Materialistic society is 'damaging' children

Yes and why are they doing that? because that is what sells.

It tells you the direction people are swinging. Its swinging away from consumers just wanting the next thing that the corps can create for them to purchase. The consumer wants to feel they are helping , they want to be seen as caring about something other than stuff. Its the wave. Young people dont want to be seen in an SUV. My sister in law has her teenager complaining about her SUV. The kids are the ones who always change the direction of the path. These kids want to care about the world.
Im telling you I am seeing a pulling away from materialism in the young people I know. Even the fricking commercials on TV are talking ecology and such ideas. Look at what is cool right now? That is telling you what is the next wave.
The idea that certain types of items are no longer part of the "in crowd" in no way indicates a pull away from materialism. It just changes which types of items are "in" and which types of items are "so 11 o'clock." Our youth is quite often at the front of "politically correct" movements, being easily swayed by the rhetoric of each new movement.

But regardless of what types of items are "cool" youth still concentrates on what is owned by whom when determining social worth. SUVs may be on the way out due to the green movement, but I defy you to show one kid who would willingly choose an 10 year old fuel efficient vehicle over a new gas guzzler.

The types of clothing worn must not only be of a certain style, but also of a certain narrow range of manufacturer with the name prominently displayed. When I was growing up, the idea of wearing an item displaying the manufacturer's name was limited to promotional items given away by the company under their advertising budget. Now, by promoting materialistic competition in youth, companies get their wares advertised, not only for free, but have convinced the public to PAY extra for their items, for the right to advertise for them.

Such is learned behavior, since kids see adults also competing in materialistic displays of social worth. But youth, especially teens, tend to compete more fiercely in all types of competition, including materialism while parents all too often accommodate such competition as part of their own.
The idea that certain types of items are no longer part of the "in crowd" in no way indicates a pull away from materialism. It just changes which types of items are "in" and which types of items are "so 11 o'clock." Our youth is quite often at the front of "politically correct" movements, being easily swayed by the rhetoric of each new movement.

But regardless of what types of items are "cool" youth still concentrates on what is owned by whom when determining social worth. SUVs may be on the way out due to the green movement, but I defy you to show one kid who would willingly choose an 10 year old fuel efficient vehicle over a new gas guzzler.

The types of clothing worn must not only be of a certain style, but also of a certain narrow range of manufacturer with the name prominently displayed. When I was growing up, the idea of wearing an item displaying the manufacturer's name was limited to promotional items given away by the company under their advertising budget. Now, by promoting materialistic competition in youth, companies get their wares advertised, not only for free, but have convinced the public to PAY extra for their items, for the right to advertise for them.

Such is learned behavior, since kids see adults also competing in materialistic displays of social worth. But youth, especially teens, tend to compete more fiercely in all types of competition, including materialism while parents all too often accommodate such competition as part of their own.

You must know some pretty shallow kids.

10 year old cars ARE gas guzzlers dude.

The kids I know are all much more into the idea of being helpful within society. They want a more meaninful life. Maybe its because that is how I raised my son and his friends reflect it but I see it on the hip shows too. There you go with "politically corredt" you use it to degrade anything good the kids might want to support. This is why our kids were such status hungry assholes for the last decade or so. People like you called them stupid and gullible for caring about anything that mattered.
You must know some pretty shallow kids.

10 year old cars ARE gas guzzlers dude.

The kids I know are all much more into the idea of being helpful within society. They want a more meaninful life. Maybe its because that is how I raised my son and his friends reflect it but I see it on the hip shows too. There you go with "politically corredt" you use it to degrade anything good the kids might want to support. This is why our kids were such status hungry assholes for the last decade or so. People like you called them stupid and gullible for caring about anything that mattered.
Are you for real? "People like me" are the reason kids are status conscious and materialistically competitive? What do you know about me, or my children, or what I have taught my children about what does and does not matter? (And meanwhile, you and yours are, of course, perfect.)

If this is your idea of discourse or debate, you are pathetic.

