May 1st. Is this when the Country re-opens?

The poor nurses and doctors who have to risk their lives to tend to the patients who contract the virus...should have a very large say in WHEN we re-open...and HOW we re-open. It should be a decision based primarily upon MEDICAL considerations...not political ones.

I doubt that will happen.

Mostly we are going to learn about when and how to re-open in future assessing the results of what happens when and how we do it for this one.

From the sounds of things...I suspect we may be in a shitload of trouble.
The poor nurses and doctors who have to risk their lives to tend to the patients who contract the virus...should have a very large say in WHEN we re-open...and HOW we re-open. It should be a decision based primarily upon MEDICAL considerations...not political ones.

I doubt that will happen.

Mostly we are going to learn about when and how to re-open in future assessing the results of what happens when and how we do it for this one.

From the sounds of things...I suspect we may be in a shitload of trouble.
Why do you think they have no say? I see nothing but concern and respect for everyone risking their lives to help others get through this....I don't see "politics"....
Whatever decisions are made when it comes to reopening involve risk....we all have to work together....
Thin about restaurants, bars, shopping centers, retail stores movie theaters- Its gonna be a long time before people start returning to those places. This economy is going to be in bad shape for years to come.

And the stock market will go to moon. Go figure.
I really think the market is set to retest its recent lows. With probably over 30 million unemployed by the end of this week, no one should be bullish on this market.

Agreed but every time the Fed announces they're printing more free money to dish out the market goes up 500+ points . It's crazy.
Why do you think they have no say?

Where the fuck did I say they have no say?

Do you read the material you are responding to? Do you read your responses before hitting the POST button?

I see nothing but concern and respect for everyone risking their lives to help others get through this....I don't see "politics"....
Whatever decisions are made when it comes to reopening involve risk....we all have to work together....

I stopped after reading the words, "I see nothing..."...because you had already hit the nail on its head...and I agree that you don't.

Okay...ball in your court. Take another swing. ;)
Where the fuck did I say they have no say?

Do you read the material you are responding to? Do you read your responses before hitting the POST button?

I stopped after reading the words, "I see nothing..."...because you had already hit the nail on its head...and I agree that you don't.

Okay...ball in your court. Take another swing. ;)
LOL.. I'm sorry you didn't get to finish reading my post...;) You'll be in a better mood when you do get to take a swing....ball's on your tee;)
Agreed but every time the Fed announces they're printing more free money to dish out the market goes up 500+ points . It's crazy.

Exactly. I've seen a couple people post they think the market would drop because of high unemployment numbers. Do they not think that wasn't already expected and priced in originally when we went to shelter-in-place? They are so focused on Trump and wanting these unemployment numbers to make him look bad so he'll lose in November that they can't view the activity from an investors perspective.

The market was getting crushed until the Fed stepped in as you pointed out. That was the game changer. New unemployment numbers have been priced in already. (It's not like investors are sitting at home today thinking to themselves "Wow, I had no idea unemployment might go so high during a global pandemic and the government essentially shutting down our economy. I didn't sell a month ago but I'm going to sell today")
Colorado is slowly re-opening. We're now under "Safer at home" orders rather than "Stay at home" orders... It's nuanced...
I feel like things change w/ each passing day. I understand some of the dire predictions, but who knows what's going to happen as we re-open. Some of the reports seem to indicate that MANY more have had this thing than thought.

I don't fully understand the concept of "herd immunity," but if we start gradually reopening over the next month+ without huge spikes in the negative #'s, people might be more willing to get back to restaurants & the rest sooner than we think. Especially with proper precautions being taken.

I'm sure there will also be a whole slew of new kinds of businesses coming out of this, also. As always, entrepreneurial types will adapt and figure out what businesses will position best for the new mentality most will have.

Wouldn't shock me a bit to be in a sort of "new normal" come fall that most will feel very normal in. Kind of like post-9/11 - it WAS a new normal, but it quickly became normal for most of us, with only a few complaints about longer waits at airports to indicate the change.
Completely anecdotal...... We are eating restaurant meals and fast food meals two or three times a week, no different than before the pandemic. The only difference is that these are pickup and delivery meals only. So these restaurants are doing at least partial business without having to open up their dining room or paying their servers and bus people. There are a lot more food delivery drivers than there were before. So what impact would re-opening the dining rooms have? Would the extra cost be offset by the amount of business that dines in? I have my doubts. The restaurant, hotel, airline, travel and leisure industries, along with sporting venues, festivals and concerts are totally crippled until a vaccine is developed. Basically, discretionary spending patterns are indelibly altered until there is a vaccine. There is nothing that can be done about it.
Completely anecdotal...... We are eating restaurant meals and fast food meals two or three times a week, no different than before the pandemic. The only difference is that these are pickup and delivery meals only. So these restaurants are doing at least partial business without having to open up their dining room or paying their servers and bus people. There are a lot more food delivery drivers than there were before. So what impact would re-opening the dining rooms have? Would the extra cost be offset by the amount of business that dines in? I have my doubts. The restaurant, hotel, airline, travel and leisure industries, along with sporting venues, festivals and concerts are totally crippled until a vaccine is developed. Basically, discretionary spending patterns are indelibly altered until there is a vaccine. There is nothing that can be done about it.

I realize that the bolded is conventional wisdom in some circles, but the thinking really needs to change on that. We may never have a vaccine - people keep throwing 12 or 18 months out there like it's a "just add water" thing, but they have no idea if anything will work.

We have to adjust our thinking on that. The herd immunity option is more likely, imo - just based on what I've read.

Regardless, those industries simply can't shut down for 1-2 years, or operate at at 50%. The economic pain & poverty that will result will be far more damaging to life & livelihood than the virus.
I realize that the bolded is conventional wisdom in some circles, but the thinking really needs to change on that. We may never have a vaccine - people keep throwing 12 or 18 months out there like it's a "just add water" thing, but they have no idea if anything will work.

We have to adjust our thinking on that. The herd immunity option is more likely, imo - just based on what I've read.

Regardless, those industries simply can't shut down for 1-2 years, or operate at at 50%. The economic pain & poverty that will result will be far more damaging to life & livelihood than the virus.

Then those industries are unfortunately going to fail. We can't will people to go back to restaurants, or sporting events, or concerts. We can't will them back onto airplanes. The idea of 're-opening' the economy ignores the element of human nature. To your point, right now people are waiting for a vaccine. In the absence of that, some but not all of those people will accept wholesale antibody testing as an alternative. But not anywhere near all. The reality is that it isn't the Governors shutting down the economy, it's the virus. I'm sure you've been here long enough to know how immovable the misinformed can be. So hoping that 'the thinking' is going to change just isn't realistic.