Materialistic society is 'damaging' children

Heres a surprize for you guys like cawacko who just cant understand that being against Huge corporations getting tax breaks is not anti enreprenurial. You see the Huge corporations have stood in the way of entrepreneurial spirit over the last few decades. This is what many in this generation have seen. They have seen their grandfathers business destroyed by mege corporations taking over their markets. The deep pockets who have made it impossible for the family businesses to survive. Being against the corporations who have monopolized most commerse and pushed out the family busness is not being anti entreprenurial its being pro entreprenurial.

You obviously haven't visited the Silicon Valley, Route 128 in Boston the Research Triangle in North Carolina or areas like Austin, TX. What do you think the internet and the late '90's and mid 2000's were all about? Those areas all blew up and exploded because of entrepreneurs. I was in the heart of it Desh, I worked with these people. What kind of technology did you use in the '70's or even the '80's? No where near the technology people use today. Everything was founded by start-ups. Granted Microsoft is huge today but is was two tech geeks who started it and look what they created.

You are severely missing the big picture if you think the entrepreneurial spirit is gone in this country. I'd bet you a $1,000 dollars your son probably has a facebook page or if not then at least a myspace page. Facebook was founded by a couple of kids in college and is worth almost $1 billion today.

Kids don't sit around dreaming about having a mom & pop corner market which is what you were trying to refer to.
I never said the spirit was gone dude!

Read what people actually post not what you imagine they post.

The Corporations have destroyed much of the market for entreprenership. There are always new sectors emerging and that is where it is still allowed to flourish. Once the little guy has paid all the dues then the corp steps up to buy it or force the little guy out. Its happened to my own family members fella. Like I said this generation has seen their Grandpas hardware store be pushed out by the big box stores with deep pockets.

Americans would love to be able to own small busniess like their past family members have but the markets are saturated by the corporations. THIS is why Walmart was hated.
I never said the spirit was gone dude!

Read what people actually post not what you imagine they post.

The Corporations have destroyed much of the market for entreprenership. There are always new sectors emerging and that is where it is still allowed to flourish. Once the little guy has paid all the dues then the corp steps up to buy it or force the little guy out. Its happened to my own family members fella. Like I said this generation has seen their Grandpas hardware store be pushed out by the big box stores with deep pockets.

Americans would love to be able to own small busniess like their past family members have but the markets are saturated by the corporations. THIS is why Walmart was hated.

On one hand you saying they are destroying the market for entrepreneurship and other the hand you are saying new sectors are emerging. That is what entrepreneurship is all about.

Economies of scale make it difficult for small mom & pops to survive. That's a fact. That seems to be the only entrepreneurial market you can focus on.

The entrepreneurial growth around has exploded over the last 20 years. It is far far bigger than just a mom & pop store in town on Main St.
On one hand you saying they are destroying the market for entrepreneurship and other the hand you are saying new sectors are emerging. That is what entrepreneurship is all about.

Economies of scale make it difficult for small mom & pops to survive. That's a fact. That seems to be the only entrepreneurial market you can focus on.

The entrepreneurial growth around has exploded over the last 20 years. It is far far bigger than just a mom & pop store in town on Main St.

Yes they are destroying the market for the average person to start a business.

The new sectors are the the emerging technologies for the most part of which you gave the Tech analogy. That was why Gates became so hated because he got nasty in how he cornered the sector.

This is waht happens. My realitive came out of the military with a great idea for tracking shipping. They were doing well but needed to go public to take the next step. they weree bought up and forced out of the fledgling business they had created from the ground up.

The average joe has very little opportunity to start a business in this market and most who try fail.
Ok we all agree that materialism is not in anyones best interest except those who profit financially from it.

Who is that?

The corporations who control many of our politicians.

I think the youth of today are understanding this like they have not in many years past. My sons generation are just not looking at life like the youth of ten years ago. I see and hear it on the ground level folks. This generation adore the bands of the 60s and 70s and admire the politcal activists of that time. They love political satire and this is why Obama has the college kids in his ranks. They want a better world and country , they want to care about their fellow man.

They will vote for regulating and taxing corporations folks. They are not buying the bullshit that all taxes are equally evil.
How old is your son? It could well be we are talking significantly different age groups when using the term "kids". The kids I am referring to are middle school through high school. I have a lot of exposure to these kids from doing volunteer work for the school district.

My son is in his early 30s, which means he is hardly a kid any more. His oldest is in 2nd grade and not highly cognizant of the competition aspect of materialism going on, though he does want his electronic toys. My son is holding off on that.
My son is 19.

