Tell me, I'm SO fascinated that you smoked weed in a '67 Country Squire. Man, you really lived life on the edge! Did you fear for your life?

Keep going. It's spellbinding!

That was an awesome car. No rust on it! Damn I wish I had kept it.

That was an awesome car. No rust on it! Damn I wish I had kept it.


Man, like, how many miles did you have on it when you smoked weed in it? Was it automatic or standard when you smoked weed in it?

Just on the edge of my seat!
Man, like, how many miles did you have on it when you smoked weed in it? Was it automatic or standard when you smoked weed in it?

Just on the edge of my seat!

I never smoke weed or anything else in that car. Why would I stink up perfectly good pleather? :rofl2:
If anyone's interested, there's a new website called leafly.com that revues different kinds of weed. It's a lot of fun to surf through.
What was supposedly harrowing? :rofl2:

Domer just doesn't get it. Sometimes, something triggers a memory you have of your old friends and what you've done in your younger days. Sometimes it's only simple things, other times it some of the really crazy shit you've done. But, it's not so much what you've done, but more so with the old friends you did it with that makes it special.
It's sad that Domer doesn't understand this.
Domer just doesn't get it. Sometimes, something triggers a memory you have of your old friends and what you've done in your younger days. Sometimes it's only simple things, other times it some of the really crazy shit you've done. But, it's not so much what you've done, but more so with the old friends you did it with that makes it special.
It's sad that Domer doesn't understand this.

I can't imagine Gomer having friends.