Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"


Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"

"even goofy goggle-eyed gooks from North Korea"

First Maineman shows his homophobia against Rob, now he calls Koreans gooks. Maybe Maineman has decided to carry on the great work of the Dems senior senator Robert Byrd?

What are other Dems opinions on this? I predict they ignore this thread (and thus by making that prediction they shouldn't).
it is a term of derision. Are you upset that I used a term of derision when speaking of Kim Jung Il? Are you acting as his publicist? Why do you hate our freedoms dano?
and rest assured, I am not at all "frightened" by homosexuals or homosexuality. That does not prevent me from being mildly annoyed at idiotic gays like rob....or stupid pompous midwestern burger flippers like you.
Having a Korean sister (yes adopted) I am not partial to anybody who would use such a term to describe any Korean.
it is a term of derision. Are you upset that I used a term of derision when speaking of Kim Jung Il? Are you acting as his publicist? Why do you hate our freedoms dano?

The "n" word is also a term of derision...but as George Allen now realizes not something that you should necessarily say when you seek to deride. The "g" word is just as racially derived and derisive as the "n" word, even if John McCain used it with near impunity during his presidential bid of 2000. Just because one group has less political power than another doesn't make their racist characterizations any less morally suspect.
Dano and others, you have to remember what ive been saying all along....

Maine might make money, he might make a lot of money... not sure... but that said, you can make money and still be what i would consider trash. Maineman fits this into this mold very well. he has a mouth thats not suitable for a gutter rat. he loves to point others on how versed he is w/ vocabulary, but his derogatory terms and nastiness trump any words he uses...
Regardless. Even Idi Amin wasn't called the "n" word. *sigh* All will do as they will. I don't expect to ever have one more post suggesting that maineman is any better than Allen with "macaca" though. It is the same thing. There are plenty of other things to call your enemy without using racial slurs.
Well ya I lived in South Korea and loved it but I don't really have qualms about calling kim jong il a crazy gook.
Maine is ex military as am I . Terms like gooks were prretty much trained into us to use. the "enemy" is not thought of in considerate terms in the military.
I definitely call him a nutjob. A midget troll. Several other things. I just avoid the racial reference. He'd be a nutjob even if he wasn't Korean.
Maine is ex military as am I . Terms like gooks were prretty much trained into us to use. the "enemy" is not thought of in considerate terms in the military.

oh please US, spare us.. your not in Nam anymore... no offense but you guys are old. you've been out of the military for what 20 years?
Oh well. I call my friends fags but I don't hate gay people.

People are just too politically correct.

I don't get mad when someone calls white people honky or cracker.