Lies Zappa?

Oh, good come back, so original, you didn't even need her help!

Perfect example you have shown of monkey postering!

Have you ever known him to be any other way? If he posted anything intelligent, reasoned and correctly spelt I think the shock would be just too much, fortunately that's never going to happen.
What a bunch of stalker retards.

"Ohhhhhhhh Zappas said we must be repping each other.....see I found it on Tom's Board that I clearly lurk around on all the time........oooohhh Burnnnnnnnnnnn we showed him mwah mwah mwah mwah mwam"

enter other monkey like retards to jerk the circle......

:orang: Monkey #1 "ooo ooooo ooooo eeee eeee eeee"

:orang: Monkey #2 "ooo ooooo ooooo eeee eeee eeee"

:orang: Monkey #3 "ooo ooooo ooooo eeee eeee eeee" bangs on cage..

I guess this would qualify you for #4 now wouldn't it 'Lil Monkey?

If you're going to bitch about someone stalking on a public message board where anything you can read is fair game, you should be smart enough not to do the very same thing you're ridiculing the people YOU'RE stalking of doing, eh 'Lil Monkey? Is that a banana in your mouth????

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Have you ever known him to be any other way? If he posted anything intelligent, reasoned and correctly spelt I think the shock would be just too much, fortunately that's never going to happen.

"Oh, good come back, so original, you didn't even need her help!

Perfect example you have shown of monkey postering!"

And you following around this monumental wit, this stellar example of what you hold as the pinnacle of edcuational success speaks volumes of your own judgement and wisdom.

But then again, it's not who or what, it's the golden opportunity you wouldn't pass up to exercise your obsession, huh Thomasina?

We remember your fond words for Froggie from the AOL boards. "Stupid but likeable".
I guess this would qualify you for #4 now wouldn't it 'Lil Monkey?

If you're going to bitch about someone stalking on a public message board where anything you can read is fair game, you should be smart enough not to do the very same thing you're ridiculing the people YOU'RE stalking of doing, eh 'Lil Monkey? Is that a banana in your mouth????


Go crawl under a rock and die already.
Hahahaha! I think it's a safe bet to say "she likes a lil' tuna with her 'nanna."

a ha hahahahahahahahahahahaah're just sooooooooooooooo funny., that was soooooo hysterical......
"Oh, good come back, so original, you didn't even need her help!

Perfect example you have shown of monkey postering!"

And you following around this monumental wit, this stellar example of what you hold as the pinnacle of edcuational success speaks volumes of your own judgement and wisdom.

But then again, it's not who or what, it's the golden opportunity you wouldn't pass up to exercise your obsession, huh Thomasina?

We remember your fond words for Froggie from the AOL boards. "Stupid but likeable".
Oh, Harlequin, thou art just a wordsmith!

I think you are just mad because most people on here don't even remember your name long enought to call you anything.

I imagine you are the same in real life, and that is why you are a Jamie Leewannabe

yawn, do carry on my darlin Drama Queen!
"Oh, good come back, so original, you didn't even need her help!

Perfect example you have shown of monkey postering!"

And you following around this monumental wit, this stellar example of what you hold as the pinnacle of edcuational success speaks volumes of your own judgement and wisdom.

But then again, it's not who or what, it's the golden opportunity you wouldn't pass up to exercise your obsession, huh Thomasina?

We remember your fond words for Froggie from the AOL boards. "Stupid but likeable".

I am stupid, but likable. Are you trying to create division, again! I just hope I am never as brilliant as thou art!

I probably have forgotten more than you know...just my opinion.
I am stupid, but likable. Are you trying to create division, again! I just hope I am never as brilliant as thou art!

I probably have forgotten more than you know...just my opinion.

Uhhh Foggy? I never ruminate over what you've forgotten. It's not necessary. You do a grand job of demonstrating it yourself. You know like the 1000 of times you claim to have me on ignore?

I always knew you were lying, Foggy.

In addition, I shall never contest, question, or challenge you indeed have forgotten more than I know either. *winkers*

I will however continue to laugh (hysterically) at what you consider to be your "claim to fame", and as usual chalk it up to the brain cells you've suffocated and slowly choked off.

So please, go back to forgetting. It's something you're REALLY good at!

Uhhh Foggy? I never ruminate over what you've forgotten. It's not necessary. You do a grand job of demonstrating it yourself. You know like the 1000 of times you claim to have me on ignore?

I always knew you were lying, Foggy.

In addition, I shall never contest, question, or challenge you indeed have forgotten more than I know either. *winkers*

I will however continue to laugh (hysterically) at what you consider to be your "claim to fame", and as usual chalk it up to the brain cells you've suffocated and slowly choked off.

So please, go back to forgetting. It's something you're REALLY good at!


This forum has a nice feature, I can see a preview of your post in the threading, and then if I feel the need to comment on your words of wisdom, I comment, if not, I can ignore you. It is a lovely little thing called view post!
I do have you on ignore for the most part, but at times, like I have stated in the past, I like to play with the less worthy!

I am happy to make you laugh Harlequin! Your life would otherwise be so laughless!

You still believe the tired claim that marijuana kills brain cells, dear, every time you open your mouth, you remove of doubt of who is ignorant!

they love me, you can't stand it! now go play with ID, tutu and Free, your soulmates!

And before you go, come here and give me a little hug! You are so cute when you try to insult me!
This forum has a nice feature, I can see a preview of your post in the threading, and then if I feel the need to comment on your words of wisdom, I comment, if not, I can ignore you. It is a lovely little thing called view post!
I do have you on ignore for the most part, but at times, like I have stated in the past, I like to play with the less worthy!

I am happy to make you laugh Harlequin! Your life would otherwise be so laughless!

You still believe the tired claim that marijuana kills brain cells, dear, every time you open your mouth, you remove of doubt of who is ignorant!

they love me, you can't stand it! now go play with ID, tutu and Free, your soulmates!

And before you go, come here and give me a little hug! You are so cute when you try to insult me!

Yes, you are legend here Foggy. Good for you too! I think everyone, including you, should have some place where they feel like a VIP. No matter what you aspire to, it's all good!

Did you get a plaque or a trophy or something? Maybe a Big Shiny Gold Star to go right next to your screenname!!

That's it! Something that will tell the world how special you are!

The eyes of the world are upon you!

Yes, you are legend here Foggy. Good for you too! I think everyone, including you, should have some place where they feel like a VIP. No matter what you aspire to, it's all good!

Did you get a plaque or a trophy or something? Maybe a Big Shiny Gold Star to go right next to your screenname!!

That's it! Something that will tell the world how special you are!

The eyes of the world are upon you!


Well, thanks, don't turn all green there Jamie! that's my color!
Here you are! On second thought, PINK is way more flattering to your skin and it hides that tendency for your eyes to bug out.


I'll pass on the hug. Looks like you may need a moisturizer.... :eek:
See, all I have to do is address you girls and we run the posts up, all your silly little pictures!

I do look in pink! thks!
See, all I have to do is address you girls and we run the posts up, all your silly little pictures!

I do look in pink! thks!
Why don't you throw in a few of the tuna jokes for show and good times! They are just so darn original, as well as the toke jokes!

You are so predictable!