Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'good Christian' abortion meltdown

Hey little cocksucker, you were the one pretending to be a Biblical scholar. But hey, leave it up to a retard like you to pull a trump thing.

Did anyone know Jesus was a Bible? Well, according to our resident "expert" his "Bible" says Jesus was:

"Dutch Uncle
Dutch Uncle is offline Arrogant Asshole

The Bible says he was a Bible. At least mine does. What version do you use? If at all? "

No, dipshit, I'm not a Biblical scholar. The discussion was about Jesus being a Jewish Rabbi. I agreed but you have stick up your ass about it, Doctor of Bibliography.

Jesus fucking Christ, dude, you tossed that card out faster than Democrats toss the race card when anyone says anything negative about Obama.

Get a fucking grip. You have nothing to prove here and neither do I. It's just a fucking discussion about a guy who was crucified about 2000 years ago and the impact that death had on Western Civilization.
I always thought Eric Trump looked like him.

A whore is a prostitute that is paid for her services. None of these women were technically whores.

Rahan is described in scripture as a prostitute, and you say that is a whore.

Tamar slept with her father in law for the purpose of getting pregnant (reward), and succeeded. Since she was a widow at the time one cannot say she was an adulterer.

Bathsheba also became a widow due to David, and she bore Solomon. As the wife of a King her life greatly improved over that as a wife of a Hutterite Captain.

All three sold their bodies for a reward, and that is prostitution, or being a whore.

Of course, in modern times definitions have changed so even those who go out to "hook up" do not consider themselves to be whores.
No, dipshit, I'm not a Biblical scholar. The discussion was about Jesus being a Jewish Rabbi. I agreed.

Actually I can find no where that you agreed with me. However, in post #74 this is what you said:

Dutch Uncle

Me: Quote Originally Posted by Old Trapper
And Christ was a rabbi? Not really. While some did all Him a "rabbi", or "teacher", he spoke against the OT commands at least 6 time I know of. He did teach against the OT on at least 6 occassions I know of. Woman at the well, and adultery, revenge v love your enemies, etc. So while He was genetically a Jew, spiritually He was not.

YOU: "The Bible says he was a Bible. At least mine does. What version do you use? If at all? "

And it is just as obvious that you are not any kind of a scholar.
Rabbinical texts describe Rahab as an Innkeeper, not a prostitute. Josephus also described her as an Innkeeper.

And they also spell the name differently, Rachab. However, in Joshua 2:2, Joshua 6:17, James 2:25, and Hebrews 11:31, she is called a harlot, or prostitute.
Actually I can find no where that you agreed with me. However, in post #74 this is what you said:

Dutch Uncle

Me: Quote Originally Posted by Old Trapper
And Christ was a rabbi? Not really. While some did all Him a "rabbi", or "teacher", he spoke against the OT commands at least 6 time I know of. He did teach against the OT on at least 6 occassions I know of. Woman at the well, and adultery, revenge v love your enemies, etc. So while He was genetically a Jew, spiritually He was not.

YOU: "The Bible says he was a Bible. At least mine does. What version do you use? If at all? "

And it is just as obvious that you are not any kind of a scholar.
The fact you like to derail into the weeds is your problem, "doc".

Are you agreeing Jesus was both Jewish and a Rabbi or not? Don't give me your Argument from Authority bullshit. Yes or no.
No. Now prove me wrong butt wipe.

Already did, dipstick, as noted below. Other than bragging and acting like a supercilious twit, what have you posted to back up your claim that Jesus was a “Christian”? Is there scripture in your Bible? Do you wear magic underwear so you can only see this scripture in your head? Or will you prove to be as pusillanimous as the Trumpers on this forum?

The Bible says he was a Bible. At least mine does. What version do you use? If at all?

16 examples:
And they also spell the name differently, Rachab. However, in Joshua 2:2, Joshua 6:17, James 2:25, and Hebrews 11:31, she is called a harlot, or prostitute.
So? They have translated many things incorrectly in the Bible. I’ll go with the Jewish interpretation, it’s their holy book.
So? They have translated many things incorrectly in the Bible. I’ll go with the Jewish interpretation, it’s their holy book.

Yes, and it is where you will find no mention of Jesus as the Messiah, as a Rabbi, and where also abortions are legal. But you go with it girl.