
There not contradictory at all. Aplomb means self confident and in this context bombed means to fail. Self confident people fail all the time. As for rhyming it not only rhymes it has the correct aabba meter for a limerick.
Aplomb and bomb rhyme, but aplomb and bombed don't.

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There's a truly sad fuck called Ewer
Who I'd like to see roast on a skewer
His wife is his right hand
Which obeys every command
And beats his meat until it's bluer

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Mott is a boy from Peru
while he was in his canoe
thinking of Venus
playing with his penis
and came up with a handful of goo, goo, goo.
Mott is from Ohio, Columbus
thinks it a place that is wondrous
works with chem waste
which fried his brain haste
now he's a moot fool among us.
There once was a right leaning thinker.
Who's poems were real stinkers.
He should really write prose.
As his poems are so gross.
And with verse he should not tinker.
Rune is a lib from Cape Cod
who got Darla to polish his rod
then that Fucking Viking
became not her liking
so now he's a sour old sod.
Tom used his real name in the forum
but libs didn't like his decorum
so they attacked his persona
that, he did not wanna
so changed his name to something borin'.
Rune is a lib from Cape Cod
who got Darla to polish his rod
then that Fucking Viking
became not her liking
so now he's a sour old sod.

Not bad but it would scan better if changed a little!

Rune is a lib from Cape Cod
Who got Darla to polish his knob
Then that fucking grim Viking
Was no longer to her liking
So now he's a bitter old sod.

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