Matt Gaetz Is Furious CNN Wouldn’t Let Trump Spokeswoman Lie on Air

Wait until Thursday when Biden (& the Ho) gets a severe beatdown, despite him having the questions to study for beforehand.
Let's get real: neither of these guys are top choice on any level. One's doddering off to senior home heaven, and the other is losing his fucking mind! But what cracks me up is how the MAGA noise machine is carrying on that Biden "will be on cognitive/memory improvement drugs" which is cheating.

:thinking: Let's think that through. If Cheeto Jeezus is suppose to be the sharpest tool in the draw and his 4 years were heaven on Earth, then no normal politician should be able to best him in a debate. And the right wing wonks are only accusing Uncle Joe of being on THE VERY SAME TYPE OF SUPPLEMENTS YOU SEE ADVERTISED ON BIG PHARMA TV COMMERICALS DAILY.

So in effect, they should be on the same level. Mind you, whatever they're giving Uncle Joe (allegedly) they should give to Dump. May the best OTC cocktail win! :thup:
Let's get real: neither of these guys are top choice on any level. One's doddering off to senior home heaven, and the other is losing his fucking mind! But what cracks me up is how the MAGA noise machine is carrying on that Biden "will be on cognitive/memory improvement drugs" which is cheating.

:thinking: Let's think that through. If Cheeto Jeezus is suppose to be the sharpest tool in the draw and his 4 years were heaven on Earth, then no normal politician should be able to best him in a debate. And the right wing wonks are only accusing Uncle Joe of being on THE VERY SAME TYPE OF SUPPLEMENTS YOU SEE ADVERTISED ON BIG PHARMA TV COMMERICALS DAILY.

So in effect, they should be on the same level. Mind you, whatever they're giving Uncle Joe (allegedly) they should give to Dump. May the best OTC cocktail win! :thup:
I don't know what, or if, either will be on any mind altering drugs. What I do know is that the last 4 years have proven to be a literal disaster.
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...If the host doesn't like what the guest says, you let them have their say and people can decide. To immediately become combative is a mistake. It conveys that the only reason you invited them was to set them up for a political brow beating. It said to me that CNN doesn't give a shit what Trump's staffer had to say, the only reason she was invited was to insult and verbally assault her.
False and stupid as expected from you Terry.

There is not only no reason to allow a guest to go completely off topic and start slandering and lying about someone, but it would be irresponsible to do so, when the person being attacked is not there to defend themselves and refute the claims.

Your point is 'just allow the lies and distortions to go out and on another day, Tapper can separately refute them'.

NO. that is no now how life works outside a Magat bubble.
Ignorance is bliss, as they say.. You probably laugh like that cackling Ho, Harris.

Don't bring your own disappointments up and accuse me of them .

I am the way I am because being like you would end in a suicide.

Your kind never commit suicide because if you did, it would actually help make America great again and the world a better place.

And those are two things you assholes are just not interested in doing.
I don't know what, or if, either will be on any mind altering drugs. What I do know is that the last 4 years have proven to be a literal disaster.
Oh stop parroting that tired BS. Your ass hasn't wavered in the time you spend here. That means you have cash to spend on a server and are comfortable enough to shoot the breeze. If things were a "disaster", neither you or I would be here, and the site wouldn't exist.

So be SPECIFIC. What precisely has the last 4 years did that was detrimental to you? Remember, YOU are not unique in your situation. I'll wait.
Oh stop parroting that tired BS. Your ass hasn't wavered in the time you spend here. That means you have cash to spend on a server and are comfortable enough to shoot the breeze. If things were a "disaster", neither you or I would be here, and the site wouldn't exist.

So be SPECIFIC. What precisely has the last 4 years did that was detrimental to you? Remember, YOU are not unique in your situation. I'll wait.
Prices went up 20% It hit some much harder than others., but it still hit. No, I am not unique, we're all in this together.
Donald Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt got dissed and dismissed during an interview on CNN Monday, and the former president’s allies are up in arms.

Leavitt was speaking with CNN’s Kasie Hunt when she began criticizing the network, which will host the first Biden-Trump presidential debate on Thursday, June 27.

“So I’ll just say my colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle,” Hunt rebutted. “I’ll also say that if you talk to analysts of previous debates, that if you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing.”

Trump crowed, blustered, and bragged that he would debate Biden 'anytime, anywhere'.
You mean a figurative disaster. They weren't a disaster for me.
Letting MILLIONS of unvetted poor people into the United States many of who have been released from prison in their country is a disaster. Even Christopher Wray says that has put the US at risk of a major terrorist attack.
Letting MILLIONS of unvetted poor people into the United States many of who have been released from prison in their country is a disaster. Even Christopher Wray says that has put the US at risk of a major terrorist attack.
There were terrorist attacks under trump despite his lies to the contrary. And this doesn't include the homegrown terrorist attacks.

