Mask filtration principles

This is absolutely NOT how masks work, it is just mask propaganda as predicted in the opening post. There is a good reason why you evade discussing HOW masks work. The opening post predicted what you just posted here, your post was like clockwork.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion
are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
Claims that masks work, or that they make it hard to breathe are not HOW masks work. You need to explain how exactly the enormous pores or openings of cheap cloth masks filter out tiny viruses. You have not even demonstrated that you know the size of the pores in cheap cloth masks or that you understand that these pores may be 1000 times larger than a virus. If you are defending the notion that the enormous pores of cheap cloth masks can filter out a tiny virus, you've got some explaining to do.

if it limits how much air you can breathe in, and limits how far you can exhale enough breath to even blow out a candle, and we know air breathed in and carbon dioxide breathed out is hundreds of times SMALLER than the virus, HOW CAN YOU DENY THAT IT WORKS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Infectious disease physician breaks down coronavirus mask › health-wellness › infectious-disease-phys...
Jul 29, 2020 — Fact: Masks can filter larger particles in the air, but carbon dioxide can easily be exhaled through the filters. Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers.
Particle size for brownian motion when it comes to a mask is any particle that is of a size that it has brownian motion. ANY and ALL particles less than 500 nanometers would be included in this and the majority less than 1000 nanometers depending on air quality and composition.
Pressure is meaningless since the lung capacity of every human is such that it can't overcome brownian motion. Brownian motion occurs in air flowing at 100mph.
Pore/gap? What kind of an idiotic question is that? Pores and gap sizes don't matter since it is all about changing airflow using placement and size of fibers. The distance between fibers can be 10 times greater than a particle but if you change the airflow you can still block 90-95% of particles because of the way physics works.

Any other idiotic questions? You were told this a couple of months ago but it seems your alzheimers is getting worse. Your idiocy doesn't change the science. Your refusal to absorb even the most basic understanding of physics doesn't change how it works.

Impaction, interception and diffusion are how any filter works. From a mask you wear on your face to the filter you use in your furnace to the HEPA filters required to keep workers safe in hazardous environments. They all use the same science that has been tested and shown to work for decades. There is a standard for how they are tested. All are able to stop particles much smaller than the "pore/gap" size in the filters because they use actual science instead of the holes in your head.

The presence of brownian motion between huge gaps is not evidence that viruses are being filtered out of the an air stream. If the presence of brownian motion between your nostrils or lips meant that viruses were filtered out, then you wouldn't be trying to defend the use of masks. If the gaps are too far apart, brownian motion will not act as a filter. Also, the random zig zag pattern that coronavirus can have does not occur until the droplets evaporate completely and only the nuclei remain. You are also failing to discuss the gaps on either side of surgical masks where they don't seal up that is large enough to pick your nose through. Brownian motion doesn't filter out viruses here either.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion
are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.

Font size is not how masks work, it just serves as a distraction from your weal argument. Just post better arguments.

Interception, impaction and diffusion only work if there is a fiber in the way.
if it limits how much air you can breathe in, and limits how far you can exhale enough breath to even blow out a candle, and we know air breathed in and carbon dioxide breathed out is hundreds of times SMALLER than the virus, HOW CAN YOU DENY THAT IT WORKS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Infectious disease physician breaks down coronavirus mask › health-wellness › infectious-disease-phys...
Jul 29, 2020 — Fact: Masks can filter larger particles in the air, but carbon dioxide can easily be exhaled through the filters. Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers.

Claims that masks work, or that they make it hard to breathe are not HOW masks work. You need to explain how exactly the enormous pores or openings of cheap cloth masks filter out tiny viruses. You have not even demonstrated that you know the size of the pores in cheap cloth masks or that you understand that these pores may be 1000 times larger than a virus. If you are defending the notion that the enormous pores of cheap cloth masks can filter out a tiny virus, you've got some explaining to do.
The presence of brownian motion between huge gaps is not evidence that viruses are being filtered out of the an air stream.If the presence of brownian motion between your nostrils or lips meant that viruses were filtered out, then you wouldn't be trying to defend the use of masks.
Masks don't have huge gaps. Your argument here is ridiculous since I have already stated that masks work by changing air flow. You ignoring that fact doesn't change the science. There are no fibers in your mouth to change the air flow. The most effective masks use 3 layers of fibrous material and are nothing like your mouth. I suggest you hold a surgical mask up to a light. How much light to you see coming through gaps? Now take a micrometer and set it at the idiotic size you said the gaps are in masks and see how much light passes through that gap. It seems your entire argument is based on your complete and total ignorance of science and you seem to be rather proud of that ignorance.

