Man, That's Some Blizzard

ya... sholveling it, a lil exercise is good for ya, you can get places fast, you just have to hve the right tools, are you always in a rush... slowdown a bit maybe youll enjoy it a lil more, window wipers?? get the winter ones and agin slowdown let you car warm up, and as far as the salt goes dont you wash your car ever ? jogging is no problem just get better gear, tennis go to a gym, and well the shoes... big deal

More work, more time, all for the freakin' snow. No thanks.
I don't like hot weather either. I like it between 68 and 78 degrees outside. Everything else sucks. I especially hate rain. I think it should only rain at or very early in the morning.

I like it between 68 and 78 degrees outside. Everything else sucks.

Agreed. Our daily highs range from about 60 to about 80, pretty much every day of the year.

You mean it costs employers and the state extra money? Gives you more work that piles up at the office.

I agree, the sports are fine. I just wish we could isolate the snow to sport centered regions.

i would be more than happy to take snow that people dont want, just logisticaly not fessable.

well ya it cost some states, we expect it though, its part of the budget, and actuly makes money, but it takes alot more to shut down a bussniss here than most places
I don't like hot weather either. I like it between 68 and 78 degrees outside. Everything else sucks. I especially hate rain. I think it should only rain at or very early in the morning.
LOL! I'm a mid-50s to mid-60s sort of guy -- all that Viking ancestry, as my grandmother used to say -- but the principle is the same. I kind of like rain though, as long as it doesn't last more than a day or two at a stretch.
LOL! I'm a mid-50s to mid-60s sort of guy -- all that Viking ancestry, as my grandmother used to say -- but the principle is the same. I kind of like rain though, as long as it doesn't last more than a day or two at a stretch.

ya rain for long periods do get old... but overall its kinda refreshing
You two are weird :p
Rain sucks.

Other than a quick april shower, I see nothing pleasant about it.
LOL! I'm a mid-50s to mid-60s sort of guy -- all that Viking ancestry, as my grandmother used to say -- but the principle is the same. I kind of like rain though, as long as it doesn't last more than a day or two at a stretch.

That's cause you're used to those gentle california showers. Those are pleasant and harmless.

Ever been in a Gulf Coast storm? Torrential downpours with lighting strikes.
That's cause you're used to those gentle california showers. Those are pleasant and harmless.

Ever been in a Gulf Coast storm? Torrential downpours with lighting strikes.

i love lightning and thunder storms... nothing like sitting on the portch with a cold beer watching a lightning storm
That's cause you're used to those gentle california showers. Those are pleasant and harmless.

Ever been in a Gulf Coast storm? Torrential downpours with lighting strikes.
I've been in raging gully-washers in New Mexico's lightning alley, between the Jemez and Sangre de Cristo mountains. My mother grew up there. :D
Actually, I'm a suburban slicker thank you. Snow gets in the way, you've got to shovel it, you can't get anywhere fast enough in it, it can freeze up your window wipers, and lets not forget the salt that gets everywhere on your car. Not to mention you can't go jogging out, play tennis, you've got to wear ugly shoes.

We country folks do not need to go jogging to get exercise.
I like snow. I can't get anywhere fast enough in a city anyway, traffic gets in the way to ;)
Yes storms are fun. Of course most city folks don't even know what it is to enjoy sitting on the porch. Most don't even have one. All inside critters...
well it looks like i should have brought my ice skates... its poring frezzing rain right now and getting colder... 40 miles on ice... should be a white knuckle afternoon
Just wait till all those in a big hurry have crashed, etc and then head home.

ya.. usaly i take side or back roads on days like this... but it reely dosnt matter what way i go, the idiots just seem to come out of the wood work around here... i think my plan is to stop by the corner bar down the street and have big frosty mug of some winter ale then take up the drive... that way i will relaxe a lil more