Man... I usually just ding Politifact when they are used as a source by somebody. What I think is that Fox, OANN, NewsMax, CNN, etc., don't present their stuff with a claim to being accurately able to tell you it's the truth or a lie using something like Politifact's "Truth meter." The fact checking sites do, and there are a number that all do this. But it is really just their opinion like any other op ed outlet. They just add a layer of BS on claiming they are somehow purveyors of truth while those they supposedly fact check are lesser beings.
When you have website like Politifact that has other sites that spend their entire effort demolishing Politifact, there's probably a problem with Politifact...
Or this less biased review
They rightly point out that Politifact is simply the Tampa Bay Times editorial staff making reviews and judgements about what they rate on that site. It is just an op ed site with a different slant.
Probably one of the most egregious Politifact lies was they rated as "True" Obama's "You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan" claims in the run up to passage of Obamacare. Both were and are blatant, repeated, lies of the most egregious sort and provably so.
Politifact is nothing more than one more opinion piece website run by journalists. They have no singular credibility on judging the truth or falsehood of anything.