If the gaps are too far apart, brownian motion will not act as a filter.
I guess that puts the burden on you to show that the gaps in masks are too far apart if you think you have a valid argument. Simply claiming they are in contradiction to published science doesn't make it so. Show us your science. Otherwise you are just pretending that your ignorance is science and that isn't so.

Also, the random zig zag pattern that coronavirus can have does not occur until the droplets evaporate completely and only the nuclei remain.
False. What is the smallest size droplet that can surround a virus? Show us your science.

Droplets containing a virus can be small enough to have brownian motion. Water molecules are .27 nanometers. Brownian motion occurs with droplets 1000 nanometers in size. Covid virus is 50-200 nanometers in size. Water droplets in fog range from 1000 nanometers to 10,000 nanometers. Clearly a virus can be contained in a water droplet that is subject to Brownian motion.

You are also failing to discuss the gaps on either side of surgical masks where they don't seal up that is large enough to pick your nose through. Brownian motion doesn't filter out viruses here either.
We are back to simple physics again to show your stupidity. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Put your hand 4" in front of your ear and 4" from the side of your face. Now blow. How much air reaches your hand? Now if you happen to have an anemometer place that in front of your mouth and blow. Then put on a mask and blow and see what the comparison is between the side of the mask and directly in front of your mouth. The funny thing is when I wear a mask I can't get any air speed reading out of the side of the mask or out of the front of the mask no matter how hard I blow. I wonder where all that air is going if it isn't being filtered as the air flow changes passing through the mask. Am I suddenly not breathing? Did I die or is the science of the mask actually working?

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
Font size is not how masks work, it just serves as a distraction from your weal argument. Just post better arguments.
My arguments are just fine. Your pretending that your ignorance is science is the weal (sic) argument. Since you want to pretend that masks don't work because of the size of the openings tell us the pore size in a standard surgical mask. I eagerly await your answer since you seem to know for sure that the pores are bigger than the virus.

Interception, impaction and diffusion only work if there is a fiber in the way.
Which explains exactly how masks work. Funny thing about masks is they contain fibers. Air changes direction when it flows around the fibers. The change in direction allows for interception, impaction and diffusion.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion
are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
Masks don't have huge gaps. Your argument here is ridiculous since I have already stated that masks work by changing air flow. You ignoring that fact doesn't change the science. There are no fibers in your mouth to change the air flow. The most effective masks use 3 layers of fibrous material and are nothing like your mouth. I suggest you hold a surgical mask up to a light. How much light to you see coming through gaps? Now take a micrometer and set it at the idiotic size you said the gaps are in masks and see how much light passes through that gap. It seems your entire argument is based on your complete and total ignorance of science and you seem to be rather proud of that ignorance.

I guess that puts the burden on you to show that the gaps in masks are too far apart if you think you have a valid argument. Simply claiming they are in contradiction to published science doesn't make it so. Show us your science. Otherwise you are just pretending that your ignorance is science and that isn't so.

False. What is the smallest size droplet that can surround a virus? Show us your science.

Droplets containing a virus can be small enough to have brownian motion. Water molecules are .27 nanometers. Brownian motion occurs with droplets 1000 nanometers in size. Covid virus is 50-200 nanometers in size. Water droplets in fog range from 1000 nanometers to 10,000 nanometers. Clearly a virus can be contained in a water droplet that is subject to Brownian motion.

