Loaded Gun Left In Capitol Bathroom By A Republican Staffer

Well, let's see what happens when that's done with a shotgun;

Watch until about 1:20.

You gun owner newbs are funny. It wasn't but a couple years ago the NRA gun parrots were screaming that the shotguns were more dangerous than the AR-15. They CONSTANTLY posted this video;

I could post more, but this was all in an attempt to hide that shotguns are a better option on home invasion. Military style rifles are better for 65 meters or more. (this was sold to ensure gun buyers that there is no difference between shotguns and AR-15's.)

I have an automatic shotgun, a deer rifle, (other guns for pests) and a .22 for home intrusion. The funniest thing I hear about home intrusion is that it takes an AR-15 with an 100 round mag to defend your home. A true shooter can defend the home with a .22 pistol. It only takes 1 shot.

Of course I didn't take into account the blind people owning guns movement.
So you are saying that people with as much gun training as a police officer can use them improperly but don't believe in forced gun safety courses or even extended background checks..........brilliant......

You know when I was a kid cops, firemen and teachers were considered hero's. But ever since the internet came out people are profiling all cops idiots. It's pathetic.

Just so you know, you are helping the anti-gun people with their argument exposing that people with training can be this wreckless with a weapon......

Try to stay on the post topic kiddo.
willful ignorance and obfuscation doesn't suit you. try to look at reality rationally.
Not at all what I said. I wasn't referring to cops on duty. But teachers, low level security guards, movie theater patrons, movie theater ushers, etc. should NOT be carrying guns in these facilities because yes, chances are their guns would do more harm than good.
then why is it different for cops on duty????
then why is it different for cops on duty????

I know you hate cops. But most of us understand that cops at least have been trained to respond to emergency situations, while your average citizen hasn't been. The cop has gone through gun training a lot more than the avg gun owner.
It's pretty easy. Most holsters and carry methods sadly don't take taking a shit into account in their design. So unless you have a shoulder holster (which are typically impractical for CC), it's something you have to watch for. Again, goes back to a combat mindset.

"Pretty easy" to forget a gun...

Straight from the horse's mouth ladies and gentlemen.

Irresponsibility runs rampant amongst the CCL set.
I know you hate cops. But most of us understand that cops at least have been trained to respond to emergency situations, while your average citizen hasn't been. The cop has gone through gun training a lot more than the avg gun owner.
I do not hate cops. what I hate is the absolute idiocy in people like zappa (maybe you?) that have the insane idea that because these cops are 'highly' trained, that they should be given greater leeway to make fatal mistakes with no accountability with the mistaken belief that they are better than the average citizen.
I do not hate cops. what I hate is the absolute idiocy in people like zappa (maybe you?) that have the insane idea that because these cops are 'highly' trained, that they should be given greater leeway to make fatal mistakes with no accountability with the mistaken belief that they are better than the average citizen.

I have NEVER said they should be given ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY.

Once again making up bullshit with regards to other people's positions I see.
I have NEVER said they should be given ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY.

Once again making up bullshit with regards to other people's positions I see.
you have been very consistent in saying they should not be sued for doing their jobs while completely negating any responsibility for injured bystanders in shootings, among other things. do not even pretend to try claim you've held them to higher standards, you plainly do not.
How come this is the first time I'm seeing this video posted? Fox News?

Multiple Libertarians I know were spreading it around back when they couldn't figure out what "exactly" an assault rifle is. Remember that era when they were all saying "they just look mean but are the same gun" . It was directly after the VP said you can defend yourself with a shotgun and they were trying to make the point that shotguns can be more dangerous than an assault rifle. They even spread the word out that "a weapon is merely a tool".

Basic ignorance of weapons.
you have been very consistent in saying they should not be sued for doing their jobs while completely negating any responsibility for injured bystanders in shootings, among other things. do not even pretend to try claim you've held them to higher standards, you plainly do not.

Regardless, I have NEVER SAID they should be given NO ACCOUNTABILITY.

Despite that fact, YOU CONTINUE TO LIE and claim I did say that.
I know you hate cops. But most of us understand that cops at least have been trained to respond to emergency situations, while your average citizen hasn't been. The cop has gone through gun training a lot more than the avg gun owner.

One range session a year is "a lot" more training? Really now.
Not at all what I said. I wasn't referring to cops on duty. But teachers, low level security guards, movie theater patrons, movie theater ushers, etc. should NOT be carrying guns in these facilities because yes, chances are their guns would do more harm than good.

Not at all what I said. Not once has anyone suggested that unqualified people be allowed to be armed in schools. Your suggestion is almost an hysterical thought, completely devoid of logic.

Of course every teacher and every other employee should be armed. This is the Long War, the war on a verb. The more heavily armed a facility is the less likely it is to:

A. Be a target of assault. and ,
2. Succumb to assault with extreme casualties.

Since your complete revulsion the the thought of armed 3rd grade teachers blinds you to the absolute need to protect our most vulnerable, I am compelled to point out that our most precious treasure, and those with the most to lose being so young,
especially when grouped together, must be given our utmost protection with armed force against those so deranged they would murder children.
Not at all what I said. Not once has anyone suggested that unqualified people be allowed to be armed in schools. Your suggestion is almost an hysterical thought, completely devoid of logic.

Of course every teacher and every other employee should be armed. This is the Long War, the war on a verb. The more heavily armed a facility is the less likely it is to:

A. Be a target of assault. and ,
2. Succumb to assault with extreme casualties.

Since your complete revulsion the the thought of armed 3rd grade teachers blinds you to the absolute need to protect our most vulnerable, I am compelled to point out that our most precious treasure, and those with the most to lose being so young,
especially when grouped together, must be given our utmost protection with armed force against those so deranged they would murder children.

People are morons, as had been proven over and over and over and over by one "responsible" gun owner after another.

More guns doesn't mean more safety. More guns means more gun accidents.

When your kid steals the teacher's gun - or when the teacher leaves the gun in the bathroom and the kid picks it up - and shoots another kid, let me know how that "arming teachers" worked for you.
People are morons, as had been proven over and over and over and over by one "responsible" gun owner after another.

More guns doesn't mean more safety. More guns means more gun accidents.

Let me know how not having armed teachers has worked for you.

Need I list links to all the mass school shootings committed by the mentally ill, in gun free schools?

What do the numbers add up to?

How many more children have to die?

Every town in the entire country has schools. Children are not well represented in society, since only adults legislate.

These shootings have become commonplace and are increasing in frequency. This is a dire situation.
When your kid steals the teacher's gun - or when the teacher leaves the gun in the bathroom and the kid picks it up - and shoots another kid, let me know how that "arming teachers" worked for you.


Because some unqualified idiot leaves does something idiotic, doesn't mean professionals do, especially when on duty.
]agree it is worrisome, or dire in that it continues to happen. Just curious, why is this trending? Once it started it seemed to become more problematic.
I mean I can't recall any before Columbine ? * a bit off topic, but i do wonder why *
]agree it is worrisome, or dire in that it continues to happen. Just curious, why is this trending? Once it started it seemed to become more problematic.
I mean I can't recall any before Columbine ? * a bit off topic, but i do wonder why *

Welcome the the internet age.