Loaded Gun Left In Capitol Bathroom By A Republican Staffer

How does one forget a gun? What else was this guy doing in the bathroom? ;)

It's pretty easy. Most holsters and carry methods sadly don't take taking a shit into account in their design. So unless you have a shoulder holster (which are typically impractical for CC), it's something you have to watch for. Again, goes back to a combat mindset.
What, pray tell, is so shocking about hollow points being legal? Do you enjoy the idea of over penetration?
do you enjoy the mushroom effect of the projectile tearing thru the flesh?

Why a Hollow Point
In the self defense context, an expanding bullet is good for a variety of reasons.

Generally speaking, to stop a violent attacker with a handgun, the bullets need to either disable the central nervous system (brain, spine) or cause massive blood loss which fuels the brain and muscles.
So called “head shots” are difficult targets, so most instructors train students to aim at the “center of mass”: the upper torso region housing the heart and lungs.

Without trying to sound crude, the bigger the holes you make in an attacker, the quicker he will bleed out :vik:

don't really see the problem with this. No one was hurt, we need guns being everywhere to be a commonality. I am sure there are plenty of knives all over the capital kitchen, but no one is worried about someone going around stabbing a bunch of people.
a loaded gun is not a knife.
knives require some dexterity, and are up close and personal weapons.

anyone can aim and pull a trigger - granted it's not so easy to just do it, but it's not impossible either (and those hollow points are made to bleed out)
This one makes me LOL...

Not only is it backwards, but he's about to get a scorching case of scope-eye...

Yes. If I have to shoot somebody, I typically want them to, ya know, die. And quickly.
seems to be the commonality, from what I've read here about self defense - have at it, it's your world not mine. I realize i'm in the minority.

I'd just want them stopped, not needing to bleed out.
a loaded gun is not a knife.
knives require some dexterity, and are up close and personal weapons.

anyone can aim and pull a trigger - granted it's not so easy to just do it, but it's not impossible either (and those hollow points are made to bleed out)

Well, let's see what happens when that's done with a shotgun;

Watch until about 1:20.
seesm to be the commonality, from what I've read here about self defense - have at it, it's your world not mine. I realize i'm in the minority.

I'd just want them stopped, not needing to bleed out.

If you're shooting someone with anything, you're trying to kill them. I think it's just a good idea to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible.
If you're shooting someone with anything, you're trying to kill them. I think it's just a good idea to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible.
like i said, i'd be happy enough if the firepower stopped them from breaking into my house.
Not particurally neding the killshot

The only time I would consider owning a gun, as I have and I simply will not do so.

I's a matter of conscience for me, go ahead and practice your 2nd amendment rights, for all I care.
a loaded gun is not a knife.
knives require some dexterity, and are up close and personal weapons.

anyone can aim and pull a trigger - granted it's not so easy to just do it, but it's not impossible either (and those hollow points are made to bleed out)

kids can shoot guns. Not too many kids can kill an adult with a knife.
a loaded gun is not a knife.
knives require some dexterity, and are up close and personal weapons.

anyone can aim and pull a trigger - granted it's not so easy to just do it, but it's not impossible either (and those hollow points are made to bleed out)

I am pretty sure if someone is swinging at you with a knife, you aren't going to be saying "oh well at least this person doesn't have dexterity!" they can tomahawk it at your face. you have to be relatively close with most guns as well if you want to be accurate. Knives are a considerable danger and they are just lying around. you are just another fraidy cat quaking in your boots.
Well, let's see what happens when that's done with a shotgun;

Watch until about 1:20.

this guy is so awesome, it's relaxing watching his videos. I think I saw a video one time of him with a revolver (that you probably showed me)

now I want an ar-15.

ar-15's seem way safer than other guns.
this guy is so awesome, it's relaxing watching his videos. I think I saw a video one time of him with a revolver (that you probably showed me)

now I want an ar-15.

ar-15's seem way safer than other guns.

Hickok is the shit. He's like the Bob Ross of guns.
It's irrelevant. Shooters have been stopped by unarmed people talking to them. Shooters have also been stopped by shooting. That should not be the decision point on whether to allow guns on a site or not.

As shown by the op and by other stories - guns falling out of pockets in theaters and whatnot - the decision to allow guns or not has to include the chance of those guns being lost or taken let's say by a kid at school, etc.

Arming anyone to stop a mass shooting at one particular facility - since there may never be a shooting there and since they may do no good if there is one- you have to consider safety factors.

I assume at the Naval yard those who were armed did not leave their guns lying around in a bathroom.

At schools, offices, movie theaters, capitol buildings - the chances of accidents are so much greater than the chance of ever stopping a shooter, that allowing guns to be carried is stupid.
So cops shouldn't be allowed to carry guns at schools, offices, movie theaters since the chance of an accident happening is so much greater than the chance of ever stopping a shooter. Hell, even the cops who shot and killed this shooter shouldn't have been armed, because by your logic odds are their guns will do more harm than good.
I am pretty sure if someone is swinging at you with a knife, you aren't going to be saying "oh well at least this person doesn't have dexterity!" they can tomahawk it at your face. you have to be relatively close with most guns as well if you want to be accurate. Knives are a considerable danger and they are just lying around. you are just another fraidy cat quaking in your boots.

knives are dangerous to be lying around, not as much as leaving a gun in a bathroom.
I don't know how you make the conflation they are they same.

To "tomahawk" a knife (throw it) also requires some skill - moreso then aiming correctly and pulling a trigger .

Not particurally afraid, or I would have a gun for self protection; i am afraid (cautious) of accindental shootings - seems to be a problem I can do without.
I can handle myself in a fight - a knife fight is more dicey.

I made it this far in life without a gun, a lot of my contemporaries didn't because of gun death.

Do what you want, and I'll do what I want to. The choice we both have

So you are saying that people with as much gun training as a police officer can use them improperly but don't believe in forced gun safety courses or even extended background checks..........brilliant......

You know when I was a kid cops, firemen and teachers were considered hero's. But ever since the internet came out people are profiling all cops idiots. It's pathetic.

Just so you know, you are helping the anti-gun people with their argument exposing that people with training can be this wreckless with a weapon......

Try to stay on the post topic kiddo.
How bout that?!?

Another "responsible" gun owner!

This encompasses my point. I'm sure this guy was a responsible gun owner until he made a mistake. And if the very people in power who are trying their hardest to stop new gun laws and even open old gun laws makes a mistake like this!?! Anyone can. Missouri has been a front runner in trying to nullify Federal gun laws.

I was on the fence before on whether or not school workers including teachers should be allowed to carry. Teachers are way more distracted so it's a BIG NO from me now. Of course this gun didn't just stand up and shoot someone but if a young child would have came in the result may have been very different.

I would be willing to discuss teachers keeping them in a safe and I still believe they should have armed guards at schools. But a teacher carrying..no. Someone would have a bad morning without enough coffee and put their purse down with the gun on display eventually.
So cops shouldn't be allowed to carry guns at schools, offices, movie theaters since the chance of an accident happening is so much greater than the chance of ever stopping a shooter. Hell, even the cops who shot and killed this shooter shouldn't have been armed, because by your logic odds are their guns will do more harm than good.

Not at all what I said. I wasn't referring to cops on duty. But teachers, low level security guards, movie theater patrons, movie theater ushers, etc. should NOT be carrying guns in these facilities because yes, chances are their guns would do more harm than good.