Man, That's Some Blizzard

i think i have a thing for periods...

and no not the kind of periods that trouble women... and men for that matter...

sick minded people...
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This freaks me out....I don't even want to ask.

There's some funny shit here today.

I have to go, see ya later. I got tired of looking at my own ugly face and took down that avitar. It was starting to hurt my eyes, you know?

Anyway, thanks for the laughs everyone. There really was some funny shit here today.
There's some funny shit here today.

I have to go, see ya later. I got tired of looking at my own ugly face and took down that avitar. It was starting to hurt my eyes, you know?

Anyway, thanks for the laughs everyone. There really was some funny shit here today.

Happy boozin' lady.
Here ya go, Cityslicker:
That's called dry-land farming. Relying on precipitation.

Irrigation, in farming, means conveying water from a groundwater or surface water source, to your field.

:o Well, I never said that I was the actual farmer! So give me a break on the terminology!

There's a lot of work being done in this area on more and more efficient means of irrigation, e.g. drip vs. spray. The water is pulled up from the Ogallala Aquifer and as the guy who farms the land around our house says, it is meant to supplement rainfall, not be the whole source. Dryland cotton all died this year; we went for over 4 months without a drop and at the same time the temperatures soared -- about two months with daily temps over 100 deg.F. Nobody planted a whole field. Every irrigated field I saw was planted at 1/2 to 1/3 its area, something I've not seen in the 14 years we've been here. Friends of mine own a lot of land that they lease for farming, but they refuse to allow cotton crops because of the excessive water usage.

Anyway, to tie all this to the original topic, the big rainstorm we just had, even though it was partly ice, was very welcome. We may have some snow on Christmas eve; hope so.
Happy boozin' lady.

I'm not "boozin", I'm wrapping presents.

I hardly think that sipping on Bailey's constitutes "boozin" Beefy. Don't be spreading rumors about me "boozin" while I"m gone either. I'm very concerned that Dixie keeps his high opinion of me, so ixnay on that, blabbermouth, ok?
I'm not "boozin", I'm wrapping presents.

I hardly think that sipping on Bailey's constitutes "boozin" Beefy. Don't be spreading rumors about me "boozin" while I"m gone either. I'm very concerned that Dixie keeps his high opinion of me, so ixnay on that, blabbermouth, ok?

lol. I just wish I was hittin' the bottle really heavy right now also.
lol. I just wish I was hittin' the bottle really heavy right now also.
I think Darla's more into drinks that arrive in oddly shaped glasses that look like something out of a 60s spy movie. You know, the sort of thing that has a list of ingredients you need a degree in Latin to decipher and has a color not normally found in nature.
Well, I finally got home. I high-centered my truck in my driveway. At least it is in my driveway and not in the road like my nephew's Mustang.

No AWD Subaru would even get close to getting around out here at this time.