We are back to simple physics again to show your stupidity. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Put your hand 4" in front of your ear and 4" from the side of your face. Now blow. How much air reaches your hand? Now if you happen to have an anemometer place that in front of your mouth and blow. Then put on a mask and blow and see what the comparison is between the side of the mask and directly in front of your mouth. The funny thing is when I wear a mask I can't get any air speed reading out of the side of the mask or out of the front of the mask no matter how hard I blow. I wonder where all that air is going if it isn't being filtered as the air flow changes passing through the mask. Am I suddenly not breathing? Did I die or is the science of the mask actually working?

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.

Here is a video of your brownian motion at work:

Here is a video of your brownian motion at work:
That is hardly an example of brownian motion at work since you can't see what is happening in the mask. You also can't tell if he is breathing normally or attempting to create a high speed air flow by blowing out. It is however a good example of how the mask changes airflow. Did you notice that the vapor didn't move 6' from him but instead stayed within a 2' radius no matter which mask he used? So from that standpoint the mask worked exactly as it is supposed to. It slowed down and prevented the spread of the aerosols. Particulates that are moving slower will drop out of the air quicker. It's that little thing we call gravity.

The real question here is who would be breathing out virus in the same quantity as the vape? The correct answer would be no one since people breath air in and out. No one breathes 100% virus particulate. It does raise the question of if a person only breathed in through a vape, how long before they pass out from lack of oxygen? The problem we have with this video is it isn't science since it does nothing to test the effectiveness of the mask. It simply shows the mask isn't 100% effective which is not a surprise since no mask is 100% effective. For a mask to be 100% effective it would have to prevent someone from breathing which would be 100% effective in killing them.

Particulates in the air are calculated in parts per million. We don't know how many parts per million are produced by the vape. We don't know how many parts per million make it through the mask. We don't know how many particles are stopped by the mask. The masks could be 90% effective for all we know since we don't have any of those answers. This video doesn't prove much of anything other then you are completely gullible and ignorant of science.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
That is hardly an example of brownian motion at work since you can't see what is happening in the mask. You also can't tell if he is breathing normally or attempting to create a high speed air flow by blowing out. It is however a good example of how the mask changes airflow. Did you notice that the vapor didn't move 6' from him but instead stayed within a 2' radius no matter which mask he used? So from that standpoint the mask worked exactly as it is supposed to. It slowed down and prevented the spread of the aerosols. Particulates that are moving slower will drop out of the air quicker. It's that little thing we call gravity.

The real question here is who would be breathing out virus in the same quantity as the vape? The correct answer would be no one since people breath air in and out. No one breathes 100% virus particulate. It does raise the question of if a person only breathed in through a vape, how long before they pass out from lack of oxygen? The problem we have with this video is it isn't science since it does nothing to test the effectiveness of the mask. It simply shows the mask isn't 100% effective which is not a surprise since no mask is 100% effective. For a mask to be 100% effective it would have to prevent someone from breathing which would be 100% effective in killing them.

Particulates in the air are calculated in parts per million. We don't know how many parts per million are produced by the vape. We don't know how many parts per million make it through the mask. We don't know how many particles are stopped by the mask. The masks could be 90% effective for all we know since we don't have any of those answers. This video doesn't prove much of anything other then you are completely gullible and ignorant of science.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.

Any arguments that you have made for how masks work are not relevant after viewing the video. The video clearly shows that mask don't do shit. Brownian motion is a real thing, but it is clearly not providing any filtering action in that video. Anybody can see the reality of how masks are worthless for filtering out droplets when they watch that video.
Any arguments that you have made for how masks work are not relevant after viewing the video. The video clearly shows that mask don't do shit. Brownian motion is a real thing, but it is clearly not providing any filtering action in that video. Anybody can see the reality of how masks are worthless for filtering out droplets when they watch that video.

The principle behind how masks work is that air passes through a bunch of small pores or holes. The stuff that is bigger than the holes gets stopped by the smaller holes. You can pour a pot of water and pasta through a strainer and witness how masks filter out stuff. All we need to know here for filtering viruses is the size of the hole or pore in the mask, and of course the size of the virus. If the pores are 300 to 10,000 times larger than the virus or virus carrying droplet, then we know that the mask is not the correct ppe. Duh...

