Men Who Will Be Needing Their Hands


Once word of this gets out in their hometowns.

Whatever the merits, you're not getting any of you are whining that women are getting half-priced drinks and you're me.

'Ladies' Night' Lawsuits on the Rocks?
The Age-Old Tradition Is Threatened by Lawsuits Nationwide
July 25, 2007 —

Lawsuits could be putting "Ladies' Nights" at bars and clubs across the country on the rocks.

In about two dozen cases, plaintiffs contend these drink and admission deals for women constitute discrimination against men and should be banned.

Roy Den Hollander is a New York lawyer who says Ladies' Night drinks and admission specials are unconstitutional, and he says he's suffered personally. Hollander is also a graduate of Columbia Business School and seems like a guy who should be able to get into a decent bar and afford the drinks. So what irks him?

"I'm tired of having my rights violated and being treated as a second-class citizen," said Hollander, who is seeking class-action status for his suit in federal court.

Tim Gleason, general manager of the China Club in New York, calls Hollander's complaint "pathetic" and echoes other club owners who argue that the discounts actually help both sexes by balancing out the ratio between men and women. Nevermind that some men are more than happy to pay for inequality in the ratio department.
Are there still men who look for love and dates at "Bars"?

I can't recall ever dating someone I met at a bar.

Maybe Cawacko's still into that. ;) That whole bar dating thing was never my scene.
You have a right to cheap alcohol?

The bar owners have a right to offer cheap alchohol, but that's not my point. I specifically said "whatever the merits", if you are a man and you filed this suit, you're a loser. One of those guys whining about women get special treatment and have it so great. Those guys never get laid. That's just a fact.
The bar owners have a right to offer cheap alchohol, but that's not my point. I specifically said "whatever the merits", if you are a man and you filed this suit, you're a loser. One of those guys whining about women get special treatment and have it so great. Those guys never get laid. That's just a fact.
I was making fun of the guy who was suing.

Second class citizen indeed.
One of those guys whining about women get special treatment and have it so great. Those guys never get laid.

Are there still men who look for love and dates at "Bars"?

I can't recall ever dating someone I met at a bar.

Maybe Cawacko's still into that. ;) That whole bar dating thing was never my scene.

Cawacko probably doesn't bitch about women paying less for drinks, but we'll have to ask him.
"I'm tired of having my rights violated and being treated as a second-class citizen," said Hollander, who is seeking class-action status for his suit in federal court.

The whiner is probably angling for a settlement.

He deserves to be branded with a big L on his forehead, that particular symbol denoting "LOSER!"

The previous suits in which these types of complaints have gained traction all refer to the principle of equal protection under the law, and equal application of the law, under whichever government is governed by that particular constitution (Federal or State). Since a private agreement between a bar and a patron is private commerce, not law, the Federal court would err in granting certiorari to this case.

In a non-politically correct world, in a Constitutionally bound world, not one in which the federal governemt has overreached its authorized powers, this would be thrown out on its face as completely lacking merit.
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Seems tolme, the bar owners have the right to charge what they want to who the want. and if you don't like it, get out.
If it didn't work, as men didn't want to pay that 'extra' for their drinks, they would stop doing it.
Are there still men who look for love and dates at "Bars"?

I can't recall ever dating someone I met at a bar.

Maybe Cawacko's still into that. ;) That whole bar dating thing was never my scene.

The last three weddings I've been too were all people who met in bars. As I've gotten older I've haven't gone to bars as much but I still do it and if I meet someone great there that's fine with me.

As far as this "guy" who filed this lawsuit if I ever met him I would literally kick him in the balls as hard as I could. F*cking idiot.
The last three weddings I've been too were all people who met in bars. As I've gotten older I've haven't gone to bars as much but I still do it and if I meet someone great there that's fine with me.

As far as this "guy" who filed this lawsuit if I ever met him I would literally kick him in the balls as hard as I could. F*cking idiot.

The last three weddings I've been too were all people who met in bars. As I've gotten older I've haven't gone to bars as much but I still do it and if I meet someone great there that's fine with me.

As far as this "guy" who filed this lawsuit if I ever met him I would literally kick him in the balls as hard as I could. F*cking idiot.

For real?

I think the last time I went into a bar, with any remote intentions of hooking up, was about 20 years ago. And I've had plenty of girlfriends, but not a single one I met in a bar.

Different strokes, different folks. ;)
As far as this "guy" who filed this lawsuit if I ever met him I would literally kick him in the balls as hard as I could. F*cking idiot.
And that would accomplish exactly nothing, as he has no balls.
For real?

I think the last time I went into a bar, with any remote intentions of hooking up, was about 20 years ago. And I've had plenty of girlfriends, but not a single one I met in a bar.

Different strokes, different folks. ;)

I don't know maybe its a big city thing. But that's what many people who worked in the financial district did on the weekends in S.F., go to bars. Not necessarily to say "I hope to find my wife here tonight" but definitely to have fun and hook up if it happens. Obviously something that's not appealing to everyone.

The new thing of course is on-line dating with and eHarmony. There are two people in my office who met their spouse on and a third who's engage. Makes sense in a way when people work 60 - 70 hour weeks it doesn't always leave a lot of time to go out meeting people.
I don't know maybe its a big city thing. But that's what many people who worked in the financial district did on the weekends in S.F., go to bars. Not necessarily to say "I hope to find my wife here tonight" but definitely to have fun and hook up if it happens. Obviously something that's not appealing to everyone.

The new thing of course is on-line dating with and eHarmony. There are two people in my office who met their spouse on and a third who's engage. Makes sense in a way when people work 60 - 70 hour weeks it doesn't always leave a lot of time to go out meeting people.

Yeah, I've never used one of those internet dating sites, but they are probably fine. You know me Cawacko, I use political message boards for that. ;)
I don't know maybe its a big city thing. But that's what many people who worked in the financial district did on the weekends in S.F., go to bars. Not necessarily to say "I hope to find my wife here tonight" but definitely to have fun and hook up if it happens. Obviously something that's not appealing to everyone.

The new thing of course is on-line dating with and eHarmony. There are two people in my office who met their spouse on and a third who's engage. Makes sense in a way when people work 60 - 70 hour weeks it doesn't always leave a lot of time to go out meeting people.
Something like 70% of marriages began by meeting at work.

Mine did. Of course we met back when I was 17, and she 16 while we both worked at an amusement park.