May 1st. Is this when the Country re-opens?

Exactly. I've seen a couple people post they think the market would drop because of high unemployment numbers. Do they not think that wasn't already expected and priced in originally when we went to shelter-in-place? They are so focused on Trump and wanting these unemployment numbers to make him look bad so he'll lose in November that they can't view the activity from an investors perspective.

The market was getting crushed until the Fed stepped in as you pointed out. That was the game changer. New unemployment numbers have been priced in already. (It's not like investors are sitting at home today thinking to themselves "Wow, I had no idea unemployment might go so high during a global pandemic and the government essentially shutting down our economy. I didn't sell a month ago but I'm going to sell today")

I lost 50k initially but last I checked, two weeks ago, I had gained half of it back,
The famous tree scene has made that tree a State landmark. People travel from all over to see it. I know a few folks in Marion and they tell stories about the cast and crew hanging out at local dive bars.

I heard that the tree had been struck by lightning or felled in a thunderstorm. Admittedly I heard that on an episode of 'The Rewatchables', but they are usually pretty spot on in their research. I do have a shirt with Andy & Red's Fishing Excursions on it. So I am definitely a fan.
No, because our medical system is expensive crap we cant get back to anything like normal without treatments that work, which we dont have. As for a vaccine, there is no reason for optimism that we will ever have one.

Eventually the Depression will demand that we get back to work as much as we can even if the medial system cant deal with the bug, therefor even if lots of people have to die to do so.

Buckle Up....dark days are ahead.

What is stopping you from moving to some Socialist shit hole like Cuba? Why stay in a country you hate?
I lost 50k initially but last I checked, two weeks ago, I had gained half of it back,

I'm a long term investor so I barely look at my accounts. I'm just saying the Fed's actions have been the driver of the rebound and I'd argue people's belief that government won't let businesses fail (not saying that's a good thing, just saying I believe it's priced into the market)
Ouch, the taxes are going to hurt, or are you investing in gold?

I'm just gonna buy stuff I want. I don't see a point in investing or saving anymore. It's a pipedream at this point. Might as well get SOME use out of the money I've put away while I still can.
I'm just gonna buy stuff I want. I don't see a point in investing or saving anymore. It's a pipedream at this point. Might as well get SOME use out of the money I've put away while I still can.

Without knowing the big picture of what else you have going on personally is this just a YOLO millennial fvck everything belief?