Man, That's Some Blizzard


Okay, we now have proof: half or more of the regular posters here are actually Damo's trolls. One blizzard in Colorado and the entire community shuts down.

Wait'll SR hears about this. :orang:
How is old SR anyway? Is he still constructing straw men faster than a scarecrow factory? I'm still surprised that him and Dixie didn't get along. They're both worshipers of W, he's their god. Maybe its like the Shi'ite's and Sunni's though. They just like to worship him in different ways?
I don't know: I haven't been back to FP much in recent months. I swing by, lob a grenade and then move on. Last I saw, though, not much had changed. Apart from an obsession with the Insecurity Council. ;)

Would you say that Dixie's the Shi'ite type? They're the ones more hooked on history and geneology, if I understand it correctly. The Sunni are more doctrine oriented and bookish.
I don't know: I haven't been back to FP much in recent months. I swing by, lob a grenade and then move on. Last I saw, though, not much had changed. Apart from an obsession with the Insecurity Council. ;)

Would you say that Dixie's the Shi'ite type? They're the ones more hooked on history and geneology, if I understand it correctly. The Sunni are more doctrine oriented and bookish.

Dixie seems like more of a Sunni then. That is if they don't like that pesky history thing interfering with their preconceived notions. But then, so does SR. Ah well, they're just two worshipers who don't like each other then.
LOL. I had to give my Nephew a ride home from work. He drove, get this.., his Mustang to work today... During a blizzard! It took hours to get there and back to his house!
well up n here in mn ... we MIGHT get an inch or 2 :(

just enough to screw up traffic but not much else
Snow is completely overrated. Unless you're skiing, what's the point?

no its not, it quite obvious that you are a city slicker.... but any way there are lots of good things about snow and not just for skiers... its nice to have around, well iam not going to get too into detail but i would rather it be snowing out then a hot 90 degree day any day
no its not, it quite obvious that you are a city slicker.... but any way there are lots of good things about snow and not just for skiers... its nice to have around, well iam not going to get too into detail but i would rather it be snowing out then a hot 90 degree day any day

Actually, I'm a suburban slicker thank you. Snow gets in the way, you've got to shovel it, you can't get anywhere fast enough in it, it can freeze up your window wipers, and lets not forget the salt that gets everywhere on your car. Not to mention you can't go jogging out, play tennis, you've got to wear ugly shoes.
makes driving funner, crates jobs, gives people unexpected vacation, gives life, then yes there are the sports.
makes driving funner, crates jobs, gives people unexpected vacation, gives life, then yes there are the sports.

You mean it costs employers and the state extra money? Gives you more work that piles up at the office.

I agree, the sports are fine. I just wish we could isolate the snow to sport centered regions.
no its not, it quite obvious that you are a city slicker.... but any way there are lots of good things about snow and not just for skiers... its nice to have around, well iam not going to get too into detail but i would rather it be snowing out then a hot 90 degree day any day

Actually, I'm a suburban slicker thank you. Snow gets in the way, you've got to shovel it, you can't get anywhere fast enough in it, it can freeze up your window wipers, and lets not forget the salt that gets everywhere on your car. Not to mention you can't go jogging out, play tennis, you've got to wear ugly shoes.
I'm going to have to do something I think I've never done before: I agree with Bob. :shock: I can't stand hot weather and I'll take snow over heat and humidity any day.

Of course, that's kind of meainingless coming from someone who lives in a place where it hasn't snowed since 1962.
I'm going to have to do something I think I've never done before: I agree with Bob. :shock: I can't stand hot weather and I'll take snow over heat and humidity any day.

Of course, that's kind of meainingless coming from someone who lives in a place where it hasn't snowed since 1962.

I don't like hot weather either. I like it between 68 and 78 degrees outside. Everything else sucks. I especially hate rain. I think it should only rain at or very early in the morning.
Actually, I'm a suburban slicker thank you. Snow gets in the way, you've got to shovel it, you can't get anywhere fast enough in it, it can freeze up your window wipers, and lets not forget the salt that gets everywhere on your car. Not to mention you can't go jogging out, play tennis, you've got to wear ugly shoes.

ya... sholveling it, a lil exercise is good for ya, you can get places fast, you just have to hve the right tools, are you always in a rush... slowdown a bit maybe youll enjoy it a lil more, window wipers?? get the winter ones and agin slowdown let you car warm up, and as far as the salt goes dont you wash your car ever ? jogging is no problem just get better gear, tennis go to a gym, and well the shoes... big deal
I'm going to have to do something I think I've never done before: I agree with Bob. :shock: I can't stand hot weather and I'll take snow over heat and humidity any day.

Of course, that's kind of meainingless coming from someone who lives in a place where it hasn't snowed since 1962.

LOL... well hell didnt frezz over...ITs FRICKING RAINING HERE:mad:
I don't like hot weather either. I like it between 68 and 78 degrees outside. Everything else sucks. I especially hate rain. I think it should only rain at or very early in the morning.

well maybe i am just weird... i like rain too