And a 10 year old Honda Prelude (as well as many others of similar type) are quite fuel efficient even by today's standards. Even a 10 year old minivan is fuel efficient by today's standards for its vehicle class. Saying "10 year old cars ARE gas guzzlers dude." further indicates you have either no real interest in debate, or are a pathetically ignorant materialist who cannot acknowledge that even older goods have positive value.
But regardless of what types of items are "cool" youth still concentrates on what is owned by whom when determining social worth. SUVs may be on the way out due to the green movement, but I defy you to show one kid who would willingly choose an 10 year old fuel efficient vehicle over a new gas guzzler.

The types of clothing worn must not only be of a certain style, but also of a certain narrow range of manufacturer with the name prominently displayed. When I was growing up, the idea of wearing an item displaying the manufacturer's name was limited to promotional items given away by the company under their advertising budget. Now, by promoting materialistic competition in youth, companies get their wares advertised, not only for free, but have convinced the public to PAY extra for their items, for the right to advertise for them.

They are your words and they show how you feel about the youth of today.
But regardless of what types of items are "cool" youth still concentrates on what is owned by whom when determining social worth. SUVs may be on the way out due to the green movement, but I defy you to show one kid who would willingly choose an 10 year old fuel efficient vehicle over a new gas guzzler.

The types of clothing worn must not only be of a certain style, but also of a certain narrow range of manufacturer with the name prominently displayed. When I was growing up, the idea of wearing an item displaying the manufacturer's name was limited to promotional items given away by the company under their advertising budget. Now, by promoting materialistic competition in youth, companies get their wares advertised, not only for free, but have convinced the public to PAY extra for their items, for the right to advertise for them.

They are your words and they show how you feel about the youth of today.
It shows how the signs of materialism are still strong in spite of a move away from SUVs as status symbols. Kids are kids, and will always be kids. One aspect of kids is they are rather easily swayed one direction or another by popular opinion. That aspect is in no way a comment nor condemnation of their character. It is simply how kids minds work.

And if you quit picking portions out of a longer statement, you would see I also point out that materialism in adults is the driving force for materialism in youth.
The idea that certain types of items are no longer part of the "in crowd" in no way indicates a pull away from materialism.

Our youth is quite often at the front of "politically correct" movements, being easily swayed by the rhetoric of each new movement.

It sure looks like to me you are disagreeing with my estimates that the youth today what something more because they are moral beings who want to care about their surrounding world.

BTW you picked only parts of my statement to quote also.

When you say the youth is just swayed and has no real convictions you show how little respect you have for them.

I really hate the "politically correct" phrase because it has been used for years to insult each and every attempt of people to act in a socially responsible manner.
How many youths have $250 cell phones and $300 plus of video game equipment ?
And how many hundreds of dallars in games ? Mp3 players ? iPhones ? a TV in their room, High speed net, etc ? Expensive sneakers or other clothes. Will the wrangler jeans do for them ?

Materialism is not just limited to gas guzzlers.
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How many youths have $250 cell phones and $300 plus of video game equipment ?
And how many hundreds of dallars in games ? Mp3 players ? iPhones ? a TV in their room, High speed net, etc ? Expensive sneakers or other clothes. Will the wrangler jeans do for them ?

Materialism is not just limited to gas guzzlers.
Exactly. The youth of today can easily support socially conscious ideals like support of more eco-friendly cars, protest the war, etc. But that in no way indicates they are not caught up in the same materialism that has run this country for several decades.

Nor does it mean kids do not engage in materialistic competition, to include ridicule of those who cannot "keep up" economically, a high percentage of youth who fear being in a situation they cannot "keep up", and all of the other unhealthy influences a materialistic society has on our youth as mentioned in the article posted. Materialism at the level our society is pushing IS very unhealthy for our youth. (It ain't all that healthy for adults either!)