Dec. 6, 2019: “A member of the Saudi Air Force, identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, opened fire on a classroom in the Naval Air Base in Pensacola, Florida, United States.

Dec. 17, 2017: “An assailant driving a Home Depot rental truck entered a bike path in an attempt to run over civilians on the West Side Highway in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States. Following the initial attack, the assailant exited the vehicle and was shot by a police officer after displaying imitation firearms. At least eight people, including two citizens from the United States, five Argentinian tourists, and one Belgian tourist, were killed and 13 other people, including the assailant, were injured in the attack.

The cost of living has increased dramatically since your imbecile has taken office. Prove me wrong, libturd.
:rolleyes: Did you even READ the information, bunky? Probably not. I'll dumb it down for you: Remember the hoop-la about the stagnation of imports at our docks? Shortages of products? This was AFTER Covid put a freeze on everything. Now if you're stupid enough to think those 2 things didn't have an effect on prices, there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.
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No, but I'm not suffering. And neither are you and the majority of cons who whine about the economy. I read all their posts about home improvements, new cars, vacations, fancy meals etc. All the things that people who really are suffering can't afford.
Could it be that many are living beyond their means? Just saying the hell with it and worry about it later?
There's lots of things I'd like to have and do that the current economy won't allow.. Yep, I had my bathroom
remodeled and added a walk-in shower. I'm keeping my 7 yr. old car, although I'd like a new Bronco. I'd like
to take a few weeks and go visit out West, but I'll be lucky to go spend a weekend at the races.
Fancy meals? I'm content with a burger and fries. I'm the cook during the week, so you can guess there aren't
too many fancy meals served in our home., although I do sometimes amaze myself and put on a feast.
No, I'm not suffering, but I was better off 5 years ago than I am today. It didn't help spending $30k unexpectedly
on a motor (boys and their toys, and all that...), hopefully I can recoup some of what I spent (BTW, the GF was
NOT happy!) when it comes time to sell the sports car. It did win Best of Show at the last car show I went to....
:rolleyes: Did you even READ the information, bunky? Probably not. I'll dumb it down for you: Remember the hoop-la about the stagnation of imports at our docks? Shortages of products? This was AFTER Covid put a freeze on everything. Now if you're stupid enough to think those 2 things didn't have an effect on prices, there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.
I'll tell you what has an adverse effect on prices. Energy costs. Mainly, transportation costs.
Unless you're fortunate enough to live in farm country (and prices here are lower, but still inflated)
damn near everything you buy comes by truck. Diesel fuel is expensive, far higher than it's ever been.
Add truck insurance, road taxes, maintenance costs, the lack of drivers (yep, they make damn good
money, too), it's no wonder things are so expensive. If we can become more energy independent and
lower fuel costs, that would have a great impact on the prices of everything. Every movement gets a
fuel surcharge these days, they started implementing them back in 2001.
Now, if you're stupid enough to think that doesn't have an effect on prices, I'll sell your bridge back.
I'll tell you what has an adverse effect on prices. Energy costs. Mainly, transportation costs.
Unless you're fortunate enough to live in farm country (and prices here are lower, but still inflated)
damn near everything you buy comes by truck. Diesel fuel is expensive, far higher than it's ever been.
Add truck insurance, road taxes, maintenance costs, the lack of drivers (yep, they make damn good
money, too), it's no wonder things are so expensive. If we can become more energy independent and
lower fuel costs, that would have a great impact on the prices of everything. Every movement gets a
fuel surcharge these days, they started implementing them back in 2001.
Now, if you're stupid enough to think that doesn't have an effect on prices, I'll sell your bridge back.

Man, do you blow a lot smoke out of your ass to try and deny reality and justify your intellectually stubborn myopia.

I'll dumb it down for you: The Covid Virus panic PUT A SERIOUS STAGNATION AND/OR PERIODIC HALT TO EVERY THING YOU LISTED. People can't show up for work in usual numbers, hospitals over flowing with patients, etc. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Try doing some homework as to just how much and what products America imports on a daily basis ... or were you asleep during all those "shortages" in various super markets, pharmacies, etc.? If you're delusional enough to think that within a 2 year period of the aforementioned DIDN'T effect current prices, then I can sell you that Brooklyn Bridge. Hell, Wall St. speculation fucks up the economy regardless of the actual physical reality of the products they trade on. A matter of fact, a matter of history.

You can't BS past me on this, toodles....the chronology of the posts won't let you. But you stupidly will just keep regurgitating the SOS as if nothing else matters but your myopic world view. So much more to pity you.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 year old.