Loaded Gun Left In Capitol Bathroom By A Republican Staffer

and Rune is assuming all those teachers will be "highly trained professionals on duty"

Well, as compared to cops, yeah most CCers are better trained than most cops. But training doesn't eliminate mistakes. It reduces them, but you can never eliminate mistakes. And to imply that someone who makes a mistake is immediately irresponsible...well if you're honest with yourself you make mistakes every day. Everyone does.
You are assuming. I would insist upon it, and Billy, I was talking about the average policeman, not Detroit's finest.

As am I. It's common (as far as mistakes go anyways). I'm not even trying to slight cops in this statement, it's just something that isn't typically taken into account when carrying. I found that out first hand.
Well, as compared to cops, yeah most CCers are better trained than most cops. But training doesn't eliminate mistakes. It reduces them, but you can never eliminate mistakes. And to imply that someone who makes a mistake is immediately irresponsible...well if you're honest with yourself you make mistakes every day. Everyone does.

I agree. That's why I don't want armed teachers around kids. Because mistakes happen, and with more guns, there will be more mistakes involving guns.

The ratio of accidental shootings by guns to the number of school invasion shootings is pretty darned high already.
I agree. That's why I don't want armed teachers around kids. Because mistakes happen, and with more guns, there will be more mistakes involving guns.

The ratio of accidental shootings by guns to the number of school invasion shootings is pretty darned high already.

Your bleeding heart irrational liberalism is allowing our most vulnerable citizens to be slaughtered with ever increasing frequency. Why don't you value children's lives?
I agree. That's why I don't want armed teachers around kids. Because mistakes happen, and with more guns, there will be more mistakes involving guns.

The ratio of accidental shootings by guns to the number of school invasion shootings is pretty darned high already.

Type this into google, or do your own search,

policeman loses his gun

It certainly doesn't seem to happen too often. '

I am not suggesting that every teacher line up and have a gun dropped into their hanbags.

I am suggesting those those who are willing be given exceptional training (considering the enviroment), especially with regards to retain possesion of weapons.
I agree. That's why I don't want armed teachers around kids. Because mistakes happen, and with more guns, there will be more mistakes involving guns.

The ratio of accidental shootings by guns to the number of school invasion shootings is pretty darned high already.

Considering both are, at best, statistical anomalies, your statement means very little.
Well then, shock us with how common it is.

Provide some actual stats to back up your claim.

Oh wait...

I forgot...my hard hitting questions are too much for for a coward like Billy to handle so he's got me on IA.

How many mass shootings of children did your hand wringing save?

Oh, that's right, none.
This spreading notion that "guns aren't dangerous until they are in the wrong hands" is bs. Guns are always dangerous and people need to take them more seriously. Because of the 2A we aren't forced to take them seriously at all.

I think an armed society is a safer society but I think this push of over the top Liberty is directly infringing the Liberty of many, many victims. And there are ways to attempt to keep irresponsible people from getting guns and it would not infringe the Rights of anyone except the irresponsible person. But that's the fight right now. Many people are fighting for the right of irresponsible people to get a gun. It's pathetic.

This uneducated dribble stating "There is no proof Universal background checks will work" is like stating "There is no proof a tree makes a sound when it falls and no one is around"

Guns are dangerous. I'm an owner of multiple guns and I'm willing to admit that. I'm also willing to prove that I am and will be a responsible owner.
You've got NO PROOF of that.

Maybe my "hand wringing" saved a multitude of children...you have no way of proving otherwise.

Really? What a crock of shit, especially from you.

Let's check; School shooters stopped by hand wringing liberal anti-gun pussys; zero.

Nope, you are wrong.
Um, you DO remember the school shooter who was recently stopped by a woman who just talked to him? don't know if she was pro or anti gun, but she was able to keep him from shooting up the school.
So you are saying Zappa is a woman?

Wow, Rune, that's beneath you. You weren't specifically referring to Zappa in your comment - "Let's check; School shooters stopped by hand wringing liberal anti-gun pussys; zero. "

Come on, you don't need to go to that level.