Liberal Woman says Most Masculine men are Conservatives

She says that liberal men are not masculine enough.

Yeah, liberal men are not masculine enough. LOL!

My suggestion to this woman on TikTok who claims liberal men are not masculine enough, and all she wants of the man of her dreams, and or for dating is that he's not Conservative, is that she stays away from dating the latest craze that has seen more and more effeminate tranny liberal men. My second suggestion to her would be for her to enjoy life by dating an all-male masculine conservative man, which is the case for all of we conservative men.

If one liberal woman said it then it must be true for all women.
If one liberal woman said it then it must be true for all women.

Sure is true for all women, but there are of course certain women that would never admit to the fact that liberal men
lack masculinity and or are effeminate at best.
Are you going to protest Trump's indictment?


Do you plan to murder any of these people you hate so much, meaning anyone to the Left of your own far Right ideology?


You're a liar for calling me a communist, a Lefty and a supporter of an authoritarian state.

Don't recall calling you a communist, but if the shoe fits then any lefty needs to proudly wear it. And if you are indeed a lefty
who supports this current democrat led authoritarian state, then whether you like it or not or admit it or're a full blown

IMO, sir, you are a traitor, a fanatic and a racist anti-American. You, sir, are no Christian.

Your opinion sir, is about as believable as joe biden promising that he would unite our country, when in fact
he's done just the opposite. When has any nation run by authoritarian communists (like currently in the U.S.)
ever done so under the moral banner of being a free and constitutional union? I am a proud Christian, not
some anti Christian/anti American leftist communist.
She says that liberal men are not masculine enough.

Yeah, liberal men are not masculine enough. LOL!

My suggestion to this woman on TikTok who claims liberal men are not masculine enough, and all she wants of the man of her dreams, and or for dating is that he's not Conservative, is that she stays away from dating the latest craze that has seen more and more effeminate tranny liberal men. My second suggestion to her would be for her to enjoy life by dating an all-male masculine conservative man, which is the case for all of we conservative men.

Someone is filling you full of shit, and you swallowed it all.
Bullshit. First, it's in your username. Second, it's in your posts every day. Care to wager I can't provide 5 posts of yours spreading hate against Americans?

Like ptif, you claim to be a Christian, but you never act like one. You're a liar, a hater and you divide Americans with your lies and hatred. I doubt you go to church and, even if you did, I doubt you'd stand up in front of the congregation to spout your lies and anti-American hatred.


Hater Boy doesn't seem to realize that slandering, labeling, and dehumanizing those that do what you dislike is hating on them. Lots of people do it here but only some do it while promoting their title of Christianity. In addition, only one calls themself a Libhater. Not Liberalismhater but Libhater. If he wanted to hate just the act he'd attack the act. Instead, he's here attacking the people. Questioning every liberal male's masculinity is pure hating.
She says that liberal men are not masculine enough.

Yeah, liberal men are not masculine enough. LOL!

My suggestion to this woman on TikTok who claims liberal men are not masculine enough, and all she wants of the man of her dreams, and or for dating is that he's not Conservative, is that she stays away from dating the latest craze that has seen more and more effeminate tranny liberal men. My second suggestion to her would be for her to enjoy life by dating an all-male masculine conservative man, which is the case for all of we conservative men.

Where's your liberal gorgeous trophy wife?????
Don't recall calling you a communist....

Are you honestly posting that you think Lefties are commie extremists and that you never posted on was one of them?

You can waffle, but a yes or no answer is expected by the sane.

LibeHATER: Did you compare me to commie, lefties or not?
Hater Boy doesn't seem to realize that slandering, labeling, and dehumanizing those that do what you dislike is hating on them. Lots of people do it here but only some do it while promoting their title of Christianity. In addition, only one calls themself a Libhater. Not Liberalismhater but Libhater. If he wanted to hate just the act he'd attack the act. Instead, he's here attacking the people. Questioning every liberal male's masculinity is pure hating.
Christians follow a code, just like racist, neo-Nazi pedophiles follow code.

People have God's FREE WILL unless they are mentally ill, then God forgives them for their genetic Trumpers. LOL

Seriously; notice how hateful, racist and anti-Christ most Trumpers have posted. How many Trumpers follow Christ?

Who here doesn't believe that Trump had sex with girls under 18? Who here doesn't believe he's a liar? Who here supports lying? Who here supports Trumps lies?
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I am a proud Christian, not
some anti Christian/anti American leftist communist.
You're a liar and a scumbag. YOU HAVE VIOLATED GOD'S LAW.

Who knows this besides you and me? The fact you posted your lies and hatred on the Internet is good for Justice. Prosecutors call it "evidence". LOL

Finding out the scumbags posting on the Internet is always good. :)

But, in the end, the fact you violated the Ten Commandments to attack me is up to God.

IMO, you will be forgiven by God because you are mentally ill. A wackadoodle. God is all merciful and, in my humble opinion, will forgive your hatred and wackiness because you are defective.
I hear that Concart's wife makes him wear a pink pussy hat at home.

Does Ptif know you are a Satanist, Doktor HCQ? Does he know where you melon-pickers live? If not, he can PM me. LOL

Some people believe in God and justice. Smarter people can spot those who are evil.

Are you good or evil, Doktor HCQ?

Evil runs, Good stands tall. Which are you?
You're a liar and a scumbag. YOU HAVE VIOLATED GOD'S LAW.

Who knows this besides you and me? The fact you posted your lies and hatred on the Internet is good for Justice. Prosecutors call it "evidence". LOL

Finding out the scumbags posting on the Internet is always good. :)

But, in the end, the fact you violated the Ten Commandments to attack me is up to God.

IMO, you will be forgiven by God because you are mentally ill. A wackadoodle. God is all merciful and, in my humble opinion, will forgive your hatred and wackiness because you are defective.

I've posted zero lies here at this forum. And I have no hatred for anti Christian people like yourself, and or for communists like you per se. And like I said before, anyone who supports this current authoritarian regime is supporting communism, and its communism that I hate, and its communism that every American loving person should hate with passion because it not only goes against the founding principles of our American nation, but it (communism) is anti Christian to the max. So, suck up the truth there fella.
I've posted zero lies here at this forum. And I have no hatred for anti Christian people like yourself, and or for communists like you per se. And like I said before, anyone who supports this current authoritarian regime is supporting communism, and its communism that I hate, and its communism that every American loving person should hate with passion because it not only goes against the founding principles of our American nation, but it (communism) is anti Christian to the max. So, suck up the truth there fella.
You lied about me, but now I understand you truly believe they aren't lies because you are detached from reality.

Are you in a facility, Hater? Do you have a caretaker? You're not working, amirite?
Who told you that??? Was it Fox news????

Doktor Melon-picker is a notorious charlatan who pushes HCQ and Ivermectin as a COVID cure. His BIL died of COVID but the melon-picker won't admit his part in the BIL's death.

Speaking of Fox, I've been watching the various reactions on Fox to Trump's indictment. It seems mixed. Republican candidates are also mixed varying from promises to pardon him to suggesting he drop out.