Locally caught fish are full of dangerous chemicals called PFAS, study finds

I’ve learned to fillet them with an electric fillet knife if they’re under 4 lbs or so. Quick and …. easy after a lot of practice and a few screw ups. But yes, we love channel cat. We mostly eat it the old fashioned way (fried) but so use it in Étouffée and Indian curry. One year I smoked several fillets and they were really good, but we ate them so often we kind of burned out on them.

I've never had them smoked -- bet that was good! Do you smoke them to the point where they're preserved, or just enough to give them flavor?

Our Meijer store often has catfish fillets that I fry up with a nice cornmeal breading. Mr. Owl won't eat them so they're all MINE. lol
I definitely avoid it. Sometimes it winds up in fish dishes that I eat when I order off a menu somewhere. Fish tacos from my favorite Mexican restaurant come to mind. I do eat those once on a while.

Tilapia is gross. I eat ocean caught fish two or three times a week. Mostly something I or my family caught.

The only time I eat Tilapia is when I am lied to by a restaurant, I am sure that happens.
This bullshit emanates from yet another pressure group, the Environmental Working Group (EWG),
which uses an authoritative sounding name to peddle scientific half-truths and outright fabrications. Along with Greenpeace and PETA, it is beloved by activists but detested by scientists.

Of course Kartoon Kenny buys into this lock stock and barrel.

Dear EWG, This Is Why Real Scientists Think Poorly Of You

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I believe there was also a connection with insulation in electric transformers......the type you see every mile or so on all the electric poles around the country......


Tilapia is gross. I eat ocean caught fish two or three times a week. Mostly something I or my family caught.

The only time I eat Tilapia is when I am lied to by a restaurant, I am sure that happens.

And I thought I was the only one that hated Tilapia
I've never had them smoked -- bet that was good! Do you smoke them to the point where they're preserved, or just enough to give them flavor?

Our Meijer store often has catfish fillets that I fry up with a nice cornmeal breading. Mr. Owl won't eat them so they're all MINE. lol

They weren't preserved but were very good. That was 4 or 5 years ago. I think I need to do some more this summer.
Well, bullheads are bait unless a person is starving. Those are all channel cat (which some people won’t eat … but then I eat a lot of things most people won’t eat) except for two, which are blue cat.
A lot depends on the body of water, and the time of year. When the water is cold I've eaten catfish that I caught, as long as it's in a clean lake. I don't catch that many because I'm usually fishing the top 20 feet of cold lakes for trout. Early in the year I accidentally get catfish on the prowl when they're off the bottom.
Lol…it wasn’t obvious to me. And you are correct…they are very easy to catch at the right times.
Years ago I kept a 50 gallon fish tank with native fish. I had a 3 inch catfish in there who eventually grew to about 7 inches when I let him go. I built a cave out of stones, with sand on the bottom. He was in there all the time, until feeding. That sucker would smell food the second it hit the water. Out he came, and would grab mouthfulls of small gravel and spit it out to get the small flakes of food that were trapped.

I loved observing him. The aggressive bass used to try to herd him back into his cave whenever he was out foraging for food. He didn't care. He just ignored the bass and went about his business.
I don't know, but for sure this place is rife with mental difficulties. lol
True, but she's a real nut case. She argues with people who agree with her.

I won't even correspond for any reason after the last time she was having a moment.
Fish caught in the fresh waters of the nation’s streams and rivers and the Great Lakes contain dangerously high levels of PFOS, short for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, a known synthetic toxin phased out by the federal government, according to a study of data from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The chemical PFOS is part of a family of manufactured additives known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, widely used since the 1950s to make consumer products nonstick and resistant to stains, water and grease damage.

Called “forever chemicals” because they fail to break down easily in the environment, PFAS has leached into the nation’s drinking water via public water systems and private wells. The chemicals then accumulate in the bodies of fish, shellfish, livestock, dairy and game animals that people eat, experts say.