Quotes of mask studies are not how masks work, and neither are claims that they do in fact work. Claims that masks work and quotes of studies are propaganda. If a doctor or scientist claims that masks work, it is not the same thing as HOW masks work. No claim that masks work, regardless of if they are correct or not, is how masks work.

There is a good reason why lefties will not discuss HOW masks work, and why they need to evade or quote propaganda that simply claims that masks work. The reason is that even a five year old child can see that smaller stuff will flow through larger holes. The difference in the tiny size of a virus compared to the enormous holes or pores in cheap paper and cloth masks is breathtaking.

Quotable reminder: This thread is not a debate about IF masks work, it is about "HOW" masks work.
Any arguments that you have made for how masks work are not relevant after viewing the video. The video clearly shows that mask don't do shit. Brownian motion is a real thing, but it is clearly not providing any filtering action in that video. Anybody can see the reality of how masks are worthless for filtering out droplets when they watch that video.

The video doesn't do anything other than feed the egos of conspiracy nut cases like yourself. It doesn't prove anything about masks because as I stated you can't show if the mask blocked 90% of the vaping or not. All you can show is that it doesn't block 100%. We know masks can't block 100% otherwise they would kill people 100%.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
The principle behind how masks work is that air passes through a bunch of small pores or holes. The stuff that is bigger than the holes gets stopped by the smaller holes. You can pour a pot of water and pasta through a strainer and witness how masks filter out stuff. All we need to know here for filtering viruses is the size of the hole or pore in the mask, and of course the size of the virus. If the pores are 300 to 10,000 times larger than the virus or virus carrying droplet, then we know that the mask is not the correct ppe. Duh...

Quotes of mask studies are not how masks work, and neither are claims that they do in fact work. Claims that masks work and quotes of studies are propaganda. If a doctor or scientist claims that masks work, it is not the same thing as HOW masks work. No claim that masks work, regardless of if they are correct or not, is how masks work.

There is a good reason why lefties will not discuss HOW masks work, and why they need to evade or quote propaganda that simply claims that masks work. The reason is that even a five year old child can see that smaller stuff will flow through larger holes. The difference in the tiny size of a virus compared to the enormous holes or pores in cheap paper and cloth masks is breathtaking.

Quotable reminder: This thread is not a debate about IF masks work, it is about "HOW" masks work.

That is not the principle of how they work. That is your idiotic idea of how you think they work which has nothing to do with actual science.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.
The video doesn't do anything other than feed the egos of conspiracy nut cases like yourself. It doesn't prove anything about masks because as I stated you can't show if the mask blocked 90% of the vaping or not. All you can show is that it doesn't block 100%. We know masks can't block 100% otherwise they would kill people 100%.

Interception, Impaction and Diffusion are how masks work.
If you don't understand the science, you should perhaps stop showing everyone how stupid you are.

The reason why you can't explain how the masks in the video work is because they did not work. Huge amounts of droplets poured out, around, and right through the masks. This is why nobody can explain how masks filter out viruses and droplets.
The principle behind how masks work is that air passes through a bunch of small pores or holes. The stuff that is bigger than the holes gets stopped by the smaller holes. You can pour a pot of water and pasta through a strainer and witness how masks filter out stuff. All we need to know here for filtering viruses is the size of the hole or pore in the mask, and of course the size of the virus. If the pores are 300 to 10,000 times larger than the virus or virus carrying droplet, then we know that the mask is not the correct ppe. Duh...

Quotes of mask studies are not how masks work, and neither are claims that they do in fact work. Claims that masks work and quotes of studies are propaganda. If a doctor or scientist claims that masks work, it is not the same thing as HOW masks work. No claim that masks work, regardless of if they are correct or not, is how masks work.

There is a good reason why lefties will not discuss HOW masks work, and why they need to evade or quote propaganda that simply claims that masks work. The reason is that even a five year old child can see that smaller stuff will flow through larger holes. The difference in the tiny size of a virus compared to the enormous holes or pores in cheap paper and cloth masks is breathtaking.

Quotable reminder: This thread is not a debate about IF masks work, it is about "HOW" masks work.