This discussion and article cited at the beginning of this thread is, after all, about how materialism is negatively affecting our youth. It is NOT some kind of "attack" on the moral character of our youth as some seem to perceive it.
Exactly. The youth of today can easily support socially conscious ideals like support of more eco-friendly cars, protest the war, etc. But that in no way indicates they are not caught up in the same materialism that has run this country for several decades.

Nor does it mean kids do not engage in materialistic competition, to include ridicule of those who cannot "keep up" economically, a high percentage of youth who fear being in a situation they cannot "keep up", and all of the other unhealthy influences a materialistic society has on our youth as mentioned in the article posted. Materialism at the level our society is pushing IS very unhealthy for our youth. (It ain't all that healthy for adults either!)

This discussion and article cited at the beginning of this thread is, after all, about how materialism is negatively affecting our youth. It is NOT some kind of "attack" on the moral character of our youth as some seem to perceive it.

Exactly. "eco-friendly" is just a new brand, with a nice, breezy color scheme.
Ok we all agree that materialism is not in anyones best interest except those who profit financially from it.

Who is that?

The corporations who control many of our politicians.

I think the youth of today are understanding this like they have not in many years past. My sons generation are just not looking at life like the youth of ten years ago. I see and hear it on the ground level folks. This generation adore the bands of the 60s and 70s and admire the politcal activists of that time. They love political satire and this is why Obama has the college kids in his ranks. They want a better world and country , they want to care about their fellow man.

They will vote for regulating and taxing corporations folks. They are not buying the bullshit that all taxes are equally evil.
LMAO@desh again!

Ok we all agree that materialism is not in anyones best interest except those who profit financially from it.

Who is that?

The corporations who control many of our politicians.

I think the youth of today are understanding this like they have not in many years past. My sons generation are just not looking at life like the youth of ten years ago. I see and hear it on the ground level folks. This generation adore the bands of the 60s and 70s and admire the politcal activists of that time. They love political satire and this is why Obama has the college kids in his ranks. They want a better world and country , they want to care about their fellow man.

They will vote for regulating and taxing corporations folks. They are not buying the bullshit that all taxes are equally evil.

C'mon desh get real kids of today are no different than kids of the past...very few really get into politics until later on in their working life...their choice of music is within their generation...some do enjoy music of the past but still prefer their own generations music...
Children are a reflexion of their parents...some follow some rebel...this has always been the for kids wanting Obama...not really they just go along for the thrill of rebellion...very few will actually take the time from their exploring the world to actually vote...!
The college registartion rates are way up guy. Not all generations are the same. If that were true we would be still living the 50s life style.
The college registartion rates are way up guy. Not all generations are the same. If that were true we would be still living the 50s life style.

They will drop this year in many states. IN KY the tuition is up about 9% for the fall. The community colleges are worse off they will have to turn away students becuase of lack of funding.
Ok we all agree that materialism is not in anyones best interest except those who profit financially from it.

Who is that?

The corporations who control many of our politicians.

I think the youth of today are understanding this like they have not in many years past. My sons generation are just not looking at life like the youth of ten years ago. I see and hear it on the ground level folks. This generation adore the bands of the 60s and 70s and admire the politcal activists of that time. They love political satire and this is why Obama has the college kids in his ranks. They want a better world and country , they want to care about their fellow man.

They will vote for regulating and taxing corporations folks. They are not buying the bullshit that all taxes are equally evil.

We'll I've worked for a long time in the Silicon Valley and I can tell you what I see is the opposite. I see a lot of young people with the American entrepreneurial spirt which built this country in them. That is different than the kid who is going to sit there and complain about how corporations are evil and how we need to tax them etc.
Heres a surprize for you guys like cawacko who just cant understand that being against Huge corporations getting tax breaks is not anti enreprenurial. You see the Huge corporations have stood in the way of entrepreneurial spirit over the last few decades. This is what many in this generation have seen. They have seen their grandfathers business destroyed by mege corporations taking over their markets. The deep pockets who have made it impossible for the family businesses to survive. Being against the corporations who have monopolized most commerse and pushed out the family busness is not being anti entreprenurial its being pro entreprenurial.