“The levels of PFOS found in freshwater fish often exceeded an astounding 8,000 parts per trillion,” said study coauthor David Andrews, a senior scientist at Environmental Working Group, the nonprofit environmental health organization that analyzed the data. The report was published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Research.

In comparison, the EPA has allowed only 70 parts per trillion of PFOS in the nation’s drinking water. Due to growing health concerns, in 2022 the EPA recommended the allowable level of PFOS in drinking water be lowered from 70 to 0.02 parts per trillion.

“You’d have to drink an incredible amount of water — we estimate a month of contaminated water — to get the same exposure as you would from a single serving of freshwater fish,” Andrews said.

“Consuming even a single (locally caught freshwater) fish per year can measurably and significantly change the levels of PFOS in your blood,” Andrews said.

Chemicals in the PFAS family are linked to high cholesterol, cancer and various chronic diseases, as well as a limited antibody response to vaccines in both adults and children, according to a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

“This is an important paper,” said toxicologist Linda Birnbaum, former director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program.

“To find this level of contamination in fish across the country, even in areas not close to industry where you might expect heavy contamination, is very concerning. These chemicals are everywhere,” she said.



All fish are filled with our pollutants. And fishing makes it even worse.
You need to research farmed fish. I’ll still take wild over farmed, especially salmon and I don’t eat tilapia at all.
You cannot eat tilapia as most of it is raised in sewers in China/India. They don't give a shit about Yankee dogs.

True about farmed salmon, but I only buy Canadian raised. I'm hoping that it's better than other farms.
n2ote this refers to freshwater fish which have been dodgy forever as people have ben dumping sewage and everything else into waters forever.
I’ve learned to fillet them with an electric fillet knife if they’re under 4 lbs or so. Quick and …. easy after a lot of practice and a few screw ups. But yes, we love channel cat. We mostly eat it the old fashioned way (fried) but so use it in Étouffée and Indian curry. One year I smoked several fillets and they were really good, but we ate them so often we kind of burned out on them.
When I was a kid there was an old Italian women who used to take that broad part of the skeleton just behind the head and make crucifixes out of them. If you turn that bone upside down and look at the part that faces the belly, there is a little crucifix in there. She used to clean them and coat them in clear nail polish.
And I thought I was the only one that hated Tilapia
Tilapia is a freshwater fish that is a lot like eating smallmouth bass. Unfortunately, all you can get is Chinese farmed tilapia in the stores.
n2ote this refers to freshwater fish which have been dodgy forever as people have ben dumping sewage and everything else into waters forever.
In the entire Northeast, the issue is mercury from coal fired power plants in the midwest and Pa.. There is no body of water in the region that isn't tainted with mercury.

It's not as much of a problem with stocked fish, as they aren't in the lake as long as the native fish. Unfortunately, it gets in the muscle tissue and not the fat like other pollutants. It's impossible to cut out of the fish.
Well, bullheads are bait unless a person is starving. Those are all channel cat (which some people won’t eat … but then I eat a lot of things most people won’t eat) except for two, which are blue cat.

Freshwater Catfish used to be my favorite eating fish, crappie next, and then Sandies! I have never caught a Bass, so I have never eaten one.

I favor mostly Brown and Rainbow trout now, as I fish for them exclusively now.

But, I am not much on Bubba fishing anymore anyway, as the lakes around here are polluted and I don;t even have a boat anymore.

Motor boats are a lot of the reasons why the lakes are so polluted.

I am a Fly Fisherman mostly now, and not just because I enjoy eating fish!

It is mainly because everywhere I have ever Fly-Fished, I found myself in some of the most Beautiful settings I have ever seen before!

And there is nothing that satisfies my love of the sport, than tying my own flies, presenting one to a fish, and fooling it as a food source!

I mostly Catch and Release now. When I have a taste for fish, I'll usually buy them at a store or head out to one of my favorite restaurants.

But, having said all that, I still love to catch a couple just for cooking back at camp! That's quite satisfying to close out a great day in the stream with a gormet' dinner of Trout and Tators!
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