Matt Gaetz Is Furious CNN Wouldn’t Let Trump Spokeswoman Lie on Air

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Donald Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt got dissed and dismissed during an interview on CNN Monday, and the former president’s allies are up in arms.

Leavitt was speaking with CNN’s Kasie Hunt when she began criticizing the network, which will host the first Biden-Trump presidential debate on Thursday, June 27.

“So I’ll just say my colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle,” Hunt rebutted. “I’ll also say that if you talk to analysts of previous debates, that if you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing.”

That's wrong. The CNN host simply wouldn't let Trump's campaign manager foist her opinion--equally meaningless and useless to that of the host--on air. I will say, that Trump's campaign manager let herself get pulled into a meaningless side argument rather than stick to the subject at hand.
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Typical empty headed Trumper bimbo cheerleader.


That's wrong. The CNN host simply wouldn't let Trump's campaign manager foist her opinion--equally meaningless and useless to that of the host--on air. I will say, that Trump's campaign manager let herself get pulled into a meaningless side argument rather than stick to the subject at hand.
Let herself get pulled into a meaningless side argument = went there voluntarily after she started it.
The solution to bad speech is more and better speech, not the shutting down of speech by force.

Before this dark age really set in most people knew that.
That's wrong. The CNN host simply wouldn't let Trump's campaign manager foist her opinion--equally meaningless and useless to that of the host--on air. I will say, that Trump's campaign manager let herself get pulled into a meaningless side argument rather than stick to the subject at hand.
:rolleyes: Anyone with a G.E.D. who watched that segment can plainly see that Leavitt wasn't going to answer the question....and instead opted to detour to attacking the character of the up-coming moderator in a much parroted mantra by Trump chumps. She was warned to stay on the subject asked, but insisted on continuing in her propaganda. The MAGA mooks are just pissed because someone actually said, NO and could enforce that "no".
Both are guilty of that. The host should have ignored it too. Instead, both foisted their OPINIONS on those hosts derailing the conversation.
Fuck that.

The Trumper bimbo started dissing CNN and Hunt's colleagues just like her obnoxious, no-class jackass boss always does.

She had every right to defend them.

I applaud anyone who stands up and refuses to take that Trumper shit by giving it right back to them even harder.
The solution to bad speech is more and better speech, not the shutting down of speech by force.

Before this dark age really set in most people knew that.
Yeah, Trumper maggats wish everyone would keep on taking their shit while trying to be polite.

That party is coming to an end and soon.
I want to see the media do more of this, when it comes to addressing Trump's and his sycophants lies?!!
I hope the moderators in Thursdays debate, will have time to fact check, especially on Trump?!!
There is a reason why Americans are now tuning out Regime Media wholesale....and the Mind Molders cant stand it.
“So I’ll just say, my colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle,” Hunt said. Citing analysts of previous debates, she added: “If you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing.”

Glad you acknowledge that the media like CNN is confronting Trumper lies with the truth.

Maybe you're learning. :thup:
Regime Media has a long record of not platforming views that do not agree with the Regime or if they get someone doing that by mistake they shut down the interview. Confronting liars on air with the truth is what a civilized person would do. As for what CNN does I have not watched them in 20 years, though of course there are long lists of horror stories.
I think the best part of that interview is the CNN host's body language and expression. I've seen that look many times when you confront a Leftist with a contrary position. All she'd have to have done is roll her eyes a time or two to make it perfect.

She was never for a second open minded or thinking about being objective. The second Trump's manager said something the CNN lady didn't like, it was on. That's the problem here.

If you don't like what the other person has to say and it's not relevant to the conversation, then say so and move on. Don't respond to the red herring.
Donald Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt got dissed and dismissed during an interview on CNN Monday, and the former president’s allies are up in arms.

Leavitt was speaking with CNN’s Kasie Hunt when she began criticizing the network, which will host the first Biden-Trump presidential debate on Thursday, June 27.

“So I’ll just say my colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle,” Hunt rebutted. “I’ll also say that if you talk to analysts of previous debates, that if you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing.”

Both of CNN's moderators are glaringly anti-Trump, feeding both the Russian Collusion lies, and the "Russian Disinformation " lie, just to cite a few clear examples, in addition to the multiple times Tapper has compared Trump to Hitler, in a complete display of idiocy.
Both of CNN's moderators are glaringly anti-Trump, feeding both the Russian Collusion lies, and the "Russian Disinformation " lie, just to cite a few clear examples, in addition to the multiple times Tapper has compared Trump to Hitler, in a complete display of idiocy.
you're stupid as shit