
A Bogman terrorist hat
Thought he could win in our spat
Well his rhymes, they all bombed
And I had sex with his mom
I wonder what he'll say to that.
Yet you started to write one and failed lol

No, I started one, realized how pathetic writing a limerick is and what a base and childish form of amusement it is, and decided to just insult Tom straight away.
I have written better limericks than you could ever imagine ... back when I was about 18...
Tom? An asshole? Naaaaa....Tom's not that big an asshole. I mean I oughta know. I'm a waaaaay bigger asshole.

Your assholisness doesn't hold a candle to the asshole Tom is...
Remember he defends convicted rapists and is pro-pollution as he shills for the oil corporations denying global warming exists.
That is an asshole.
You are just occasionally rude and that is really a commendable characteristic.
It's not nice to be mean to poor Buck.
Even though his limerick did suck.
He tried to think witty,
but it came out shitty.
So the poor fella was just out of luck.

The last line has an awkward pentameter and like any good joke should have the punch line in the last few words.
That last line was just a reach to find a rhyme with suck and Buck...
It makes the whole limerick anti climactic and fall flat
There once was a lady from Dallas ...
Who used a dynamite stick as a phallus...
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
Tom is a pro-pollution, pro-rape farang ...

It doesn't rhyme, but it is true.
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It's not nice to be mean to poor Buck.
Even though his limerick did suck.
He tried to think witty,
but it came out shitty.
So the poor fella was just out of luck.

This is the truth

It's not nice to be mean to poor Buck.
Even though his limerick did suck.
He tried to think witty,
but it came out shitty.
His wife left him 'cause he's a fuck.

Sent from my iPhone 10S
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