You mean the long-running lie about having a black husband, when you've never been married at all?
What about the long-running lie about living in a wealthy Jewish area in a lovely home? We've seen the pics of your hovel, thanks to you posting a link on JPP to another site with your personal info. I have those pics still, btw.
There's all your lies about various charity stuff you claim to be going to, while in reality you're sitting at home surrounded by dog hair and spiders, posting racist crap on social media at the very time you claim to be going.
Then there's your lies about various politicians and celebrities, mostly the black ones, but those probably don't count since all you racist Reichwingers lie about that stuff.
There's your lies about me allegedly doxing you, which you've whined about for years -- with zero proof. None of the mods believe those lies, or I wouldn't be typing this. Why's that?
There are your lies about you not posting my real name on this forum and the prior one, and taking pics off my social media. You got banned for that. I have the proof you did that, as well.
Any other lies you'd like me to delineate for our dear readers, "teacher"?