"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States.
That covers all humans, blacks whites Asian Indians Hispanics, that are US citizens.
I'll tell you what I think....
The mere fact that the Black national anthem was played at such a major event as the Superbow is proof that America is collapsing rapidly (by America, I mean the Constitutional liberal/democratic republic) envisaged by the Founders.
In the end it will be (1) the fact that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated before he could deport the liberated Black slaves from America; and (2) the "Hart-Cellar Immigration Act of 1965 (ratified by Lyndon Johnson who was a socialist fool). The Hart-Cellar Act greatly relaxed immigration controls and over time flooded America with immigrants from 3rd-World coloured races, for example, Hispanics. Demographically speaking, it is inevitable that in the not too distant future, White (European) Americans will become a minority group, an lose all political power. (i.e. the Republican Party will cease to exist). The majority of America's population will have an average IQ below 90 points (i.e. Blacks: average IQ = 85, and Hispanics: average IQ = 87 points), and it is NOT POSSIBLE for a democracy to function if the average IQ of the majority of the electorate falls below 90 points. I predict that when America falla a new "Dark Age" will descend, just as it did after the fall of Imperial Rome in 476 AD. What was America will become a landscape of violence; "barbarians" (esp Blacks) will run amok, all civilized culture will degenerate into "animalistic", amoral chaos. Are you familiar with the "Mad Max" films -starring Mel Gibson? If not, they are set in a dystopian future, where brutes and savages roam free in a lawless, violent anarchic land. It's not a pretty picture.
Don't worry, you won't live to so see it; but it coming, the signs are everywhere: California is now a Third-world state; the BLM riots of 2020; Black supremacist Marism -in the form of CRT - being taught in K-12 schools; raw, crude and explicit anti-White racism being broadcast by the MSM (for example, MSNBC's Joy Reid); the White House Press Secretary, that is - the person who literally speaks for the President - is an incompetent/stupid Black lesbian (named Karin Jean - Pierre) who has an extensive history of pedalling outrageous and totally overt, anti-white racism on MSNBC and other MSM outlets; the frank insanity of the Biden Junta opening the Southern Border; the ongoing rise of Identity Politics (i.e. the American Vice President must be Black and female) and so on and on. IMHO, unless America can be promptly turned back into a 90% White (European) nation, like it was from 1776 to the mid-1960s - and I can't think of any possible way that could happen - the US and the rest of the West are doomed. And this will constitute the greatest ever tragedy in the entire 6000 - year history of human civilisation.
Dachshund - the Wonder Hound
DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Blacks or "any" race do not need their own ""SEPARATE"" song
If you want to separate your self from other Americans and make it all about you with your own song than you are not a true American