Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"

I felt it was wrong agaist both of you because it was an insult to both of you.

Please just apologize for saying gook at all. Its one of those words that can not be used in any constructive way when directed at any person. It really is like nigger in that respect. There are lots of funny and mean things to call Kim Jong Il that don't involve insulting a group of people.
Good on you MM.

I knew a true liberal would apologize. I think "gook" is a nasty word, that shouldn't be used in civilized conversation.

This is quite the contrast, to Razor, Toby, and other cons who sling around terms like wetback and towellhead, yet never apologize, and never face lenghthy demands from the Board to apologize.

its a hallow apology at best cypress and you know it. and furthermore are you always moot on issues you don't agree with when it involves a dem... for you not to speak out against it is as guilty as mainefonda saying it.
thank you....

now take me out of that bucket with Dixie

You're worse than dixie....

you basically insult everyone, from people who live in double wides to people who are gay, oreo's, koreans, we should take bets on who you'll insult next you don't like people who disagree with you...

don't try playing the victim about your kid when you threatened dano's..

thats your problem your always the victim... its always ohhh poor maine fonda..

but its ok for you to treat everyone else like dirt and insult them... your a real piece of work.
dano put my child at REAL are aware of that, aren't you?

and again...I apologized to IH8, because he made a good case and I value his opinion. Yours means nothing to me.... so you can follow me around both boards all day long dropping little insults in my wake.... I just laugh, rob... and I consider what an insignificant twittering little worm made them.
You're worse than dixie....

you basically insult everyone,

No way!!!!!!!!! Dixie NEVER apologizes. If he does its some backhanded apology like, "I'm sorry you're too stupid to think that I'm right".

from people who live in double wides

Pot, meet kettle.

He apologized for it so I say we give him a break. Unless we can bring up the times you've used the n-word too! :tongout:
what's with you two?

he tries to annoy me for some reason....I think it comes from some deep seated sense of inferiority.... he's getting his MBA, but he knows that he'll still be an underpaid cube farm dweller....

he envies my success and my wonderful family! ;)
he tries to annoy me for some reason....

Well, I have to admit, I'm not above childish antics to get a rise out of people purely for entertainment purposes. I was trying to do it all Friday actually. Its great way to break up the monotony. Robs a really nice guy though so I doubt he harbors any real resentment towards you.
"White people for the most part are racist"

Yeah cuz that statement isn't racist or anything.

No, it's not. You have to be blind not to see that being born and raised in this country, if you are white, fills you with an inherent sense of superiority and white privilege.

The only way past it, is through it. You have to admit it, confront it, and over come it.