Im talking the next generation of voters here.

Yes middle school kids are materialistic and so are high school kids. They are not yet adults and like my son did at that age still need to learn the value of things. Go ask the kids about how they feel about helping others. Ask them if they would be happier as an adult to earn less and help people or earn more and not help people?
Yes they are destroying the market for the average person to start a business.

The new sectors are the the emerging technologies for the most part of which you gave the Tech analogy. That was why Gates became so hated because he got nasty in how he cornered the sector.

This is waht happens. My realitive came out of the military with a great idea for tracking shipping. They were doing well but needed to go public to take the next step. they weree bought up and forced out of the fledgling business they had created from the ground up.

The average joe has very little opportunity to start a business in this market and most who try fail.

Gates did not corner the tech sector. Within the software space he operated they were ruled to have a monopoly but the tech industry is much larger than just software.

Desh, if being an entrepreneur were easy everyone would do it. Entrepreneurs by nature are risk takers. Many successful entrepreneurs have had previous ventures fail. Some multiple. That does not mean there is not opportunity though. There is always opportunity Desh. It is a defeatest attitude to say there is not. If you are afraid of risk and failure don't be an entrepreneur. If you want to work 40 hour weeks with all weekends off and four weeks vacation and steady paycheck don't be an entreperneur.

Your attitude is all about why people can't do it and how big evil corporations are the reasons. With all due respect that is probably why you aren't an entrepreneur.
My son is 19.

Im talking the next generation of voters here.

Yes middle school kids are materialistic and so are high school kids. They are not yet adults and like my son did at that age still need to learn the value of things. Go ask the kids about how they feel about helping others. Ask them if they would be happier as an adult to earn less and help people or earn more and not help people?

The supposed idealism of youth. It's a beatiful thing.
Gates did not corner the tech sector. Within the software space he operated they were ruled to have a monopoly but the tech industry is much larger than just software.

Desh, if being an entrepreneur were easy everyone would do it. Entrepreneurs by nature are risk takers. Many successful entrepreneurs have had previous ventures fail. Some multiple. That does not mean there is not opportunity though. There is always opportunity Desh. It is a defeatest attitude to say there is not. If you are afraid of risk and failure don't be an entrepreneur. If you want to work 40 hour weeks with all weekends off and four weeks vacation and steady paycheck don't be an entreperneur.

Your attitude is all about why people can't do it and how big evil corporations are the reasons. With all due respect that is probably why you aren't an entrepreneur.

Its not defeatism cawak its realizing that not letting sectors get monopolized is good for entreprenuial innovations and keeps the market spry as well as benifits more human beings.
Its not defeatism cawak its realizing that not letting sectors get monopolized is good for entreprenuial innovations and keeps the market spry as well as benifits more human beings.

We have laws against monopolies. It is not illegal or immoral to grow as a business and be successful.
I did not say it was. I think we do need to police the market better as to not kill market innovations by letting two few own too much.

Trust me you dont want a world where a few families own nearly everything.
I did not say it was. I think we do need to police the market better as to not kill market innovations by letting two few own too much.

Trust me you dont want a world where a few families own nearly everything.

We don't have that. What arbitary rules should we implement to prevent this from happening?

Who owns to much of anything?
industry consolidation

I just put a search in for this phrase and the list of industries consolidating goes on and on.
Will everyone stop knocking brand name clothing and materialism?!? The former is a hallmark of being young (i.e. my fond days of middle school, wearing abercrombie calogne, ballcaps and t-shirts under fleece jackets, nike/adidas sneakers--before New Balance became the shit--and spiking up the bangs of the hair with VO5 gel), and the latter is generally a big part of it all... Ef Off!
You sure can curtail it dude.

This is why we need to go back to better industry regulations like glass steagal and media ownership regulations. We sure as hell can curtail it.
You sure can curtail it dude.

This is why we need to go back to better industry regulations like glass steagal and media ownership regulations. We sure as hell can curtail it.

I don't know what your life working experience has been but I guess we just view the world from two completely different prisms.

One example, when the internet hit there were mulitiple companies that introduced on-line shopping for groceries. At one point there were 8 to 10 companies trying to compete in that space. And you are telling me that somehow all 8 to 10 companies should be able to survive and thrive on their own without any attrition? What if one company provides better service than the others and the others start to lose business and realize they can't survive. You want laws saying they can't sell their business?