.
I've repeated my extreme hate for the leftist anti American ideology. My hatred is for your politics and not for any single person, so get that straight. I don't even have an ounce of hate for our current communist president in biden. And the people dividing Americans is and always has been leftists with anti American victimhood agenda who often use violence (like during the summer of 2020), and their attempts to murder a republican supreme court judge etc. Its not the Conservatives who use the FBI to go after Christian churches and school children's parents and arrest Conservative/Republican politicians (like Trump) so as to keep their power and keep their political/authoritarian rule over the American people.
Thanks for confirming my point, Hater.

Are you going to protest Trump's indictment? Do you plan to murder any of these people you hate so much, meaning anyone to the Left of your own far Right ideology? You're a liar for calling me a communist, a Lefty and a supporter of an authoritarian state. I'm a retired Naval officer who still abides by his oath, an oath I took over seven times before retiring in 1998. You are exactly everything I posted about you.

IMO, sir, you are a traitor, a fanatic and a racist anti-American. You, sir, are no Christian.
Agreed. The pre-internet term was "book smart", a positive way of saying a person lacked both the maturity and common sense expected for someone their age.
You can pretty much always tell the ones surreptitiously consulting google without giving attribution here, because the details they give are strangely just way to specific.

I have taken several English history classes, and I wouldn't have a prayer naming the precise location of these English counties off the top of my head -->

Anglia, a region of Eastern England encompases Norfolk, Suffolk, and Colchester,

The Saxons become common on the Isle in the 4th century. I say common because the "invasion" appears to be much like the invasion Mexico is staging against the USA - mass migration rather than an armed overthrow. The Viking invasion was 500 years later.
Says the guy who needs a gun to go out in public. Enough said.
Says the bald girly man who is scared shitless of a gun.. Enough said.

You are a fucking pussy!

How bad was u picked on in grade school? How many ribbons do u have from the Special Olympics?

You were worthless pussy boy and now are a bald little pussy man
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He was nice enough to post the treatment plan he put his sister-in-law on. Which was interesting given that he claims he's retired, meaning he was practicing medicine without a license, treating relatives is unethical, and you can't share PHI online.

But then, he isn't a real doctor, he just plays one on the internet.
Semi retired meaning I maintain an active medical license. Would you like to discuss the role of 2,3 DPG in the oxygen disassociation curve? BTW there is nothing illegal about treating a sister in law moron. And my sister in law checked the box on her chart that allows me to discuss her case with others. Even if she didn't it would still be legal because she is anonymous. Man are you an idiot. :laugh:

BTW I'm currently virtually attending a medical convention to earn my yearly CMEs for the year. We are on lunch break.

This is the afternoon scheduled lectures.

12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Lunch on Your Own

1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Pediatric Obesity: A Multi-Disciplinary Overview of the Evaluation and Management
Natalie Slater, MD; Jessica Bradley, PhD; and Rob Slater, MD; UIW-SOM

2:45 - 3:45 p.m. To Code or Not to Code. That Is The Question.
Martha Danhof, MD

3:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Refreshment Break

4:15 - 5:15 p.m.
Intro to Ayurveda
Jim Davis, DO; Integrative Wellness Center, Maharishi International University

5:15 - 6:15 p.m.
Insecurity, Broccoli, and a Professional Life in Medicine
W. Robert Kiser, MD; UIW-SOM
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As far as I can tell, most Incels are rightwing. That's certainly been true on this message board

I dunno know about that. You personally and several other of the lefties here come off as bigtime Incels. Just by your posting it looks like some of you havent had any trim in YEARS , if ever. :|
A bigger question is why anyone would care if some random woman thinks this. I don't need a woman to tell me what being a man is about. There is only one woman I care about, and her motto is 'real men are feminists'.

Amen. People like libhater can spend all day telling me what a pussy I am. I think someone else said that meant I had no balls. Gosh, I'm crushed. :)

Can we assume that you are a Male Feminist, Concart? After all, if the "one woman you care about" has adopted as her motto the claim "REAL MEN ARE FEMINISTS" I expect you would tell her she is correct in order to gain her approval and affection. Or because you sincerely you had always thought the same thing yourself (?)

So, tell us, Concart, do you identify as a Male Feminist?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You can pretty much always tell the ones surreptitiously consulting google without giving attribution here, because the details they give are strangely just way to specific.

I have taken several English history classes, and I wouldn't have a prayer naming the precise location of these English counties off the top of my head -->

The anti-American monarchists appear to be the worst offenders. I don't know why.
She says that liberal men are not masculine enough.

Yeah, liberal men are not masculine enough. LOL!

My suggestion to this woman on TikTok who claims liberal men are not masculine enough, and all she wants of the man of her dreams, and or for dating is that he's not Conservative, is that she stays away from dating the latest craze that has seen more and more effeminate tranny liberal men. My second suggestion to her would be for her to enjoy life by dating an all-male masculine conservative man, which is the case for all of we conservative men.

It’s true this far: the all brawn, no brains appeal.
Can we assume that you are a Male Feminist, Concart? After all, if the "one woman you care about" has adopted as her motto the claim "REAL MEN ARE FEMINISTS" I expect you would tell her she is correct in order to gain her approval and affection. Or because you sincerely you had always thought the same thing yourself (?)

So, tell us, Concart, do you identify as a Male Feminist?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

So sweet that you care. I don't 'identify' as anything. Labels, like the ones you use, are totally fucking stupid.