Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

Yeah, for good reason, because Trump-Pence weren't responsible for some 20 million illegals entering our open southern border. And Trump-Pence aren't responsible for the overriding destruction these biden-harris illegals have caused to America and the American people in general. Try stopping being so ignorant.
Yeah, for good reason, because Trump-Pence weren't responsible for some 20 million illegals entering our open southern border. And Trump-Pence aren't responsible for the overriding destruction these biden-harris illegals have caused to America and the American people in general. Try stopping being so ignorant.
Sane, educated and intelligent people don't say Trump/Pence because they know the VP's powers are very limited. Only stupid people or liars claim the VP has more than constitutionally-designated powers.

Biden and Kamala have both committed treason by allowing an invasion of the United States.

Why do you support criminals, Sybil?
So the grand scale of Trump's deportation is beyond your imagination. That seems right. It would be a mess and cost billions. It would cause conflicts many violent. Many wrong people would be removed. But your thinking is so simplistic, that you show us why you are a Trumplestilskin.
oh no chicken little!
Kamalas? WTF are you talking about? She has never had any power . VP has no power. Have you ever read any American History? The position was s described as not worth piss in a boot.
You Trumpys are so dishonest.

Even Joe says she helped pass every major legislation and her staff is interlocked with his staff.

How much authority any VP has depends on the President they serve with and Joe has given Kamala a LOT of authority and she has fumbled the ball.

Indeed. Democrats caused the invasion.
You truly are an idiot and a traitor, ex-Captain Earl.

While I agree the Democrats have their part in this fiasco, to put all the blame on them when it was the Republicans who killed the last bill and, while Trump was President with a Republican Congress, failed to pass a comprehensive immigration bill including the arrest and imprisonment of business owners who hire or rent to illegals.

Even Joe says she helped pass every major legislation and her staff is interlocked with his staff.

How much authority any VP has depends on the President they serve with and Joe has given Kamala a LOT of authority and she has fumbled the ball.
Anyone who served in the military knows that authority can be delegated but responsibility cannot.

Anyone who passed an American government class knows that Congress passes the laws. We haven't have immigration reform since Reagan. The biggest downturn in illegal immigration this century was due to the Great Recession and the COVID pandemic. If there are no jobs, the illegals self-deport.

Time to start arresting business owners and renters to cater to illegals.

You haven't shown Muslim culture to be all that great, @moon. So we'll stick with American culture - which has benefited more people of all colors than any culture in history.
Horseshit. US culture is in its infancy. It has no wisdom nor compassion. It is a greedy, self-centered culture of violence.

There are exceptions, of course. Not all US citizens are conditioned consumers.
Horseshit. US culture is in its infancy. It has no wisdom nor compassion. It is a greedy, self-centered culture of violence.

There are exceptions, of course. Not all US citizens are conditioned consumers.
Disagreed on infancy, Ms. Moon, but I understand why so many foreigners are jealous of the US.

While I agree too many Americans are "conditioned consumers", for an Islamic terrorist supporter like yourself to claim we have a "culture of violence" is both very funny and very ironic.


Disagreed on infancy, Ms. Moon, but I understand why so many foreigners are jealous of the US.

While I agree too many Americans are "conditioned consumers", for an Islamic terrorist supporter like yourself to claim we have a "culture of violence" is both very funny and very ironic.
You continue to make a fool of yourself, pimp- and your masochism is boring.
Horseshit. US culture is in its infancy. It has no wisdom nor compassion. It is a greedy, self-centered culture of violence.

Right, I mean Muslims are so peaceful. Throw any gay people off roofs today? Beat any women? Sell any black people into slavery - I mean you still do that.

There are exceptions, of course. Not all US citizens are conditioned consumers.

And there are decent Muslims, but they are the exception.