Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"

btw I don't know if this was clearified in this thread, I read it yesterday and forgot, but... it seems as if maineman didn't just call one guy a "gook", hence the plural application of the word.
Hey Damo....

Having a Korean sister (yes adopted) I am not partial to anybody who would use such a term to describe any Korean.

While I understand your concern rest assurd that the term 'gook' was more directed at the Japenese during WWII...and alot of Koreans I have talked to felt the same way about the Imperialistic Japenese forces during WWII(AND N/Korean Forces during the Korean War)...and hey I am guilty also during the VN era calling the VC and NVA 'Charlie' among other not so nice terms...:clink:

Kinda hard to be nice to someone when they are trying to kill ya Battle...

Well ya...but Ensign Pulver(Maineman) seems to think so...did he not say he 'Did Lunch' with 'Hezballah'...way back in another post??? Am I missing something here or what???Maineman seems to think it's okay to bash S/Koreans as well as others in a long lost war..then attacks anyone who says the ME war needs to be addressed severly...go figure...What did they teach him at the Navy Academy anyhoo...never mind he was asleep!;)
I don't really hold it against the Vietnamese NVA's , etc now, but back then.....
well....kinda hard to think nice about someone when you are killen em.

I don't really hold it against the Vietnamese NVA's , etc now, but back then.....
well....kinda hard to think nice about someone when you are killen em.

Even alot of NVA generals have said the same thing...they admitted we were winning...albeit 'Hanoi Jane' and weak politicals gave em' support...I rest well though....did my job as others did...the blame rests on weak personalities...and by the way they were killin' us too...they even used children and women...we did not...need I say more???
I have a strong bad dreams...!
I have relativley recently got rid of the bad dreams...I was not psychologically suited for combat, but survived and did my job "well". But it damned near ruined the rest of my life....
One reason for a volunteer military, not all of us are suited for it.
The "n" word is also a term of derision...but as George Allen now realizes not something that you should necessarily say when you seek to deride. The "g" word is just as racially derived and derisive as the "n" word, even if John McCain used it with near impunity during his presidential bid of 2000. Just because one group has less political power than another doesn't make their racist characterizations any less morally suspect.

No no no prakosh. You're off script. Racism is solely about power. that's why it's impossible for blacks to be racist, because they don't have enough power, as a group.