Maineman calls Koreans "gooks"

oh please US, spare us.. your not in Nam anymore... no offense but you guys are old. you've been out of the military for what 20 years?

And children like you have not experienced much life yet. You too can be in the military, just enlist ;) Wopuld you just love to serve on a sub ? long, round , hard and full of seamen . And packs a heck of a load to shoot ;)
I agree with Damo and Prak on this one. That wasn't very appropiate or acceptable.
oh the horror! Let's make this about political correctness instead of discussing the politics of this North Korean missile test and how Iraq has rendered us the impotent laughing stock of the global community.

then.... tomorrow, we can all spend the whole fucking day arguing about how many fucking angels can fit on the head of a fucking pin and we'll ignore the really fucking important stuff once again!

I can HARDLY wait!
Maine is ex military as am I . Terms like gooks were prretty much trained into us to use. the "enemy" is not thought of in considerate terms in the military.

I served a year in the Nam too, but I understood a racist term for what it was even then. I also understood why I was being brainwashed to believe it was OK to call all Vietnamese and other Asians by that name. I heard hundreds of GIs use that term for the year I was there and for the 36 years since I have been back, including as I said John McCain, that Maverick, who was given a pass on his own racial slur because he was a prisoner of war. A bigger man and to my way of thinking, one worthy of being president might have found another word to use for his captors by now. That experience and others was why I left the military upon my ETS and never looked back. I realized it was an inhuman occupation based on the dehumanization of the enemy whoever that happened to be at the time, and I realized that process was injuring me and all others who experienced it.

After 30 years or more I expect people to have learned what happened to them and understand something about how it affected them and to finally grow beyond it. I try not to have enemies anymore, it is really not a good idea and leads to all kinds of thorny problems and untoward moral dilemmas. I rather see things like this, there are some people who have ideas that I cannot agree with, that I think are stupid, that I think are represensible etc., but I try with various levels of success to keep the ideas separate from the people who hold them. But at least I try...
Folks I think the bigger issue here is our presidents politically uncorrect of referring to an entire nation as an AXIS OF EVIL.
Referring to one individual as a "gook" pales by comparison.
of course, I would never apply that term to koreans in my daily life. I specifically chose that word for its effect...and to be as derisive as I could when referring to Kim Jong Il. But as I said...let's make the discussion for the day about my word choice and not about the larger issue.

typical for the hick burger flipper to bring it up.
What the fuck!

There ain't no excuse for that shit I don't care how big a dickhead Kim Jong Il is. When you say gook you aren't insulting a man you're insulting a whole group of people.

Should we call Ahmadinejad a towelhead or camel fucker. How about Idi Amin a nigger.

I know full well that nobody on here would openly call anyone no matter how bad they are a nigger.

But its all open season on Asian people. I'm fucking sick of that shit. When I was a kid I got called gook, chink, and was told to go back to china. I remembered being punched in the arm and told that was for pearl harbor and this was in 1988.

When I got older I learned to fight and quickly knocked peoples teeth out that said that shit. I certainly would slug someone for using that very ugly word.

This just is further evidence to me that of what I have learned in life it doesn't matter how conservative or liberal you are. White people for the most part are racist at least to some degree and for all the smiling they do in your face are not above using such epithets.

get over it....I have no intention of retracting it...

and I think it is hilarious that THIS becomes the issue.

Are we really that frightened of the elephant in the living room?
Kim Young Il is no less a human being for all that and his actions, thoughts, and attempts at control are no less represhensible than those of George W. Bush.

From my perspective and from what I have read their similarities are more important than their differences. Both seem to me to be power hungry and dictatorial. Bush is probably more jealous of Kim than anything else. He has what Bush desires: full dictatorial powers.
Is islamofascist and towell head the same type of slur as gook ?
Actually they could be considered antisemitic in many cases.
Is Christofascist the same ?
get over it....I have no intention of retracting it...

and I think it is hilarious that THIS becomes the issue.

Are we really that frightened of the elephant in the living room?

You know Maineman I've always wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even time after time you have made an ass of yourself on these boards like talking about disgusting sexual shit with Dixie's daughter. Your defense the whole way through until you apologized was that he was a bad person for what he had done to you.

You have continually shown you are above nothing and wallow in the mud with those you perceive as your enemies and will say any disgusting thing you can to get your point across.

You don't understand that you can't say disgusting things like that and have it only be about one person. This is very similar to your attack on Dixie. When that happened I wasn't thinking poor Dixie. I felt bad for his daughter who would be horrified to see such things. Yet you felt this justified because you merely said it to attack Dixie. You do the same here.

However Kim Jong Il will not read your statement however this gook has and I am offended.

But fine don't apologize go ahead and be stubborn and sit and justify your statement the same way Dixie goes on and justifies his confederate flag waving and the other asinine comments he makes.

You two are just peas in a pod and I'm sure I'm not the only one here to recognize it.
IH8: I apologize to any persons of Korean ethnicity - other than Kim Jong Il himself. The term was meant as derrogatory to him and only him. If you took offense, and thought, somehow, that you were included under the umbrella of that epithet, I humbly apologize.

I am prepared to go to great lengths to avoid being placed in the same category as Dixie. I am different that he is and you need to know that.
I am curious though...when Dixie was claiming that toby and mikey were absolutely credible in their attacks on me, were you thinking of me, or were you thinking of my poor teenage son and the fact that he DID read that terrible slander about him?
IH8: I apologize to any persons of Korean ethnicity - other than Kim Jong Il himself. The term was meant as derrogatory to him and only him. If you took offense, and thought, somehow, that you were included under the umbrella of that epithet, I humbly apologize.


Good on you MM.

I knew a true liberal would apologize. I think "gook" is a nasty word, that shouldn't be used in civilized conversation.

This is quite the contrast, to Razor, Toby, and other cons who sling around terms like wetback and towellhead, yet never apologize, and never face lenghthy demands from the Board to apologize.