LITERAL Hellfire Torment—Not A Bible Teaching


Telling people they would be destroyed (annihilated) if they did not repent was not Jesus' entire ministry. Jesus stated that the main focus of his ministry was getting Jehovah's name known and announcing Jehovah's heavenly kingdom as the only cure for mankind's woes.

John 17:25

Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you, but I know you, and these have come to know that you sent me.

John 17:26

I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”

He repeated that sentiment in the model prayer.

Matthew 6:9

“You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Matthew 6:10

Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
His ministry was that the end of times is near. End of times meaning that God was coming back, some would be saved and others wouldn't. Those who weren't saved were annihilated. Those who were saved would live on a perfect earth.
I have a question for you on this, and I'll extend the question to other Christians as well ...

How do you know if you are repenting correctly? How can you know how to correct someone who is repenting incorrectly? Presumably, if you can know how to repent correctly, then I can know as well, and I could learn it well and become an expert, such that I could become a repenting coach, provide repenting counseling and perhaps make a YouTube repenting chanel.

How can one become an expert on correctly repenting? I didn't see any repenting manual in the Bible, but 1 John 1:9 tells me that I don't even need to be a Christian or to believe anything in particular, that if I (one) confess(es) my/his sins, God is faithful and just and will simply forgive those sins, and will cleanse me/him from all unrighteousness. Is that what you understand repentance to be, i.e. confessing sins? (if so, the Catholics are light years ahead of everyone else; with them, confession is regular grind).

I had a discussion with gfm7175 about salvation, and he seems to have a solid grip on that topic, but I wonder if really anything matters regarding repentence or any other action if, per Romans 10:13, all that is needed is to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, again whether or not one is a Christian.

I think there's a valuable niche in becoming a repentance expert. Personally, I would like to establish my own certification exam offered on Pearson Vue, because I think there would be a lot of value in such a credential. Salvation is in demand.

So, how do I start?
you're a fucking dork.

you're overthinking it.

you know if you repent.

good religions don't appeal to authority and external control, they focus on changing hearts and minds.

you're control-obsessed, like satan.
I didn't see any repenting manual in the Bible, but 1 John 1:9 tells me that I don't even need to be a Christian or to believe anything in particular, that if I (one) confess(es) my/his sins, God is faithful and just and will simply forgive those sins, and will cleanse me/him from all unrighteousness.

So, how do I start?
you already found the "manual" all it takes is doing it.......

you've just described accepting the grace God offers........that accepting is what makes someone a "Christian".....choosing is simply believing that confessing and accepting Christ is all that is required.....
you're a fucking dork.
So you don't know. That's all you had to say.

you're overthinking it.
I bet you say that to all the questions.

you know if you repent.
... but you don't know if you are repenting correctly. I'm sure you have repented, but you probably thought it was fascism and thus did it improperly.

The question stands, how does one repent correctly, and how can one verify this?

good religions don't appeal to authority and external control, they focus on changing hearts and minds.
I'll take your word for it.

you're control-obsessed, like satan.
I don't like being out of control, that's for sure. Is "obsessed" the right word?
you already found the "manual" all it takes is doing it.......

you've just described accepting the grace God offers........that accepting is what makes someone a "Christian".....choosing is simply believing that confessing and accepting Christ is all that is required.....
So now you and I both are experts on the matter. Thank you.
That means atheism evil people.

There have been some pretty evil Christians in the world.

There's nothing in religion that would keep someone doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and there's nothing in atheism to keep someone from doing whatever good is in their heart and vice versa.
There have been some pretty evil Christians in the world.

There's nothing in religion that would keep someone doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and there's nothing in atheism to keep someone from doing whatever good is in their heart and vice versa.
Doesnt change the fact that atheists are evil. Im sick of this weak minded " yeah but ..." logic bullshit
This from a religious zealot

I honestly don't get why it is so important to characterize the lack of religious faith as a form of religious faith. I can only assume it is because you secretly think that religious faith is kind of silly and you want to make sure you get a dig in on people you don't respect.

Why do you hold religious faith in such contempt?
So you don't know. That's all you had to say.

I bet you say that to all the questions.

... but you don't know if you are repenting correctly. I'm sure you have repented, but you probably thought it was fascism and thus did it improperly.

The question stands, how does one repent correctly, and how can one verify this?

I'll take your word for it.

I don't like being out of control, that's for sure. Is "obsessed" the right word?
your questions are niggling and intentionally just distractive.

stop being satanic, control freak fascist.

you're presuming full control of other people and how to judge them.

that's trying to usurp God and and the seed of totalitariansm on other.

like unam sanctum... a perversion of morality.
sure as shit it is.
No. Atheism means "no theism" or "no religion".
It does not care whether any god or gods exist or not.

Science, for example, is completely atheistic. It simply doesn't go there.
Mathematics and logic is the same. They are completely atheistic.

The Church of No God is a religion. Atheism is not.
No. Atheism means "no theism" or "no religion".
It does not care whether any god or gods exist or not.

Science, for example, is completely atheistic. It simply doesn't go there.
Mathematics and logic is the same. They are completely atheistic.

The Church of No God is a religion. Atheism is not.
Atheism is a religion
There have been some pretty evil Christians in the world.

There's nothing in religion that would keep someone doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and there's nothing in atheism to keep someone from doing whatever good is in their heart and vice versa.
You are not an atheist.

You believe in the Church of No God.
You believe in the Church of Covid.
You believe in the Church of Hate.
You believe in the Church of Global Warming.
You believe in the Church of Green.
You believe in the Church of Karl Marx.
I honestly don't get why it is so important to characterize the lack of religious faith as a form of religious faith. I can only assume it is because you secretly think that religious faith is kind of silly and you want to make sure you get a dig in on people you don't respect.

Why do you hold religious faith in such contempt?
You believe in too many religions, dummy. You are not an atheist.