Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

Yeah, for good reason, because Trump-Pence weren't responsible for some 20 million illegals entering our open southern border. And Trump-Pence aren't responsible for the overriding destruction these biden-harris illegals have caused to America and the American people in general.
Sane, educated and intelligent people don't say Trump/Pence because they know the VP's powers are very limited. Only stupid people or liars claim the VP has more than constitutionally-designated powers.

Here, let me help you since you are obviously stupid and/or a liar:

The vice president has several unique constitutional roles in the federal government, in addition to their primary role of serving as president temporarily or for the remainder of a presidential term when there is a vacancy in office, or an inability or disability on the president’s part. These additional roles have been spelled out in the Constitution over time and differ in part from the Founder’s original vision....

...The Constitution as ratified on June 21, 1788 included the committee’s plans for the vice president. Article II, Section 1 spelled out that “in Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President.” Congress could also declare by law when a vice president had a disability.

Article I, Section 3 established the vice president’s role in Congress: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”...

...In constitutional terms, the biggest change in the position of vice president came with 25th Amendment’s ratification in 1967. The amendment sought to better define the process of determining presidential vacancies and the inability or disability of a president or vice president.

The 25th Amendment’s first two sections formalized the Tyler Precedent. The amendment stated that the vice president becomes president “in case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation.” It also allowed the president and Congress to nominate and approve a new vice president when that office became vacant. The 25th Amendment’s Section 3 allowed the president to notify Congress that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and to designate the vice president to act as president until the president is able to resume work.

However, the Amendment’s Section 4 granted the vice president a pivotal role in a situation where a president may be determined as unable to discharge his official duties, and has not notified Congress of such.
What does any of your gibberish have to do with Trump ready to deport as many of kamala's illegals as possible, and with the fact that the majority of Americans agree with Trump's plan to deport?
Outside of the Left (aka Democrats) an overwhelming majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals. Polling has found that 86% of Republicans and 58% of Independents are in favor of mass deportations. Only on the Left is there serious opposition to this idea and even within the Democrat party 25% are in favor of it.

A wide majority now want a wall built on the border and increased enforcement to stop illegal crossings.

The Left seems surprised by this, but it isn't as if this is suddenly the case

It is truly amazing that Biden / Harris with their open borders policies have done in less than three years what no other administration before them has: They have turned the country massively against illegal immigration and in favor of draconian enforcement to include mass deportations, building a border wall, and rigidly enforcing our borders.
Oh for crying out loud! Pass the peanuts please!

And a couple of those Little Debbie snackin' cakes!
What does any of your gibberish have to do with Trump ready to deport as many of kamala's illegals as possible, and with the fact that the majority of Americans agree with Trump's plan to deport?
Kamalas? WTF are you talking about? She has never had any power . VP has no power. Have you ever read any American History? The position was s described as not worth piss in a boot.
You Trumpys are so dishonest.
Some people are deep thinkers. Trumpys think with their hair. Have you considered what a clusterfuck mass deportation would be? People have rights. You would have to take them away. Then the brutality of forcing people to leave their homes would meet great resistance. This is America. They have guns too. Picture the mistakes? American citizens would be swept up. Have you considered the cost? How many planes and police would it require? It would be the end of America as we know it.
Why are you supporting criminals, Sybil?

Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals​

First of all, no person with any concept of decorum refers to humans as "illegals."
That's an indication of grotesque classlessness and nothing more.
You say that, you may as well have
"I am a fucking idiot" tattooed across your forehead.

Beyond that, however, does that "majority" comprise only humans,
or does it include trumpanzee mutants?
Why do you support criminals?
We deport after legal procedures are completed. People have rights. Rounding them up in huge numbers and piling them on trains to the airports is not the same. That sounds like what Hitler did to Jews and gays, except he built concentration camps. I wonder if Trump would do the same. I'm sure you would approve.
Why do you support criminals, Sybil?
Meaning anyone to the left of Alt-Right.
There is no such thing as an 'alt-right', Sybil. Buzzword fallacy.
Yes, Terry, I know your predilection for white supremacy and Alt-Right bigotry.
The fact you support a police state with the US military staging patrols along a southern border wall without supporting immigration reform that locks up those who entice illegals to work and live in the US tells me everything I need to know about your mental state and political beliefs.

Why do you support criminals?
So the grand scale of Trump's deportation is beyond your imagination. That seems right. It would be a mess and cost billions. It would cause conflicts many violent. Many wrong people would be removed. But your thinking is so simplistic, that you show us why you are a Trumplestilskin.
So big numbers scare you, eh, Sybil?

Why do you support criminals?
That would be no illegals

And you are advocating stripping Americans of their constitutional rights

You fucking Russian whore baits need to read the constitution if you don’t want to look like such obvious fascists
They are not citizens, Vincy. Why do you support criminals?
