Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"

IHG why don't you get on the ground ill put on my cleats and walk all over you...LOL

I'm not going to keep attacking the guy after he apologized. I'll let his future actions determine whether it is hollow or not.
IHG why don't you get on the ground ill put on my cleats and walk all over you...LOL

I'm not going to keep attacking the guy after he apologized. I'll let his future actions determine whether it is hollow or not.

I don't think the original statement was cool at all. But what was cool was that you told Mainman exactly how it made you feel and told him about some ugliness you've had to deal with. And that appears to have made him stop and think that he hurt somebody, and next time he'll think again.

And that's a rare thing in this kind of forum. And a good thing.
I don't think the original statement was cool at all. But what was cool was that you told Mainman exactly how it made you feel and told him about some ugliness you've had to deal with. And that appears to have made him stop and think that he hurt somebody, and next time he'll think again.

And that's a rare thing in this kind of forum. And a good thing.

you are right... and I will
I don't think the original statement was cool at all. But what was cool was that you told Mainman exactly how it made you feel and told him about some ugliness you've had to deal with. And that appears to have made him stop and think that he hurt somebody, and next time he'll think again.

And that's a rare thing in this kind of forum. And a good thing.

well what makes it a fake apology, is that he continues to lay the same kind of attacks to other people knowing full well that they are attacking a whole group of people...

mainefonda can attack me all day long i don't care, but he continues to attack all gay people, which is what makes it a hallow apology, and its funny b/c not 1 dem, here or on the other site NOT ONE DEM... came out against mainemans slander of koreans....
"not 1 dem, here or on the other site NOT ONE DEM... came out against mainemans slander of koreans...."

Prakosh and I did.
well what makes it a fake apology, is that he continues to lay the same kind of attacks to other people knowing full well that they are attacking a whole group of people...

mainefonda can attack me all day long i don't care, but he continues to attack all gay people, which is what makes it a hallow apology, and its funny b/c not 1 dem, here or on the other site NOT ONE DEM... came out against mainemans slander of koreans....

Rob, I haven't seen him do that, and for a while now I've been reading these posts between you two. I came to the conclusion that these fights are occurring on FP and then are being discussed here. Is that true? Rob, I barely have time to read this board, I do not read FP.

As for not one Dem, first, I'm not sure how you're defining dem. Anyone who is not a con? Either way, Lady T did. I wasn't here until after it all happened, and I read the whole thread before I said anything. He had already apologized. If there is one type I dislike on message boards, it is someone who start stirring up the shit again, after a heated issue has been settled, as best as it could be.

On to Prak. Certainly, not a dem, but on the otherside of the spectrum from a conservative. Did you read his posts? It is true that many who were in Vietnam, like Mainman, continue to use the language that was instilled in them there, in order to dehumanize the enemy. Why did McCain get away with 'gook"? Because he was in Vietnam. Now, he was tortured for five years, and I say it takes a special soul to let go of that kind of hatred, and I'm not about to judge him. (on that anyway) But the best way to approach this situation, is to talk about it! Yelling and cursing at someone doesn't make anyone stop and think Rob, hey, maybe I was taught something wrong, and I need to rethink this. So I think those were valuable posts.

As to the gay stuff Rob, if it's happening on FP, I'm sorry. I don't go for that shit, I don't even have to stop myself from using that kind of language. I simply do not think in those terms, it never crosses my mind. But I wasn't born that way. I got that way from reading, and discussing, and thinking. But as a white, straight person, those things did have to be brought up in my face in order for me to start thinking about them. To start saying, well, wait a minute. So by all means, let's talk about it, and if I see it happening, I will say something. Any kind of bigotry should be talked about. It's the only way people will ever even have a chance to stop and think about what they are doing.
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Pretty much everybody is racist.

The most racist thing I've ever been told directly was by a black person. Something to the effect that God hates Asians and condemns them to hell.

Asians can be racist too. I once screamed on an owner of an asian grocery store for following my wife around like she was going to steal when she came in to look for me.

It actually pisses me off more when non-whites are racist because I feel they should know better.

Even I make transgressions at times. I'm pretty vocal in telling people when they have slighted me. I held a door open for a guy and he didn't say thank you. Usually if people do this I am sure to say loudly "YOU'RE WELCOME!" however the guy was hispanic and I thought to myself he might not speak English so I let it go.

Thinking back I shouldn't have done that.

Oh and my awesomeness is not because I'm Asian but just because I'm the Motha Fucking man. In my humble opinion of course ;)
I was serious. I do think asians are the best (at least american asians) They constantly prove to be smarter, richer, and better than us.

And blacks are VERY racist.

And at bottom isn't that what capialism is really all about. Yes, the "model" minority in everything. Aren't "they" nice, those Asians. Here's a question for you Grind, what is the difference between stereotyping and racism??? Here's a hint: awww, never mind...
Stereotyping is false. All evidence shows that asians peform better economically, have higher sat scores, have higher I.Q.'s, etc..