Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

You're just a mouth, pimp. Your ' expertise ' on Islam comes from your staring at the walls of public toilets .
Then why worry about me, Ms. Moon? You have nothing to fear from "just a mouth".

Are public toilets where you first saw Muhammad? A large drawing of his head with a gloryhole where the mouth belongs?

Muslim culture shifted to barbarism a thousand years ago.......

In some ways the Ottoman's tamed and civilized the Muslim masses. It was after their defeat that insane groups like the Wahabi, Al Qaids, etc. arose.

The Sunni sect has always been violent, but the Caliphate kept them somewhat in check. Now the Shia in Persia have become just as insane - Muzzie Beasts.
There will be no mass deportations. It is a terrible idea that would result in violence and errors. It would cost enormous amounts of money and result in deaths and injuries. Trump says what haters want to hear and they believe anything the fool says.
there are no other options........will you try to prevent them by force?.......I look forward to seeing you arrested.......
The best option is to get them to self-deport. Ways to do that:

Make sanctuary cities, states, etc., illegal at the federal level
Make entering a legal contract for anything illegal for them. That means they can't buy a house or car with a loan for example.
Make opening a bank account illegal for them.
Make wire transfers out of the country illegal for them.
Prosecute employers that hire them. Put penalties on employers that claim they unknowingly hired them like imposing a time period of several years without being caught using illegals again. If they reoffend, prosecute them for it.
Make travel by plane, bus, or train difficult for them.
Make it illegal to issue them any form of ID.
When an illegal is caught, the US should confiscate all property they have in their possession as the results of criminal activity. Take their house, car, possessions, money, and leave them with just the clothes on their back.

That's a start. If they can't get ID, can't use credit, can't use the banking system, and employers are worried about going to jail if they use them, most will simply leave the US for home because they see no benefit in staying in the US.
The best option is to get them to self-deport. Ways to do that:

Make sanctuary cities, states, etc., illegal at the federal level
Make entering a legal contract for anything illegal for them. That means they can't buy a house or car with a loan for example.
Make opening a bank account illegal for them.
Make wire transfers out of the country illegal for them.
Prosecute employers that hire them. Put penalties on employers that claim they unknowingly hired them like imposing a time period of several years without being caught using illegals again. If they reoffend, prosecute them for it.
Make travel by plane, bus, or train difficult for them.
Make it illegal to issue them any form of ID.
When an illegal is caught, the US should confiscate all property they have in their possession as the results of criminal activity. Take their house, car, possessions, money, and leave them with just the clothes on their back.

That's a start. If they can't get ID, can't use credit, can't use the banking system, and employers are worried about going to jail if they use them, most will simply leave the US for home because they see no benefit in staying in the US.
So when do we declare immigrants against the law? Are the ones here for 10 years safe from being deported? How about 20 years? Lets ship them all out and you can pick the crops and do manual labor. They work in factories and are an important part of our economy. But fuck that, throw them all out. You guys are idiots.
There are more than enough Democrats who can step up and personally sponsor these aliens, yet they never put their money where their mouths are and demonstrate they actually believe the rubbish they spread. Instead they snivel when their blue cities get them bussed in from elsewhere for 'sanctuary n stuff'. Biden is dumping masses of Haitians on small towns now, another sign of the Party's hypocrisy and racism.
So when do we declare immigrants against the law? Are the ones here for 10 years safe from being deported? How about 20 years? Lets ship them all out and you can pick the crops and do manual labor. They work in factories and are an important part of our economy. But fuck that, throw them all out. You guys are idiots.
Immigrants are fine. ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL immigrants are not wanted. You are conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration. I don't care how long they've been here. They came illegally and we should have made more effort to remove them.

If we had to we could have inmates in prison pick crops and do manual labor. In fact, small studies on this have shown that they do better work, but work slower, than illegals do.

Illegals rarely do any sort of skilled, and even semi-skilled labor in the US because they are illiterate and poorly educated. You can't have someone doing a job that requires say, reading a tape measure that doesn't know basic math. The government says there are roughly 7 million US male citizens alone that are currently unemployed and not even looking for a job. We can employ them instead of criminals from some other country.

I want mass deportation.
I wouldn't hurt if a bunch of Lefties got mixed into the trash.

While I know it won't happen, I'd like to see illegals done this way:

They haul some illegal into court for their hearing.
Judge "Are you Hector Sanchez?"
Hector "Si senior judge."
Hector is subsequently found guilty of being in the US illegally.
Judge, "Were are you from Mr. Sanchez?"
Hector, "I am from Guatemala senior judge."
Judge, "You have any proof of that?"
Hector, "No, I have no papers with me."
Judge, "Then we need to find out where you are from! Bailiff, spin the wheel of deportation!"
The bailiff spins a large wheel like on say, Wheel of Fortune." Buddda, budda, budda. It stops on Azerbaijan.
Judge, "You, Mr. Sanchez, have been determined to be from Azerbaijan. Deport him there immediately!"

THAT is how I'd do deportations!